What Are You Happy About Today?

I know it's morning for me but I wanted to make a post here and thank everyone who gave me Christmas lights! It's been so much fun sending them out to lots of users while getting plenty back in return. Unfortunately, I'm not in the right mindset to ping those people for no reason but if you're reading this and you sent me Christmas lights, please know that I admire your generosity! 💜

And I especially must thank @ZeldaCrossing64 for gifting me this cute blue present! I had a hard time sleeping earlier because my sister was studying and she had the lights on, so seeing the message they put on it lifted my spirits. I'm very grateful to have a partner who also means so much to me. 🥰💕

Now, if you excuse me, I'll be off preparing for my finals. See you then!
i've decided to make a slayers amv of the slayers next opening, give a reason... the ballade version... on lightworks : D

that's my 13th fully finished
D9E5wdPXkAUwXAx... (s2 ep 18).jpg
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- Sooo, my family recently came into some money, so we're probably gonna be moving house next year! V happy about it, our house is too small and pretty old 😁

- Had a nice day off, and glad I have tomorrow off too! I ate some good Indian food for dinner and tried some Hungarian marzipan liqueur in my coffee.

- Visited my brother and his family today, which was nice! Got confirmation they can go to Spain with me next year, so we should be booking that soon :)
I am just so proud of my dad! Holidays have been tough since my mom died. She was always the one who did the shopping and made the magic. We're strong together, but it takes us a bit to even get in the mood to decorate.

Today, while I was at work, my dad went to two stores BY HIMSELF to Christmas shop. He took a list of interests, picked things out, and WRAPPED them so that they were under the tree and in my stocking before I got home. I've never seen him wrap a gift in my life let alone go out shopping.😂

He is genuinely trying so hard (and succeeding) in keeping the holidays alive. I truly think I was blessed with the best parents in the world. I'm so thankful for him, with or without the gifts :")
Completed my entry for the second part of Myths of Merriment (and might've had too much fun with it), and did an extra submission for Secret Stocking Stuffers!!

My parents and I got to see Grian’s first episode of Impossible Minecraft this evening!
Really late post (whoops), but today I'm happy because I got up early for work, had a great time while there, and came home and had a LOT of yummy food including sushi. I also obtained Hoshimi Miyabi m6 in Zenless Zone Zero and already have her fully built. Really having fun with this update. My year-end work bonus will be here soon, as will one of the Christmas gifts I got my family. Also got to chat more with some friends of mine. Hope everyone continues to have a good week! :blush:




Today was not a bad day. I got the rest of the Christmas gifts that I needed to get.

I’m happy that I got my Jingle’s Workshop done and am pretty happy with how it turned out. If I didn’t have more activities to do, I’d have tried to come up with more ideas. I had a lot of fun making it!

I just some some complete tickets in Pocket Camp and I got something I wanted; I have an idea for a future possible setup for my campsite or cabin 🙂; maybe some for my camper depending on the colors I go for the furniture inside it (unless I just mix it up and don’t care if anything matches lol).

I was actually trying to get the three star calico statue first lol. This set isn’t one of the sets I want the most, but at the same time, I can’t help but find it so appealing. I’m debating buying some more cookies or something from the complete sets of the limited time/premium items. So many cute stuff; I got a couple of different themes I want to try. I don’t have any specific ideas in mind though in how I want to decorate anything though.

I crafted some more of the cute gingerbread furniture :D; I don’t have enough of the material to get everything right now; I’m hoping to get that material at shovelstrike quarry soon 🤞 and more frequently since there is so much limited time stuff I want and so few complete tickets which I’m using for fortune cookies too.

I received some really nice messages from friends on my greeting card; it really made me happy 🙂.

I had another nice chat with @Giddy and also with @Xara :D.

I caught Jewels giving me a jealous stare this morning when Spanky was snuggling with me. 😅😹 In the evening, my mom had a big box out in the living room that she threw out, but before she could do that, Spanky jumped inside. I love my girls so much 🥰. I was not pleased with Jewels a couple hours or so ago; she whacked her sister for no reason other than she wanted the spot she was sleeping to herself 😅. Some time after that, she bullied her sister by wrestling her since she wanted the spot Spanky was laying on 😅.


