What's Bothering You?

When I saw this video on YouTube it gave me flashbacks of my past friends who did this to me. I mean its just.....hurtful to watch:

having a really hard day for some reason? i can't work it out. having a bit of a drink tonight which is probably not the best solution, but it is what it is.
I finished performing in a production of the Pirates of Penzance last night, and I'm experiencing major PSD (post-show depression) right now, you can't even imagine how much I'm crying. But I'll be working on a production of the Yeomen of the Guard with mostly the same people in 4 months, so not all is lost, but still, it's 4 MONTHS without doing something that makes me happy :'(
Update on this, I told them about it. (It happened yesterday after I made that post, but whatever.) They apologized and said that the reason they said all that was because they were 'joking' and 'bored' and 'lonely'. It seems like a pretty lame excuse to me, but they just wanted to talk with my brother, so I guess they're off the hook.

On the contrary, today's gonna be a sucky day at school. I have Phys Ed first period (spare me), I have to stay in at lunch to finish a French evaluation, and knowing my luck I probably have Math today (and I didn't do my homework for it).
um so i think you should stop talking to this person which i know will probably be difficult. you said that this was an online friend so im assuming you have never met this person before. i don’t think calling your brother cute or hot was a joke plus didn’t you tell me he’s 13?

anyway im trying to do a public works project on my town in nl. i want to have a fountain, two benches and two street lamps by each other but it’s not working out 😭
I absolutely suck at video games, it's not even funny. I was playing Wii Sports earlier and I kept losing. What the heck happened, I used to be a pro at tennis!!
Ugh, same with Mario Kart. I sucked at racing. In Mario Kart Wii and 8, I was part of the Battle Masters clan, though. I was amazing at battling, but my racing skills were average at best. The morale is that you won’t be good at everything.

What’s bothering me? My connection was faulty on my last two Madden 22 online matchups and I was credited a loss even though the game wasn’t over. Oh, well. The connection seems to be fine now. It might be the weather?
Ugh, same with Mario Kart. I sucked at racing. In Mario Kart Wii and 8, I was part of the Battle Masters clan, though. I was amazing at battling, but my racing skills were average at best. The morale is that you won’t be good at everything.
Same here. I was never good at Mario Kart either and as matter of fact I am not a big fan of Racing in general and whenever I see it in games where it makes you have to be in 1st place just to beat a mission to progress through the story it really frustrates me.
When I saw this video on YouTube it gave me flashbacks of my past friends who did this to me. I mean its just.....hurtful to watch:

I am sorry to hear that... ;-;
But it is nice to see another Dhar Mann fan ^^

Nothing is really bothering me right now, but I wish I was asleep XDDD

I hate irregular sleep schedules.
Tired of seeing Seth Rogen in so many things. Also not looking forward to his version of Darkwing Duck

Also this joke would work if it wasn't in a current Disney movie.
I‘ll have two weeks off from work from Monday on. Someone asked me to stay over for the first two days. I don’t really want to (I don‘t really sleep well away from home), but I’m doing her a favor. I mean, I like her, but I just want to relax at home. I’m planning on coming late and leaving early.
I miss my older brother and Caramel (my cat). I mean, thankfully they're not dead, but I wish they still lived in our household. I miss having a cat in the house, and my older brother would've loved Switch Sports...
And I just don't wanna go to school today. I wish I can stay home and play video games instead, but alas that is not the case.
Hit my head on a book cart (I was bending down putting my phone charger in the wall outlet and the cart were just above it) :(
my water was cut off again Dx i just want to make food

edit: its already back hoorrraayyyyyyy
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This is pretty nit-picky, but I heavily dislike the new Miis for Switch Sports. I really wish Nintendo brought back the old Miis instead. I'm not gonna go into detail, especially since I practically wrote an essay about this. I told my dad about it, and his response was: "You'll like the new Miis more once you unlock more clothing." Which really irked me, because he really thinks that I dislike them because of the clothes. :rolleyes: Then I told my brother about it, and he said: "I mean, they were used for three consoles. It's about time they changed it up." Correction, two consoles and a handheld. Now I'm wondering why I'm getting so worked up for something so minuscule...