What's Bothering You?

Things that make me panic include
- whether "bar" is actually "bara" or "barg"
- whether "meter" or "m" mean the same thing or not
- if "gal" is "ImpGal" or "gallon" < especially fun when you have to guess which one the manufacturer meant
- if I'm getting the distinction between "kW" and "KW" correctly.
"Pride month" is here and the framing of a bunch of very diverse/different people as anything approximating a "community" is bothering me as much as ever.
my best friend's dog has been having seizures and even when she was on the medicine for it she still had one and I'm so worried..
Made up scenarios that involve some past distressing experiences. Keeps on replaying in my mind like a tape recorder.

Also still upset about what happened the other day with my mom.
Well, it was the usual I suppose - my mom was being narcissistic and was relentless about it. Though yesterday's incident just still clings to me. Just mocking me in the car and saying that I couldn't do it, etc. Things like that. ;|

love u bb : (

i am too warm to sleep at night lately, i'm hoping this new fan will help
Hey friend, I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. I can relate. If you ever need to vent or anything I’m all ears. Just know that you will make it, and that the pain doesn’t last forever. Your friends are here for you and we love you. 💚

thank you, friend <3
i have like one spot under my chin where the razor missed smh gonna have to shave that off
Its real fun to be a poc in america and worry about you or your family being caught outside after a 5 pm curfew
lmao if i do something wrong tell me nicely, stop being condescending :)
I will educate myself ofc but sometimes i dont know that what i did was wrong so pointing it out in like one sentence isn't that hard!! no need to drag me or cancel me or whatever! :)
im definitely open to change but sometimes yall really think people are static huh
The audacity of a lot of people on social media to assume that everybody cares about their opinion. I understand the need for good activism and for people to understand the issues, but most of the posts I've seen about the issue seem more performative than anything, like people are trying to prove that they're woke instead of actually doing anything. Particularly, well-meaning white people who are posting stuff like "we should listen to POC" and then proceeding to post their own angry rants instead of letting POC speak their mind or, at the very least, share things from a POC perspective. Part of my frustration may just be me being tired of seeing these posts, but this is also coming from somebody who's been in toxic activist circles full of people who don't necessarily care about minority rights and are more or less just angry people using social justice as an outlet for their frustrations. Which I understand, to an extent. It's hard when you want to do the right thing and you feel guilty that you can't do anything about it. Lashing out at people feels like you're getting something done. But it's not that simple and it never is. Sometimes we have to accept that we can't solve every single injustice on our own, no matter how mad it makes us. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. We just have to understand how that gets done and channel our anger into efficiency and productivity.