Just open the boxes of their favourite items and tell them you’re done, if you want. You don’t actually have to decorate the homes if you don’t want to.-snip-
Just open the boxes of their favourite items and tell them you’re done, if you want. You don’t actually have to decorate the homes if you don’t want to.-snip-
Like said above, sometimes it's just better to just use the items they want add bit more furniture without much thought and leave it, you can always go back to finish them how you'd like which I think is better since then you can add more furniture to your catalog and design it without the rush of finishing yue dlcI wanna complete the Happy Home Paradise DLC in ACNH so I'll be able to decorate my villagers' houses, but the process of decorating in Happy Home Paradise is absolute torture. I get easily overwhelmed whenever I have to decorate any villager's dream home, and it makes me wanna rage quit. And it doesn't help that all the HHP builds I see on social media look so much better than anything I could ever make. Maybe I just not cut out to be an interior designer...
You don’t need to worry! I’m a few years older than you, and I can’t drive, I’ve never had a job or been on a date, and I don’t really have any close friends. I have a vague idea for my future but no proper plans. I often feel behind too, but I suppose it doesn’t really matter. We’ll get where we want to be in the end.-snip-
I'm not particularly old, but I am getting to the age now where people I went to high school with are starting to get married and buy houses and stuff. But there's no timeline to life, and no set ages you need to do anything by. Between my friends I have someone getting married, another travelling the world with their partner, and then others who have never been in a relationship, and live at home with their parents still studying. Heck, I still don't have my license. Most people never have a clear idea what they actually want to do with their lives, but I remember very much feeling the stress when I was about your age. But looking back on it now, I really do think that there is plenty of time to figure things out, and stressing about rushing to do things you're "meant" to be doing will only make the journey less enjoyableI feel really behind compared to a lot of other people my age. For context I'm 16, and it feels like everyone at my school is getting their act together way better than me. So many people are getting in relationships, everyone is getting their drivers license, everyone is already in the workforce, they have massive friend groups, they're already planning out their lives and then there's me. No car, no job, I've never even been on a date before, barely any close friends, and still no plans or aspirations for the future yet. I know I'm just starting but it already feels like I'm so behind compared to everyone else.
Hope this wasn't too long or sounded overly whiny, just some stuff on my mind.
Stay safe.Tired from not much sleep because of bad dreams. Also we are starting to get crazy busy at work because of people being worried about the possible hurricane that could hit on Thursday. Just announced a state of emergency because of the storm.
Thanks , I hope you stay safe as well. This storm is massive. It’s supposed to start raining tonight and be worse tomorrow. Work is crazy busy today . Thankfully most people are being kind with a few exceptions.Stay safe.
I recently found out I'm too in the direction of this thing.