What's Bothering You?

Nothing all that important, but I've had this big mug that I've liked to use for a number of years. Unfortunately, I accidentally broke the handle last night. I was able to find the same one for a good enough price. Kind of an annoying, unplanned expenditure, but eh, worth it. Just a bit annoyed since the break was entirely avoidable.
Sometimes when I try my best with my heatlh and no matter how hard I try I'm going to experience problems. I have to do new treatments and change up things in order to get better results. What used to work before has to be changed it up. It sucks but thats just how it is. Having a healthy life is hard these days and sometimes I just need to have the right treatment from the doctor to help me so I don't have to go through it alone. Having diabetes sucks......
I'll never get to experience splatoon 1 online. I didn't know online wii u was still available this whole time before it shut down. I thought the online ended earlier for the wii u. I probably misread an article for it long ago. I think it was mario maker server or something.
Won’t get into much detail since it’s a very personal issue, but my mother found out something and she’s left feeling sad having to let out tears. I’m impacted by it too along with my sister. My mother deserves better and I want to try to do everything I can to help even though I have a part time job and college studies to juggle around. Feeling utterly depressed right now. 😞
So I was writing my assessment questions in a doc because I worry abour grammar and spelling sometimes, and I was abut to copy andpast it into the assessment siteand realised it won't let me paste...
meaning I have to type it all AGAIN that is insane.
I might need toemail my teacher, because this stresses me out. Because the box I was trying to put it into has no spelling check or anything so I ahve to do it via the doc but now I have to type it all over again each time!!
Theres like seven questions in this first assessment but the second one is SO long. omg. Imight try and write the other answers first before doing that. but omg.

Another thing thats been bothering me longer is Amazon. I have no way of getting back into my account because the phone number on there is old. But I get no other help from their support. And I really dont want to make another account. Guess Amazon is off the list of buying stuff there then.
I’m playing a new seasonal character on Diablo 3 and I cannot for the life of me get the royal ring of grandeur 😤 this is the most Act I bounties I’ve ever farmed in my life and that’s saying something
my boyfriend and i broke up today, and i think it’s telling that i’m more relieved than sad right now. he is my absolute best friend, and i adore him. he has seen me through so much, and he will always be one of the most important people in the world to me.

but i think i’ve been wearing rose-coloured glasses since we made it official, because the reality is, our dynamic changed a long time ago. it’s always me being his shoulder to cry on, because i haven’t been comfortable with telling him my struggles or anything unpleasant going on in my life in years. he was barely around on my 22nd birthday, and wasn’t around at all on my 21st, and while it wasn’t really his fault either time, it still hurt and made me feel unimportant and like i wasn’t a priority to him. i’m still hurt, and i don’t feel like i can tell him that i’m hurt. that’s another problem. he hasn’t fulfilled any of the promises he made to me when we got together. it was all talk, just like i feared it was. he makes me feel unappreciated when i listen to him vent. i’m his shoulder to cry on, and he makes me feel like it doesn’t matter.

i don’t want to villianize him or make him sound awful, because he’s not. he’s mentally ill and struggling, just like i’m mentally ill and struggling. grief has changed us both tremendously, both personally and in terms of our friendship, and i think it’s time for me to accept that. we aren’t kids in high school anymore. our friendship isn’t what it was. i was silly to pretend that being his girlfriend would mean i’m magically no longer hurt by some of the things he’s said and done. i was silly to think it would magically make us no longer mentally ill.

i don’t know what this means for us moving forward, and that scares me. i don’t know if he’ll still be my best friend. i don’t know if he’ll still be the first person i want to tell things to, or if he even still is. i just know that i need things from him that he can’t give, and he needs things from me that i can’t give. i just know that i still want him to be my friend. i just know that i don’t want to lose him.

i don’t know what our dynamic will look like moving forward, or how awkward this’ll probably make things, but i know it’s time for me to evaluate myself, my life, and what i need and deserve from the people in it.
It's easy for someone to say things, but it's another thing to back it up with actions. As someone that's heavily influenced by just words, I learned that the hard way. In friendships specifically, I tend to give more effort than the other person and end up disappointed, convincing myself that the other person just doesn't care simply because I care too much. Friendships don't have to be completely equal, but if you feel there's a lack of effort, maybe it's time to end things. Additionally, cutting ties (platonic or not) may be the for the best.

If two people - in this case, you and him - aren't in the best place mental health wise, you should be taking a break from each other at the very least. From your post, I can see you're trying to justify the reasons he either wasn't there or even the things he said. There's no reason to be walking on eggshells with someone you are friends with, and especially not someone you are dating. Sometimes people change and are no longer compatible as friends, and that is okay. I learned that friendships can't be forced. That's how you wind up hurt or with the wrong people.

I don't know the nature of your relationship with him and I'm simply going by this specific post and the few other posts I've seen regarding your relationship (like in the "what are you happy about" thread) with him. It feels like you've been trying to force something that just wasn't there. Maybe your friendship was going south and you thought a relationship would repair everything, but now that things haven't improved at all you're simply left wondering where it all went wrong.

It also seems like you're staying in a situation you know isn't the best because it's comfortable for you. You don't want to mess things up for you two or be the reason it ends up not working out, but I can guarantee you that things won't get better if you let things continue as they are right now.

Also, don't feel bad for cutting ties with anyone because you ultimately have to do what's best for you!

It's better to work on yourself first instead of waiting for someone to come along and complete you. Your partner should be a contribution to your happiness and not the sole reason for your happiness. The right person will come along when you're ready and maybe it is this person, or a different person entirely. Either way, you'll find your happiness when it's the right time. Sometimes you have to leave an okay situation for a better situation. Wait for things to get better with the wrong person and you'll be waiting forever!
came here to describe exactly this, but we’ll get through this together 💜
Oh dear friend I am so sorry 😞 I don’t normally post here but honestly you just spoke to my heart. Life needs an off switch 🥺💔❤️
Thanks you guys. I'm doing okay, it's just been a lot. Mental health (and health in general) is hard. 😔
After I posted I was worried it might be too much, but I'm glad I've left it, because that's exactly how depression feels. But we will see brighter days. ❤️
Having trouble keeping up with people. Actually realised as well that I missed the deadline to buy any extra flowers I wanted but that’s okay.

Maladaptive daydreaming again after a long time, putting my energy in that one guy was a huge mistake.
God please have me never fall for someone like that again. May there be no more love bombing in my life.