What has been your top 3 favorite events in the 2022 TBT Fair?

What has been your top 3 favourite events of the TBT Fair?

  • The Wishing Well

    Votes: 71 47.7%
  • Ethereal Ensembles

    Votes: 12 8.1%
  • Where is Gnome?

    Votes: 15 10.1%
  • Witch's Quest

    Votes: 79 53.0%
  • Whimsical Wardrobe

    Votes: 17 11.4%
  • Haniwa Homes

    Votes: 47 31.5%
  • Forest of the Lustrous

    Votes: 48 32.2%
  • Mysteries of the Monolith

    Votes: 21 14.1%
  • Enchanted Elixirs

    Votes: 11 7.4%
  • Hidden Hideaways

    Votes: 15 10.1%
  • Leif's Labyrinth

    Votes: 41 27.5%
  • Count Inside the Bottle

    Votes: 14 9.4%
  • Your Gnomeo

    Votes: 4 2.7%
  • The Gaming Grove

    Votes: 22 14.8%

  • Total voters
1) I loved whimsical wardrobe because me and Kattea got to do them together
2) Leif's Labyrinth was CRAZY - Mistreil deserves one hundred thousand mushroom rings for making that
3) I struggled hard with Ethereal Ensembles, but it was satisfying to have my re-entry accepted 😌
I loooove Witchs Quest. I am hoping every event that there is something like that. :LOL:
1. HANIWA HOMES.... so much fun yet so short... I wish there were more rounds of it!

2. Ethereal ensembles cus I feel like I got to know everyone a little better from it. Some of y'all changed icons to different characters and I'm just sitting here like !!! I love that character too!! It's a really nice feeling. Also super impressed by the people who took time to draw new icons/sigs.

3. Count inside the bottle cus I love waiting in excitement for the number to be revealed. The themed bottles are cute. And my answers have been kinda off but I still got a bunch of tickets😌

Choosing just 3 was really hard tho I honestly loved everything... except the mirrors
I see how it is. :cry:

I'm gonna make it extra hard now just to spite you.
These were really hard to narrow down as there were a lot of enjoyable events but I voted for;

The Wishing Well - community events are always a lot of fun and this was a simple and relaxing event to complete, plus the prizes were great - bells, extra tickets, mushrooms and stunning potions!

Haniwa Homes - I always love the in-game decorating events and I liked all the options with the variety of gyroids and their different colours, it was also fun working with a small, limited space and deciding on the best items to use.

Count Inside the Bottle - I really like seeing what is been used in each jar, always so many creative and interesting items, and I enjoy attempting to calculate the amount inside and seeing how close I can get, ended up with some good tickets on the first 2 rounds but don't hold out much hope for the butterflies though!

While there are many other events I could've easily voted for I'll give a special mention to Witch's Quest as the scavenger hunt was a lot of fun, easily accessible and I liked that each round was spread out but not required till towards the end of the far and Leif's Labyrinth as it was a really cute and well designed game, Mistreil's games are always a highlight of any event!
Haniwa Homes: this event felt totally unique, not to mention adorable. One of my favorites not just to create, but also to follow everyone else’s entries. Loved the clever submissions.

The Gaming Grove: usually I don’t do live events, but I have it a shot this year and was surprised how much I loved spectating alongside the community.

The Wishing Well: earning dust while doing normal activities was encouraging and working together as a group made it more fun. Collaborative effort took the pressure off while incentivizing participation.
My favorite events were as follows

3.Ethereal Ensembles
I enjoy setting up displays in NH and I loved that the staff were more lenient on the rules for this event than they have been on similar events in the past. It was nice to be able to choose where to take your screenshot. (either Harv's, your house, HHP, or outside on your island). I feel like having the option on where to take your screenshot opened up oppertunities for all kinds of unique set ups. When I saw that we could set up outside I started working on a spot in my mushroom forest and then the fireworks show started inspiring me to utilize it in my entry. I'm quite proud of my submission for this event.

2. Witch's Quest
I personally love scavenger hunts and this event gave us the opportunity to show of some of our personal knick-knaks. It's always cool to see what others have chosen to post and this event is altogether fun and relaxing

1. Haniwa Homes
Wow I was not expecting to love this event as much as I did! There is such a high percentage of top tier entries on this one. The creativity of the community is truly humbling. I loved looking though these entries the most of any event this year!

