What are you reading?

I'm still trying to get around to finishing this Nikola Tesla bio by W. Bernard Carlson. Half of the book is an interesting bio about Tesla, going back to his days as a kid, how he grew up and his inventions and his wylin presentations that sent some people running away because they thought he was doing sorcery. That part is very interesting.

The other half is technical mumbo-jumbo that I can't fully understand because I'm not too bright in the field of science, primarily electric DC gizmos from the late 1800s. The book goes into details with sketches and descriptive step-by-step points about how they work. That part is not fun at all.

Ah yes, I started reading this back in 2018 😭 💀
SO it's super duper hard for me to read. my brain doesn't seem to latch onto stuff like that too well. i used to read a lot as a kid, so i dunno what happened! but i reeeally wanna read the original watership down. i even had my library order it, i rented it, and then proceeded to not even touch it. i'll read it ooone daaaay.
i just finished reading just better than the movies....... tbh it's was cute ngl but i did judge myself when i finished it
I just got started with three new books and one of them is a light novel (making it the first light novel I have ever read). I so far like two out of the three.

'It had to be Mason' by Emily Lowry.
'Hello World' by Mado Nozaki
'Sweeter than Chocolate ' by Lizzie Shane
i said it in some other reading/books thread but i'm currently reading "readme.txt" by chelsea manning. i love books about politics as well as autobiographies so it hits the spot with both. she also goes into her identity as a transgender woman which i love.
Finished Prisoner of Azkaban (5/5 stars!)

Now onto Goblet of Fire :LOL: I've put the red rising series on hold for now because HP is consuming me atm.
I finished up William Golding’s “Lord of the Flies” for school and of all the books I’ve read because of a curriculum, it's currently my favorite. Had it not been assigned reading, I wouldn't have discovered and appreciated its allegorical layers.

Later I might get to the "Howl's Moving Castle" trilogy by Diana Wynne Jones, "Patron Saints of Nothing" by Randy Ribay, and this interesting book by Italo Calvino called "If on a winter's night a traveler," which is about trying to read the book of the same name. Yes, that's the premise.
Alone with you in the Ether by Olivie Blake. I know it's a little controversial (romanticizing toxic relationship dynamics), but I'm enjoying it so far. I haven't gotten to the problematic part yet.
Just A Girl by Charles Garvice.

I've grown a fondness for this author. His books are not "good" per se, but they're... pleasantly quaint, I suppose.
I am re-reading A Confederacy of Dunces. This is one of my all time favorite books. So smartly written, but at the same time super goofy!
I'm chewing my way through 'The Stand', one of King's novels. I have a few of his gargantuan titles, 1400 pages usually. the book is so huge im surprised it doesn't explode out of its binding when I open it. I like when the book im reading struggles to hold itself physically together, its part of the fun to be honest.
I really want to branch away from King and read different genres, adventure, ? historical romance maybe.
Finished Goblet of Fire (4/5 stars) and I'm now reading Order of the Phoenix! This is the film I remember least so I'm really enjoying reading it ^^

Total books read in February: 2
Total books for this year: 7/20
I'm trying to make my way through Fyodor Dostoevsky' The House of the Dead, slowly, alongside all of the other scholarly material I'm obliged to read.
(Spoiler for Trials of Apollo #3, The Burning Maze)

I'm about halfway through The Lost Hero currently. If I could only read Leo and Piper's chapters, I would, but Jason's important to the plot, so I have to push through. Can't wait to finally be done so I can start Son of Neptune, (and I also can't wait for TBM because Jason dies! I really don't like him...) that one has the good people.
I'm reading Sweet Bean Paste by Durian Sutegawa! c:

I'm really enjoying it so far. I love the expressive word choices, a lot. I'm trying to get into reading more, since I started a new medication that will help me focus on reading things. So I figured this book would be perfect ! It's short enough for me to read quickly. Right now I'm only on page 10, but I will give more updates the further I get into it! ^_^
Finished HBP and Deathly Hallows - my first time reading the HP series through and it was infinitely better than the movies!

Now continuing with Morning Star (part of the red rising series)

Books read this year: 10/20