What's Bothering You?

why is this thunderstorm making my anxiety worse? usually rain soothes me. maybe bc I'm supposed to drive again today. idk but my anxiety is like awful right now, I wish it would stop.

I guess I don't have to leave for a few hours so maybe I can just lie here and try to calm down.
^personally I can't stand the lighting/thunder sounds of it so, feels.

Also i really hate when I press Local connection for trades on Sword instead of connecting to internet first sigh.
50 train staff are self-isolating due to the omicron variant of COVID-19, so our railway service is in shambles. I wasn't able to make the journey to see my girlfriend last night and few trains are running today. We were also relying on the trains to visit her parents in another city tomorrow afternoon, but looks like we might have to cancel that trip altogether. Heck under normal conditions I would have also delayed seeing her, but it is her birthday tomorrow and her flatmate is out of town, and I sure as hell am not letting her spend it alone.
50 train staff are self-isolating due to the omicron variant of COVID-19, so our railway service is in shambles. I wasn't able to make the journey to see my girlfriend last night and few trains are running today. We were also relying on the trains to visit her parents in another city tomorrow afternoon, but looks like we might have to cancel that trip altogether. Heck under normal conditions I would have also delayed seeing her, but it is her birthday tomorrow and her flatmate is out of town, and I sure as hell am not letting her spend it alone.
Finally managed to get a train and on my way. 💪
Ever since two of my cats went missing I can feel myself getting more depressed and less motivated every day and i miss them so bad and i cant believe this ****ing happened why would someone do this it almost seems like its not even real i just cannot comprehend the fact someone could do something so ****ty
all the evidence points to my goddamn new neighbors trapping them and dropping them off and im so ****ing upset they were two of my favorites and now theyre probably lost and sad and scared not eating it hurts so ****ing bad
Ever since two of my cats went missing I can feel myself getting more depressed and less motivated every day and i miss them so bad and i cant believe this ****ing happened why would someone do this it almost seems like its not even real i just cannot comprehend the fact someone could do something so ****ty
all the evidence points to my goddamn new neighbors trapping them and dropping them off and im so ****ing upset they were two of my favorites and now theyre probably lost and sad and scared not eating it hurts so ****ing bad
I'm so sorry this happened, my heart goes out to you. Check your local shelters, when my dog went missing she ended up there. I hope you can find them!
I'm so sorry this happened, my heart goes out to you. Check your local shelters, when my dog went missing she ended up there. I hope you can find them!
our town is very very small so they don't have anything like that around here, but my parents went look at the closest pound they have (like 45 minutes or so away) and they weren't there .. we also posted online about them and put up posters and stuff and still nobody found them so we're thinking if they were dropped off it's probably the place our neighbor first came from which is a bigger town an hour away, and we have no idea how we would be able to find them that way and if that is the case it'd make sense why nobody online has seen them anywhere : (
our town is very very small so they don't have anything like that around here, but my parents went look at the closest pound they have (like 45 minutes or so away) and they weren't there .. we also posted online about them and put up posters and stuff and still nobody found them so we're thinking if they were dropped off it's probably the place our neighbor first came from which is a bigger town an hour away, and we have no idea how we would be able to find them that way and if that is the case it'd make sense why nobody online has seen them anywhere : (
I'm sorry to hear that. It's so terrible that someone would do that.
I'll never understand people who hate cats.
Ever since two of my cats went missing I can feel myself getting more depressed and less motivated every day and i miss them so bad and i cant believe this ****ing happened why would someone do this it almost seems like its not even real i just cannot comprehend the fact someone could do something so ****ty
all the evidence points to my goddamn new neighbors trapping them and dropping them off and im so ****ing upset they were two of my favorites and now theyre probably lost and sad and scared not eating it hurts so ****ing bad
Omg this happened to me with one of my cats where I used to live. I asked a neighbour to stop feeding him because he has so many allergies which was making him very unwell. For some reason this caused one heck of a spiteful reaction - she called a shelter several towns away to come trap him, claiming this cat was abandoned at her house when she moved in. The shelter just went ahead and took him, put him up for rehoming and never scanned his chip or contacted me. Luckily an independent vet happened to scan him and contacted me. The shelter were unapologetic and unwilling to bring him back or let me collect him. So they dumped him at this vets. I was lucky to get him back and we've since moved a long way away, but there's a rescue local to me now who keep leaving their traps around, despite people telling them who certain cats belong to. So when I see one, I destroy it now. I'm supporting several cases that are taking shelters to court at the moment. They present themselves as such martyrs too "We SAVE ANIMALS and WE DON'T GET PAID" etc, but in the same breath they become vulgar, rude, judgemental and tripping on their own power. I could bang on about it all night so I'll stop there, but I despise this new breed of animal "rescuers", cos they're making everything so much worse in the animal kingdom and for the people who genuinely love them.

