Violet Witch
☽Stay Wild Moon Child☾
Doctors aren't out to shame you, they're there to help you get back on track health wise and sometimes that means having the same conversations over and over that you simply don't want to hear. They'll have similar conversations with smokers, drinkers and even drug addicts in order to help them out in the long terms. It's not a pretty conversation to have but if they don't say anything then they're not doing their jobs properly. They're the experts for a reason and know what causes health problems and regardless of what society says about the human body, it's their job to redirect it back to reality. You never know, this doctor could really help you out in the long run, you just have to be willing to give them a chance and not run in the other direction after one appointment. Believe me I've had uncomfortable conversations with my doctor in the past, but I've stuck with them because I know they have my best interests at heart.I already cancelled the appointment and I am going to see a specialist. I apperciate you trying to give context but right now I am going back to my old primary care doctor. They at least have my records. While I understand that blood work changes all I wanted them to know was to understand what my medical history was but the new doctor just didn't seem to care. You may not see it that way but the way I see it, it was disrespectful to me.
Again and I cannot stress this enough I don't like it when doctors weight shame me. Why is that whenever I go to the doctor they always tend to lecture me about losing weight. Like I get it and I don't need to hear again. I cannot tell you how many times I explained to them that I trying so hard to lose weight and they keep shaming me as if I am not losing any. Its a very senstive and frustrating topic for me that really affects me mentally.
Forgive me if this is sound a bit rude, but its that I have had a bad experience with doctors and it hasn't always been the best. I will take your advice and get blood work from a specialist because I have to go see an endocrinologist because I've been having problems with my blood sugar latley and then hopefully they will understand my situation better. Its just been rough these past few years.