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What's Bothering You?

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god dont remember me of dance classes we had to take them like all the time during 6-9th grade because they thought it was soo healthy lol
there's this lady who thinks my name is amber although I've told her repeatedly that Amber isn't my name
there's this lady who thinks my name is amber although I've told her repeatedly that Amber isn't my name


reminds me when I was a kid.. no teacher could pronounce my name correctly when it's really easy(in Swedish and those were Swedish mainly as well).. I'm like dude just read from the paper ya suckers lol
I have to do homework for an AP class I don't even want to take and I still haven't started
I'm not sure if this would even be the right place to post this, because I wouldn't say it's really bother me. More like it's affecting me.

I have had knee problems since 9th grade, I went to the doctors countless times. They kept sending me to physical therapy and giving me glorified ibuprofen. Nothing ever helped. Then it went up to my lower back. I went to the doctor who recommended I see a chiropractor. They say things get worse before they get better. I saw him many times. It made everything worse, every time.

I'm now 19, so five years later. I have been going to the doctor all the time, complaining of the same thing. But this time, I told him that my pain is now in my knees, hips, back, neck, and shoulders. It's a constant pain. It never goes away. Generally one portion hurts more most days; depending on what I'm doing usually. Like now, I'm sitting in a chair, my back is killing me.

He thought I might have rheumatoid arthritis, so he did some blood tests. The doctor calls me yesterday. "They're negative! But the doctor suggests you see a specialist for further examination. I'll call you later with an appointment time."
She never called back.
This morning I got a call but missed it. I called back when I could, but she was at lunch. Finally she called me back and told me the same thing she did yesterday. I informed her I knew this already because she called yesterday offering to set up an appointment. She now tells me "The rest of your blood tests came back. He really suggests you see a specialist because they came back positive with Lupus."

I'm not sure what to do. I've cried, I've been numb. My dad is pissed because I've complained for years and they just now found something. My mom and grandmother are crying because it can be very very serious. I already know it's serious for me just from the excruciating pain that I feel on a daily basis. I was a server, and we worked usually only 5-6 hours at a time. I could barely handle that with my pain. My grandmother thinks I won't be able to work, and that I may have to get disability. I don't want to sit around and do nothing. I want to work. I go insane sitting at home if I have more than one day off because I get so bored. Not only that, but disability isn't enough to live off of. I also don't want someone's tax money to pay for me to sit on my a** all day.

Basically there is no cure for Lupus. Only medication to help mask the pain. It will only get worse with age, and is very chronic. In some cases it can be deadly. I'm sorry if this doesn't go here.
I'm not sure if this would even be the right place to post this, because I wouldn't say it's really bother me. More like it's affecting me.

I have had knee problems since 9th grade, I went to the doctors countless times. They kept sending me to physical therapy and giving me glorified ibuprofen. Nothing ever helped. Then it went up to my lower back. I went to the doctor who recommended I see a chiropractor. They say things get worse before they get better. I saw him many times. It made everything worse, every time.

I'm now 19, so five years later. I have been going to the doctor all the time, complaining of the same thing. But this time, I told him that my pain is now in my knees, hips, back, neck, and shoulders. It's a constant pain. It never goes away. Generally one portion hurts more most days; depending on what I'm doing usually. Like now, I'm sitting in a chair, my back is killing me.

He thought I might have rheumatoid arthritis, so he did some blood tests. The doctor calls me yesterday. "They're negative! But the doctor suggests you see a specialist for further examination. I'll call you later with an appointment time."
She never called back.
This morning I got a call but missed it. I called back when I could, but she was at lunch. Finally she called me back and told me the same thing she did yesterday. I informed her I knew this already because she called yesterday offering to set up an appointment. She now tells me "The rest of your blood tests came back. He really suggests you see a specialist because they came back positive with Lupus."

I'm not sure what to do. I've cried, I've been numb. My dad is pissed because I've complained for years and they just now found something. My mom and grandmother are crying because it can be very very serious. I already know it's serious for me just from the excruciating pain that I feel on a daily basis. I was a server, and we worked usually only 5-6 hours at a time. I could barely handle that with my pain. My grandmother thinks I won't be able to work, and that I may have to get disability. I don't want to sit around and do nothing. I want to work. I go insane sitting at home if I have more than one day off because I get so bored. Not only that, but disability isn't enough to live off of. I also don't want someone's tax money to pay for me to sit on my a** all day.

Basically there is no cure for Lupus. Only medication to help mask the pain. It will only get worse with age, and is very chronic. In some cases it can be deadly. I'm sorry if this doesn't go here.

Was going to post about a headache,but this is waaay important
Im sorry about all the pain you are suffering,i hope things i ur life gets better,again sorry for that :(

I know we don't talk much around here, but if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here for you. I'm not going through any of the same thing you are, but if you just need someone who can be neutral and listen, don't hesitate to contact me if you want. You can get through this, keep being strong. My thoughts are with you and your family. <3

I'm kinda bothered when I went out for ice cream with my mom and somehow ended up getting the "speaking negatively will only bring more negativity into your life" speech.
My mom is with his eternal blackmail
Shes like:Nobody loves me,when i die,everyone is gonna make a party",even when she knows everybody in the family loves her
Seriously,that is uncomfortable and makes everyone in the house bothered by that
Was going to post about a headache,but this is waaay important
Im sorry about all the pain you are suffering,i hope things i ur life gets better,again sorry for that :(

Please don't feel like you shouldn't post what's bothering you either. That was more or less a vent post for me. Thank you very much for reading though. And thank you for the kind words. :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I know we don't talk much around here, but if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here for you. I'm not going through any of the same thing you are, but if you just need someone who can be neutral and listen, don't hesitate to contact me if you want. You can get through this, keep being strong. My thoughts are with you and your family. <3

I'm kinda bothered when I went out for ice cream with my mom and somehow ended up getting the "speaking negatively will only bring more negativity into your life" speech.
And thank you very much as well. It's nice to nice there are some people around here who care about listening to someone they don't even know. I appreciate it. :)
It bothers me that we see multiple threads discussing the Tier system. I'm already getting tired of it. I feel that the thread in the Villager Trading Plaza showing the tiers is good enough. People create stuff like "no love for tier 5?", "who's your favorite tier 4 villager", "what tier has your favorite villager", and "what's your opinion on tier 1". The Tier system was meant to help people on what to do when you want to give one villager to another, not for creating many discussions. I know we have the freedom of speech, but seeing all these duplicates, it annoys me.

I would rather see more pizza threads like last November than tier threads (some of you remember the pizza threads).
My mom,every ****ing day
I love her,but some of the things that happened to us in stores was caused by her and the people there

Yea =.= my mom...over reacts a lot xD then she gets all mad :c
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