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What's Bothering You?

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I don't have enough body mass to be scary to anyone, I'm just really angry. And the chances of finding who did it are extremely slim. As much as I'd love to throw some hands, it won't happen mainly because I'm too small and would probably die.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Lol yeah be jelly of my new car with dings and crap but oh well. My parents keep telling me it's irrational to be so angry since no one is actually hurting me directly

eh well cards usually cost quite the dough so yes they are...
It bothers me that how rudeness from some members tends to push other members to leaving this site. The shorter the membership of the person leaving, the more severe the incident. Some of my friends and nice members left because of other rude members.
It bothers me that how rudeness from some members tends to push other members to leaving this site. The shorter the membership of the person leaving, the more severe the incident. Some of my friends and nice members left because of other rude members.

I notice this, too. It makes me really sad. And a lot of new members are always asking for help because they're afraid to mess up and have someone be mean to them when members need to help newer people. It's just sad, but there's nothing to really fix it. I just try and be as kind and helpful to people who genuinely don't understand the site but want to be apart of it.
My bf's mom is never home and never buys food for the house, and since he gives her like all the money he makes each month for rent (food included, according to her) he hasn't eaten for at least a week (maybe some snacks here and there, but not enough to satisfy ANY hunger) But he continues to work out everyday, and I'm getting worried about his health. I've heard that eating on an empty stomach has it's benefits, but not eating at all? I'm scared one of these days he's gonna pass out during a work out and seriously hurt himself... But he won't listen to me and, unfortunately, I can't do anything about it.
Just really getting scared.
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I notice this, too. It makes me really sad. And a lot of new members are always asking for help because they're afraid to mess up and have someone be mean to them when members need to help newer people. It's just sad, but there's nothing to really fix it. I just try and be as kind and helpful to people who genuinely don't understand the site but want to be apart of it.

I'm glad that you're still active here (as you're a member for four years). It's hard to find members who have registered here prior to New Leaf's release in the US, especially in primeval era Bell Tree (2004 to 2006). And when people aren't even a member here for a year, it's worse to see them leave. If they leave before they're six months a member because of how rude other members on this site are, that shows how TBT has bad first impressions on newer members. Those who have been strict or harsh on me on the giveaway from last October were so lucky that I didn't leave (I even forgave them). I wanted to stay here no matter what is going on, while I did almost leave because of how people were being mean to me last March. Welp, I haven't left, but I don't want to see TBT receive a negative reputation for how some members were being rude.
Daggummit. It's 7 PM. I need to eat. I want to eat. I don't WANT to have to go and make it. My mom's gonna kill me if she gets home and I haven't eaten dinner (she gets home sometime after 10)...

I'm doomed, aren't I? .-.

Oh, and on top of that, I have commissions I REALLY need to get to. Yee... ;~;'
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Well,just go to the kitchen
But i know what it feels when the lazyness is controlling u
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I have a muscle in my back when i move my head to the right it hurts scream it hurts move the head up hurts shaking the head hurts moving the right arm HURTS.Even when i drink or eat something when the food passes through the throat HURTS,its very annoying :(
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when you offer to help someone with stuff but they ignore you
wep oh well, now i have an extra few hours woot
idfk to get for lunch cause i cant find the sausages welp

- - - Post Merge - - -

god these sausages smell like crap >.<
windows stop not recognizing my mp3 player jfc.

More like "windows please recognize my mp3 player". I hope it does. I hate it when they reject authorized products, declaring them unauthorized.

What I don't like - when I have my heart set on some food at a fast food place or restaurant, then I realize that it's unavailable at the moment because it's either out of stock or that some machine isn't working. It really irritates me because if I want to eat something at a fast food, I really want it. Sometimes, I accept alternatives when there are some really good ones, but if what I primarily want is the only choice I like, I don't accept alternatives at all.

Normally, I'm not snobbish or bratty, but this is one of those few cases where I am spoiled. It's like "this or nothing". I won't do anything if I don't get what I want, but if I am unwillingly to accept alternatives, I choose not to get anything at all.
More like "windows please recognize my mp3 player". I hope it does. I hate it when they reject authorized products, declaring them unauthorized.

What I don't like - when I have my heart set on some food at a fast food place or restaurant, then I realize that it's unavailable at the moment because it's either out of stock or that some machine isn't working. It really irritates me because if I want to eat something at a fast food, I really want it. Sometimes, I accept alternatives when there are some really good ones, but if what I primarily want is the only choice I like, I don't accept alternatives at all.

Normally, I'm not snobbish or bratty, but this is one of those few cases where I am spoiled. It's like "this or nothing". I won't do anything if I don't get what I want, but if I am unwillingly to accept alternatives, I choose not to get anything at all.

Thanks, it did eventually but sometimes you have to reset it a few times and poke around... It was cheap but hell I don't really want an iPod again.

I feel you.. I can be determined to some things as well and it can irritate me if I can't get it or if people change their minds and are all like "nope let's have this instead".
ugh we have to do dancing for our PDHPE assessment this year, and we are doing the cha cha.
we have to dance with the opposite sex, like im fine with that ah, but the bad thing is that, all the guys have to do a dance display for all the girls, so girls can pick the right dance partner. Like we have to go up to the guys and ask them to be our permanent dance buddies.

I know who i want to dance with, but he might be already 'taken' or might be like 'ha nah'
; -;;
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