I hope you get reunited with your cats. I'm unsure of the law in other places, but in the uk cats are currently classed as property. The police usually just tell you it's a civil matter and won't actually retrieve a cat that belongs to you. It's crazy, cos if it was like a bike that got stolen or a tv, they would seize it immediately and charge them for handling stolen goods. I hope you get answers and some solid support. You must be absolutely devastated right now, but please don't give up hope x
Omg this happened to me with one of my cats where I used to live. I asked a neighbour to stop feeding him because he has so many allergies which was making him very unwell. For some reason this caused one heck of a spiteful reaction - she called a shelter several towns away to come trap him, claiming this cat was abandoned at her house when she moved in. The shelter just went ahead and took him, put him up for rehoming and never scanned his chip or contacted me. Luckily an independent vet happened to scan him and contacted me. The shelter were unapologetic and unwilling to bring him back or let me collect him. So they dumped him at this vets. I was lucky to get him back and we've since moved a long way away, but there's a rescue local to me now who keep leaving their traps around, despite people telling them who certain cats belong to. So when I see one, I destroy it now. I'm supporting several cases that are taking shelters to court at the moment. They present themselves as such martyrs too "We SAVE ANIMALS and WE DON'T GET PAID" etc, but in the same breath they become vulgar, rude, judgemental and tripping on their own power. I could bang on about it all night so I'll stop there, but I despise this new breed of animal "rescuers", cos they're making everything so much worse in the animal kingdom and for the people who genuinely love them.

I hope you get reunited with your cats. I'm unsure of the law in other places, but in the uk cats are currently classed as property. The police usually just tell you it's a civil matter and won't actually retrieve a cat that belongs to you. It's crazy, cos if it was like a bike that got stolen or a tv, they would seize it immediately and charge them for handling stolen goods. I hope you get answers and some solid support. You must be absolutely devastated right now, but please don't give up hope x
man im so glad u ended up getting ur cat back
my cats kept going under my neighbors trailer and making noise and stuff, and i think they got fed up with it and put up traps down there, but if they would've told us we would've put them inside and i dont understand why they decided to trap them and bring them far away instead of talking to us!! the guys wife knows the cats are ours so im sure the guy knows too but i think he just didn't care or something idk 😞 i just hope theres some chance that they come back ..
man im so glad u ended up getting ur cat back
my cats kept going under my neighbors trailer and making noise and stuff, and i think they got fed up with it and put up traps down there, but if they would've told us we would've put them inside and i dont understand why they decided to trap them and bring them far away instead of talking to us!! the guys wife knows the cats are ours so im sure the guy knows too but i think he just didn't care or something idk 😞 i just hope theres some chance that they come back ..
Ugh, your neighbours sound petty at best and downright cruel at worst! Definitely check all the shelters in the area, maybe even some vets too, as animals sometimes get left there for a short time, and they might be able to point you to where they went to next.

I hate when people involve innocents like animals and children in their petty games. They can't voice their feelings. I am so sorry this happened and I hope for a happy conclusion ASAP x
Okay, this is really minor, but I remember why I quit GoodReads a few years ago. The book elitists are terrible. I was looking at a review and one commenter said something like “you can’t differentiate a good book from a bad book until you’ve read at least 200 titles.” As someone who has read way more than that, I can say that couldn’t be further from the truth. Reading hundreds of books can give you a certain perspective, but that doesn’t invalidate new readers. They are just as capable of recognizing whether they like a story or not. If anything, they have the advantage of being surprised of books for the first time! I miss the excitement of that experience. Sadly, people like that commenter deter others from this wonderful hobby. If you’re new to reading for fun, don’t feel ashamed for liking what you enjoy. Even if it isn’t “high literature,” there’s nothing wrong with liking romance novels or dystopian young adult stories. Just find what you enjoy and embrace it!
The book elitists are terrible. I was looking at a review and one commenter said something like “you can’t differentiate a good book from a bad book until you’ve read at least 200 titles.”
What? Forget the book elitists for a second, lmao. That’s a crazy thing to say about anything some takes an interest in. Telling someone they can’t feel a certain way until they’ve done something is crazy. You can also be a casual fan. Like you don’t need to know anything and everything about something to like it, and someone knowing more doesn’t make them a bigger fan. Just like what you like, no big deal.
I saw something and my heart sank. Hopefully I’m looking too much into it. Now, I’m worried.
My lack of irl friends. I want to be able to screw around with other kids my age, in person. I want to goof off at the mall or go see a movie or just have people to talk to at lunch lmao. God, this feels almost pathetic.
My lack of irl friends. I want to be able to screw around with other kids my age, in person. I want to goof off at the mall or go see a movie or just have people to talk to at lunch lmao. God, this feels almost pathetic.
yeah i can relate i have literally 0 friends my age irl, the only people i hang out with are my sister and my cousins when they come over, my social life got thrown out the window a while ago so i get what u mean