What's the last movie you've seen?

Tonight I revisited William Friedkin's 1973 movie The Exorcist and followed it with William Peter Blatty's 1990 sequel The Exorcist III.
On Wednesday, the first movie was the 1991 movie Popcorn, directed by Mark Herrier. It was my first time watching it and I thought it was pretty fun. It feels like parts of things you've seen before but all mashed up, but it works! It's probably something I'll watch again in future years. I followed it with The Sorcerers, a movie released in 1967 from director Michael Reeves. It was my first time watching this too. Probably not necessarily the best thing for a Halloween marathon, but the scenario that plays out is pretty horrific in its own way. The character who ends up the main villain quickly ratcheted up from...well, I'd say 0-100, but probably higher than 0, on the psychopathy meter. It's kinda wild how quickly and easily they went to the extremes they did. Entertaining though.

Last night I watched the 1969 movie Blind Beast from director Yasuzô Masumura. It's pretty adult in some regards, so viewer discretion is advised. I thought it was a pretty interesting watch and a good movie. I also watched the 1965 movie Fanatic (otherwise known as Die! Die! My Darling!) from director Silvio Narizzano. Not bad!
my boyfriend and i watched 3 crappy horror movies with really dumb female protagonists and we were like is this what being a misogynist feels like

movies were cuckoo, baghead, and oddity
Alien 3...a lot of people don't like it but I think it's just fine.
My English teacher showed us part of "The Princess Bride" today; he said it was based on "true events" that occurred in ancient times. He's funny, I like him. (BTW, when the NES baseball game appeared in the beginning he was like, "See, it's ancient! That's a Nintendo 64 right here!" Umm...what. XD)

We didn't finish it, unfortunately. :[