Whimsical Wardrobe​

Haniwa Homes​

Witch's Quest.​

I also liked

Enchanted Elixirs​

Where is Gnome?​

The Wishing Well.​

I wish I hadn’t missed so much of the event. I would have loved to make more submissions in the witches quest, whimsical wardrobes and enchanted elixirs!
I may post my missed opportunities in those events here! 😁
My least favorite I participated in was Your Gnomeo. 😕
Ummmm I had to choose 3 but I honestly could have chosen them ALL. I just luv the fair. Every single aspect of it.

To do something so community driven as the wishing well was genius!!! Luv luv luv this!!!

Where is Gnome was hilarious. Luved getting to see what everyone came up with.

Forest of the lustrous was amazing as the coloring is always so much fun to get to do with such gorgeous creations from our talented artists. (And their original creators of course!!!)

Everyone always loves the scavenger hunt so I’m really glad that the witches quest was included.

Oh mysteries of the monolith… lord. I still swear that was peach and not Serena. But no in all seriousness they’re so fun. Time-consuming and hard and hair pulling but it’s not the tbt fair without the damn mirrors.

And speaking of that you could not have a fair without count inside bottle.

Loved getting to do the small space with the gyroids. Everyone had such unique little spaces!

And even though I really am not very good at Mariokart, I still love it so they gaming Grove is always fun. Plus I really love watching Mario party and I am quite certain I may have to get that for Christmas this year!!!

It’s always fun to dress up my character and getting to see everyone’s take on the challenge at hand.

Hidden hideaways was definitely one of my most favorite this year as well because it let me really be creative and I loved that a lot and some of the entries for that were absolutely spectacular.

And last but not least of course, Mistreil’s labyrinth was spectacular!!!!
i honestly enjoyed all the events this fair and am really happy i was able to participate in them all, but the gaming grove, witch’s quest and leif’s labyrinth were definitely my top 3 faves! i was pretty nervous about signing up for my mario party superstars gaming grove sessions as i’d never played that game with others before (let alone while being livestreamed!), but i had an absolute blast both sessions! my performance wasn’t the best + i def need more practice, but everyone i played with and who spectated during my sessions were so so patient and supportive, and i had sm fun. 🥰 would definitely love to play with some of the community again one day, either for an event or just for fun!

i had a lot of fun during the scavenger hunt oblivia hosted last year, so i was super happy about witch’s quest! i loved reading the new request from ‘the witch’ every wednesday and sunday, and i of course loved finding items for my entries and seeing everyone else’s! wouldn’t complain at all if scavenger hunts were included in future events. 😉

and mistreil’s games are always masterpieces. 💙 think it’s impossible for them to make a bad one tbh. they make every tbt event so much more fun. <3

honourable mentions go to haniwa homes and forest of the lustrous! the lineart for the latter was incredible and colouring my entries was so relaxing, and haniwa homes was such a cute idea for an event! i had a blast creating my entry and seeing everyone else’s. 😊
I really liked Witches Quest, the Wishing Well, and the Where is Gnome?.
1. Enchanted Elixirs - I had so much fun creating my evil and good jars. I'm not very artistic, but I can be crafty when the mood strikes me and with this theme it felt easy for me. I also loved seeing what everyone else created.

2. Wishing Well - This event was very engaging. The whole community worked together really well and surpassed all expectations. And the prizes...tickets, bells, mushrooms, and the potions! It was kind of like the advent calendar but on steroids.

3. Mysteries of the Monolith - This was a tough choice. Had the event only been mirrors, it wouldn't have made my top 3, but the cryptograms alone were my favorite rounds of any event. I also loved the I-Spy rounds. I got one of the scribbles right and then bombed the rest of the event, but it's still fun, albeit slightly frustrating, to put my mind to work trying to solve these different types of puzzles. I also really appreciated the format with redemption codes for the initial rounds of each puzzle type. It gave beginners or those of us who just fail at some of these a little leeway.

Honorable Mention:
Witch's Quest - Scavenger hunts are fun. I could count on the tickets every round because I'm a hoarder collector. I made things even more difficult on myself by trying to stay on theme for each round, but that was a big part of what made it so enjoyable. I also love seeing the items other people post.