what color are your eyes ? what color have you always wanted ?

Green. I used to wear blue, grey, and brown contacts in the past but now I'm happy with what I was given.
Mine are green! I like my eye color now, but when I was little I was obsessed with purple eyes and wished my eyes were purple instead ahaha.
My eyes are gray blue, and sometimes look green if I’m wearing green. I’m happy with my eye color and wouldn’t change it
My eyes are olive green and brown. I'm quite happy with them, when I was younger I wished I had purple eyes lol
Mine are a mix between hazel and dark brown, and I've always wanted dark blue eyes, almost brown, but in the sunlight they turn blue. Eye color is one of the first features I notice on people and blue ones are my favorite.
my eyes are dark brown, very close to black </3
ive always wanted hazel eyes since my dad has them and they're really cool looking
They are green, but not a beautiful green, a green I've never seen before. Very dark, very boring, kind of kaki but not that much. I don't like my eyes.

Wanted blue eyes, very light, glowing. I love blue eyes.
mine are a bit of a hazel/coco brown. people have always complimented my color as they are very bright and warm. ive always wanted green eyes (my mother has the prettiest green/blue color and ive always been jealous of her). what color are your eyes and which ones would you rather have ? (ur eyes are beautiful no matter what !) i guess we can also talk about colored contacts n such. ive never worn them but ive always wanted to cosplay so maybe then !

My eyes are a forest emerald green, but I've always wanted grey eyes. They are so unique and interesting! my girlfriend has beautiful shining brown eyes like a disney princess.
when i was a kid, i read this book where the character had grey eyes and since i'd never seen anyone with that eye color before i thought that would be the coolest color! but now that i'm older i'm happy with what i have y'know? also contacts scare me so i don't think i'll ever be trying out what grey eyes would look like on me hehe
Blue but I’ve always loved & wanted green. My mum and grandma both have green eyes but unfortunately I wasn’t blessed with that gene 😢
I have brown eyes. I wanted blue for a while but now I can't really picture myself with anything but brown, so I am pretty happy with what I have lol
I have brown eyes with a little black dot in one, sometimes I wish it was a warmer shade of brown.
my eyes are dark brown, I use to want blue eyes when I was younger but now I love my brown eyes :)
My eyes are very dark brown, the same color as my hair. I look the same as my mom in terms of eyes and hair, so much so that it's easy to tell I'm her daughter. I've never had the desire for another eye color.
I have dark brown eyes and hair. However, I always was drawn to people with green or blue eyes, even as a kid. My mother has green eyes with blonde hair while my father has black hair and dark brown eyes. When I was born, my mother said I had much lighter colored hair nd she said my eyes were a hazel green. They then changed overtime to much darker colors haha
As always it’s a case of wanting what you don’t have 😂 I have blue eyes which I am fine with but I always think that brown eyes are gorgeous. My mum has green eyes which are are really unusual and beautiful.