What's Bothering You?

People at my workplace are dropping like flies. The 3 people I trained recently to take over my account I've been backing up for like half a year now have all quit. Last week someone on the other side of our department quit. Today someone on the other side of the department also quit. The sister of the coworker who quit has also been out since Thursday so she could very well also quit this week. It's such a **** show... I'm tired of covering the work of 3 people.
i'm so uninteresting and useless and boring. it hurts.
i don't have a job, i don't have any extra-curriculars, i'm in terrible shape, i don't have any special or hidden talents (or at least any that matters), i barely go out, i'm not smart, i don't have that many friends, i don't know how to do hair or makeup, my diet is dogcrap, i can't even keep up a conversation... i feel like im taking up space sometimes. i feel like i've wasted my life. bothers me a lot. ughhhh. its getting harder to find reasons to keep going nowadays. i feel like im self pitying a lot lmao
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I haven't had an appetite at all today. I've been awake for almost 8 hours and all I've eaten was a soft pretzel, and I forced myself to eat that not long after I woke up. only thing I've been able to eat is little pieces of candy. nothing sounds good to me and I feel like if I make myself eat again I might feel nauseous. my mom asked if I was developing an eating disorder (she's worried bc she was anorexic as a teen and it did a lot of damage to her health), I really hope I'm not bc this isn't the first time I've had a day with no appetite at all 😔
I feel like I don't belong here. I only know a few select users who are around my age, everyone else I know is an adult. I feel like I can't relate to anything. And I'm here posting stuff like "my brother is annoying" or "I couldn't watch Poofesure today" while other people have real reasons to be upset. I feel selfish, I guess.

Just because your problems aren't as bad as others doesn't make them invalid. Your brother sounds like he doesn't treat you very well. Kind of reminds me of my older sister (who I don't talk to anymore), only reversed. I was always setting the bar for being good-natured in my family while everyone else was always arguing and fighting. It's never selfish to feel bothered by things like that, as those problems are entirely valid. I do hope your brother can at least try to see things from your point of view. Feel better soon, friend. 💚


I'm tired, depressed, and just done with today already. I can't even work right now and everyone, including my family, keeps one-upping me today. Can we just skip to tomorrow already?
You can talk about your own infractions? Cool, I’m just glad they expire if you get a point, lol. I’d hate to have points built up over the course of a few months or years. 🙃
I feel you, I got in an infraction back in July for posting a song, in a song thread. It was because I didn’t put any text. However, I’ve seen a lot of posts with just a song link 🤔🤔🤔
this headache I got 🥲 I had so much left to do today, but I guess i can make time for a nap
I was going to have spring conditioning for marching this afternoon, but it was canceled. I had everything prepared and was heading out the door when I got the text that it was canceled. it was a valid reason, however. I'm just frustrated that I was literally ready and excited to go for once and it gets canceled. :')
took one of my math finals today and spent like 30 minutes stuck on one problem, just now realized what i was doing wrong >>
Trying to complete the series 5 amiibo set feels like how pulling one's teeth out would at the moment. Bought a card from someone in a FB group, they told me that it was a NA card, and what they sent was a EU/PAL instead; shot an interest offer to someone on there last night and once I came back from work right now, they already sold it to someone else. This is all just stressful as all hell. I hope Nintendo never does another stupid set where half of the cards are SP and only includes 1 in each pack.
My step-mom is rummaging through my closet. Well, I think 'rummaging' is too nice of a word. She was going through my closet while I wasn't there. Now she's making me get rid of a bunch of stuff, including half of my plushies because I have "too much". It sucks that I have no say in this because I'm just a kid.
I wish she would let me do it myself, so I can choose what goes and what doesn't. And also because I don't wanna sit here while my step-mom says, "do we keep this?" then proceed to throw it away regardless of what I say.
My aunt is terminally ill and the stress has ruined my grades. I’m barely keeping up with the two classes I’m taking. My therapist offered to send the college a note to drop out for the term and I’m really tempted on doing it.

Also my therapist said that I should set boundaries with people so I’m less likely get flashbacks from that relationship. The problem is I don’t know how to establish those without sounding weird.
My step-mom was yelling at me and being really hurtful in general. I wanna cry right now, but knowing my luck she'll barge into my room or call me downstairs; If she sees me crying, she'll call me a baby and yell at me. God, she can be a real ***** sometimes.
I'm really forgetful and I need things repeated to me, and my family doesn't seem to realize that, so they get mad about it. I just wish they were more patient and understanding with me...
I want to order a commission from someone on DeviantArt, but things are really complicated right now concerning her, and I do not want to upset a close friend of mine who was a victim of her back in 2019. ;-;
So a group of people at my job were making a nonsense tiktok video and they tried to get me involved. I said no and that I didn’t want any part of it. I find out today the people who were involved are in trouble. I guess I’m marked safe from this bull****.
It's not much, but my dad might have covid. He got a test yesterday and the results didn't come back yet and I'm REALLY hoping it comes back negative so I don't miss school again. This would be the second time if it comes back positive (first time was in December of 2021). All of us have our vaccine and booster, but still 🤦🏾