I’m looking forward to starting my next entry tomorrow!
  • I drew today after a bit of brief hiatus from drawing ✍️ as much as I love violin it’s nice to have an additional hobby that I can do literally any time of day without bothering my neighbors with the noise lol
  • I slept pretty decently despite my cat waking me up early, she does it every morning. She starts snuggling with me and purring and biting my fingers and patting g at my face lol it would be annoying if it wasn’t also adorable lol
  • Volunteering has been going well with the rescue kitties
  • 1 week till Christmas!!!! 🎄 super hyped :)
i've finally finished my slayers amv of zelgadis's song ''we are'' on lightworks! i managed to finish it today! : D

now i can check it & then eng subtitle it tomorrow

then i can try my hardest, continuing with my other slayers amv of xellos's other song ''Secret (Dareka no message) '' after that, sometime 💖
I played Mistreil’s new Santa Search game this morning, and it was super fun and cute!! I had a nice slow morning in general which was quite lovely too ;w;

Finally got around to playing the Retro Pop Fair rerun in Fashion Dreamer!! I was getting antsy about completing it soon too because it ends on Christmas and I hate cutting it close to deadlines aklfjskdlgd I also saw that they added a plain version of the fishtail braid without the mermaid accessories!!! 😭 I was gonna be happy with the mermaid hair forever but I love love love having a plain version. I treasure any low single-braid hairstyle games with customization are willing to give me because this feels super rare for some reason

Watched some Youtube videos with my mom, and this evening both my parents and I got to see Grian’s second Impossible Minecraft episode! c:

Also had a really funny conversation with my mom and aunt over text this evening ahaha
Happy today because I had a relaxing last day off for the year, and it was quite nice! I finished the newest story in Zenless Zone Zero and also completed Mistreil's game, which was very cute and enjoyable! One of the Christmas gifts I ordered for my family finally arrived and I'm working on wrapping it now to go under our tree. I still need to send out Christmas cards to my family across the nation, but thankfully there's some spare ones I can use, so I don't have to buy any, yay!! Now I'm about to head to bed as it's back to work tomorrow. Hope everyone had a good day! :blush: 💚
Today was okay! Right now I’m working on my stocking stuffer drawing. I think I’m happy with it so far; it’s taking me time, so not sure how many I’ll have time to do after this. I might do my myths right after and then do the extras in the time left over 🙂.

I got one of the cards of my favorite Pokemon today in the tcg app :D.


I just posted on twitter for first time in months and one of my friends was happy to see me and my kitties again. 😺 I really miss chatting with my friends there but mental health hasn’t been good to go on because of some of the things I follow or see on my timeline sometimes.

I received some more art from @Yanrima~ :D! I love it so much ☺️; Jack Frost looks perfect in her style.


I had a nice chat with @Giddy @Yanrima~ and @Mimi Cheems too! :D

I got some really kind comments on my greeting card; it really made me so happy ☺️. I know I still have to improve and learn so much if I want to get better and become more serious about drawing, but I’m really happy with it. I’m glad I got ambitious for this activity 🙂. It was challenging but I felt like I got the hang of using layers and the shape tools even more; I’ve been familiar with layers in photo editing but not using them to help me with shading and colors. Drawing digitally is seriously so much fun; it should be more once I get a drawing stylus and a better program with better tools. :D

I got some snuggles from Spanky today; I think she fell asleep under the blankets for a few minutes ☺️.

I got some more flower hybrids in pocket camp. I got blue tulips, blue red pansy, yellow blue pansy :D. I also got a white tulip recently too!

I’m still having so much fun with pocket camp. I really love the planner that I have and the stickers;


This sticker I put down by mistake since I saw there was a clothes hanger and no image so I had no idea what the sticker looked like. But apparently it means it’ll put a sticker of my character in whatever outfit she’s wearing. Look Punchy, no hands! 😹😹

I have the travel planner! The background looks really cool :D; I am tempted to get the starry sky one too 👀.

I was traded gifts with some friends today; I love the messages that they gave me ☺️.

My mood is starting to pick up more 🙂.
- My mom baked some yummy homemade cake. The lemon blueberry cake was alright though I liked the strawberry one better.
- Played AC: New Leaf and I received a perfect orange from mom. Woohoo, this is the second perfect fruit I've received in the game after the perfect apple.
- My sister came over to visit and brought Luka.
Luna sleeping 12.JPG
Luka picture 4.JPG
- Watched some anime in the evening. I also finished watching the latest Pokémon Horizons anime on Netflix and adored it.
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