What's Bothering You?

I absolutely feel like I’m getting passed between people in The System. The psychiatrist we left a message for called back and said I’m outside of their age range. We left that message a month ago.

Two months ago my disability support got approved and the next step is waiting for them to call me and plan another meeting. Nothing.

So much of my life has just been getting told to wait by people who act like they know what they’re doing and then admitting they can’t help me. Finally reach someone and they recommend the next guy who does the same thing to continue the cycle.

My ambition for stuff like art is just so gone. At the core of it my goal was always just getting away from my parents to live and look for what I really want to do in life, to stop being exposed to triggers. Well when the world doesn’t even see or treat me like an adult and so much is disappointing it always crumbles. I don’t even leave the house any more, the last time I went for a simple walk was three months ago.

As for that one guy who really upset me I think I’m over him specfically, but I’m not at all past my distrust/misanthropy toward people. Call me a prophet, I told my mom help would be so much harder when I got older and I’d age out of support systems, I already whined here about how the lasting effect of that fallout would be more dealing with my attitude toward people in general than heartbreak over some guy.

This is something for Future Me but I should really, really save more money now because not only is getting a marriage citizenship down here a lengthy process but genuinely expensive.

I’m sorry you all have to see me like this. I was better than this. I’m tired of trying so hard to be better and having the same things happen to me repeatedly.
Just so very tired and didn’t sleep much last night. Finally off tomorrow after working the last 6 days two of those were 12hours . Can’t sleep in tomorrow since I have to do all the outside chores before it rains in the afternoon. Also allergies are driving me crazy.
Very minor, but I'm kinda frustrated about something.
I just wrote a long-ass vent about something in my childhood that I needed to talk about (in a Discord friend server), and some of the bots decided to respond?? One of them was like, "I'm sorry to hear that" and another reacted with a "🤥" emoji (?!). I know these are just bots, but they really came in at the worst time possible. I don't even know why I'm bothered by this...

I guess I see why people don't like AI. :x I don't mind them, but this incident just weirded me out.
Im about five business seconds away from a massive panic attack but if I can just keep my stuff together for 20 ish minutes then Tom will be home and I can rationalise everything with him > : ( Im going to put all my fear in a round of Mario Kart
That's his parents job. Not yours.

This was actually what I said immediately. It doesn't do any good. Only causes gaslighting and arguments.

"yeah, but your his older cousin. you should be trying to get through to him".

I do care. It also doesn't feel that easy to approach somebody and immediately start chatting about a personal issue. He hasn't talked to me about it at all. If he wanted to come up to me and chat about his decision I would be perfectly fine. But I haven't gotten that impression.
I don't usually talk about my menstrual problems, but my cramps are worse than usual and it's really bothering me. Not to mention that I'm fatigued, breathless, and agitated. I've been having bad headaches since yesterday, as well. I took Advil earlier, but it doesn't seem to be working.

However, I've been having headaches and breathlessness before my period kicked in. My dad just said I was out of shape, but I think it's another underlying problem. I hope we'll see a doctor soon like he promised, but I doubt it. :\
after not being able to sleep, like at all, and getting up and moving around a bit to tire myself out, I finally get to a point where I feel a little sleepy... and now my back is killing me. I can't get comfortable at all, and shifting/rolling helps for about 30 seconds before the pain comes right back. 😭

seems like ever since I slipped and fell on the back porch a few days ago I've just been having a lot of pain in different areas. I've also been more physically active in the last few days than usual, which is taking a toll on me. I'm starting to not only feel my age, but feel the consequences of not staying active. I guess I need to start doing daily stretches at the very least.
I feel bad complaining so much here lately.
But gosh, I wish I could just sleep and not have to be afraid of choking. I noticed I can barely read my phone right now (I hope there aren't any typos) which is a sign I need sleep, but I am still dealing with problems with my tonsils since last year and it's really hard to sleep if I'm going to start coughing and gagging and stuff.
I find it really amusing reading so many articles about the excessive use of road cones and temporary signage. Almost all of them say that there's too many, there should be less or that it's ineffective. All good complaining about it, but there is literally **** all the contractor can do about it. A traffic management plan is drafted and accepted using the current code of practice, the traffic management is laid out exactly as the plan says, and if there is anything that doesn't abide to the code of practice in the plan or the way its laid out it will not be acceptable. A few misplaced cones get your site shut down, or even worse being issued a non conformance. It is nothing but a tick box exercise, and the contractors have no choice but to follow the rules even if they themselves view it as unnecessary, nevermind what the public thinks. All this complaining doesn't change the fact that the code of practice is outdated and that the contractors are just trying to do their jobs without getting shut down.

- from me, a tired contractor that just wants to do their job without getting fired 😮‍💨
I had an appointment today, and the receptionist not only got my title wrong but mispronounced 2/3 of my names.

My first name admittedly has two different pronunciations (British vs mainland European), but she didn't use either of those, just used a different name altogether. And my surname is only one syllable it shouldn't be possible to mispronounce it. 🙄