What's Bothering You?

Nobody is interested into doing link battles with me. I made that thread to request anybody to battle me in Pok?mon Sword and Shield, but nobody seems interested.
Nobody is interested into doing link battles with me. I made that thread to request anybody to battle me in Pok?mon Sword and Shield, but nobody seems interested.

I'll battle u once I breed some better pok?mon
They didn't leave their contact information so I've no clue what happened. I have a half hour completely unaccounted for (should've got home 12:30 based on a text I sent my boyfriend - but I didn't get in til after 1am) and I obviously fell at some point based on various injuries and the coats/stones embedded in my faux fur coat. But no idea where that would've happened. I'm so glad that it was kind people that helped me home - could've easily been taken advantage of in that state. They probably thought I was just drunk though.

Forgot to reply earlier but holy **** whoever spiked it can go jump off a cliff.. so glad u got home safe.. :/
i’ve hair shoulder length hair for a couple months now, and even tho I like it, my old long hair is what makes me feel like myself. Thankfully my hair grows superfast so I’ll just have to be patience.. but ahh I miss my old hair.
does someone ever just annoy you so much for no good reason
still bothered that everytime i come on here. Popstar rosie will always come to my mind
From pocketcamp
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does someone ever just annoy you so much for no good reason


Yep!! Couldn't agree more ._.

There's a new-ish person at work and I absolutely can't stand her right now. She's bossy, condescending and highly critical of others. She doesn't complete her work and off-loads it to others before leaving, which is probably one of the worst things you can do in my workplace as it makes us fall behind and puts unnecessary pressure on others. She demands breaks at inconvenient times, like when we're low on staff. She doesn't serve customers (and we are a service department), and off loads that duty others. She doesn't complete her work in a timely matter, which gets everyone in trouble.

like one day imma scream she makes me so mad :')
i?ve hair shoulder length hair for a couple months now, and even tho I like it, my old long hair is what makes me feel like myself. Thankfully my hair grows superfast so I?ll just have to be patience.. but ahh I miss my old hair.

Basically me, my buzz cut is at that awkward pixie stage where u need to trim the back like everyday or you will get a mullet. can't wait til i get a bob though.
Still having a very hard time mentally.. at least I smiled again because of a funny song after almost 3 weeks of not being able to smile
My printer running outta ink so fast like i had to turn the text blue so i could write it out o_O