What's Bothering You?

i actually did end up getting an email back just before office hours closed. unfortunately, the in-person appointments aren't available anywhere within travelling distance of me, and they aren't guaranteed through right to choose anyway. i think i'm going to have to stick with the first clinic i wanted and see if i can convince my GP to agree to shared care. she's really nice and listens, i'm just worried a consultant or even the practice itself will stop her from accepting, even though i think it's up to the discretion of individual GPs? (and even if i go private, that needs a shared care agreement anyway if i want the prescription at nhs prices.) i'm still going to have to escalate the issue and file a complaint. it's really tiring, i don't know why they're insisting i can't choose my clinic in the first place. it shouldn't be this much of a fight to exercise my right.
I truly believe that there's no point in being nice because almost everyone is an *******. I'm so tired of my coworkers and brother doing as little work as possible while I overwork to get everything done. I'm tired of being insulted, snapped at, and treated like **** by my family and coworkers when I'm not even doing anything wrong. I'm tired of people taking advantage of me because I'm nice and quiet. I ****ing hate everyone. Why can't I catch a ****ing break?
no actually thank you for responding!! ^w^ it’s nice to know that other people feel the same, i know i’m not but sometimes i worry i’m being unreasonable…
i’m going to try to have a serious talk with her about it. i don’t know how it’s going to go, but if she doesn’t take it well i might have to seriously consider not being friends with her. i don’t want to do that to her or myself, but if i can’t have a conversation with her and set boundaries, it’s not worth it in the long run.
I've been in this situation many times. They'll keep doing it as long as they think they can keep doing it. It's best to just speak up or put your foot down and tell them no. It isn't wrong to stand up for yourself when you're not even at fault. Just stay in control of your emotions. People who take advantage of you and treat you that way aren't even worth it, even family.
My mom told me about a week ago that I have no friends, and her words cut deep because I honestly don’t. She was asking me to name one friend that I have aside from the one that she introduced me to, and I couldn’t.

My lack of friends never really bothered me until she commented on it. It made me realize that I haven’t really formed any meaningful connections. I’m friendly with people on the forums, of course, but I don’t actually speak to anyone on the forums, outside of the forum.

She felt the need to add that ‘online friends don’t count.’

I know it’s always nice to have one or two people to talk to, but I haven’t found that person yet, so it would be great to not have to feel bad about it because of comments made by my mother.
My mom told me about a week ago that I have no friends, and her words cut deep because I honestly don’t. She was asking me to name one friend that I have aside from the one that she introduced me to, and I couldn’t.

My lack of friends never really bothered me until she commented on it. It made me realize that I haven’t really formed any meaningful connections. I’m friendly with people on the forums, of course, but I don’t actually speak to anyone on the forums, outside of the forum.

She felt the need to add that ‘online friends don’t count.’

I know it’s always nice to have one or two people to talk to, but I haven’t found that person yet, so it would be great to not have to feel bad about it because of comments made by my mother.
That doesn’t sound nice of your mother. Your online friends still count. You still have this apple you can talk to.
My manager is such a compulsive liar and it drives me insane. He says everything with such confidence that people believe them. He's also a yes man who makes promises to everyone and doesn't follow through. I feel that whenever I do or make a decision on something it eventually comes back to bite me in the ass. The Christmas break couldn't come soon enough. Recovering from burnout is just too hard right now.
Work in general, my boss is too lazy to calculate my hours despite laying everything out for her.
She rather moan to another worker than let us know properly.

I've been playing Pokemon EX app, and at the moment the scout gems to get x11 won't let me use the gems I have now they want paid gems? What's the point if collecting them. I can get ONE scout for 300 gems but that's just sad.
Thus is why I rarely play mobile games always want you to buy 🙄

Also have to go to UC appointment in person and not on the phone. Great.
I'm well now, but I've still got the cough/my lungs aren't clear yet, and I thought I was mostly over it Sunday, but I've been having coughing fits again all week. orz It's physically exhausting and also just really annoying because there are things I need to do!!
I am so, so incredibly stressed about the election outcome, every day it haunts me and I want to cry about how hideous and awful it is that over half of Americans think that billionaires have our best interests in mind. no the **** they don't!!!! I don't like to sound rude, but the people who voted for self-absorbed billionaires thinking that they will "save" our country are actually delusional.

maybe that's part of the reason why I've been feeling so distant from my parents lately. they were 100% in favour of this outcome. they wanted this. I am horrified, but if I tell them that they will tell me that I'm a brainwashed liberal and dismiss my worries as irrational.

I actually lowkey hate my life right now, I hate this so much. I feel isolated within my own family and it's terrible. 💔
I can’t believe that republicans are all about freedom but they only care about rights for themselves.
That, and some of these “freedoms” aren’t even freedom. They can’t claim that they’re fighting for freedom of speech when they’re fighting for the right to use hate speech and misinformation without getting in trouble. They can’t claim that they’re fighting for free market economics when they’re fighting for no regulations or restrictions on businesses and economics. They can’t claim that they’re fighting against abuse of federal power when they’re defending terrorists like Kyle Rittenhouse, Mark Houck, and the Jan 6 Rioters. Even a world of true freedom has rules outside the bare minimum of “don’t hurt anyone”.