What's your religion?

My family is mostly Christian or Buddhist. I was forced to go to church when I was young but I didn't care for religion. I don't believe in a higher power or anything so atheist.
Shinto, and Buddhist. (Although Shinto and Buddhism aren't religions.) Shinto is rather a "way of life" culture along with a respect for earth and inanimate objects. Buddhism is a "philosophy of life" to be moral, enlightened, and aware of others.
i don't really practice organised religion but i suppose i'm spiritual? my mum is the same as she was raised irish catholic and despised it, so whilst we don't attend church or special religious ceremonies we ~~believe in a higher power~~
Unicornism. We stab humans with our majestic horns as tradition, and our rainbow poop scares the demons away.
Not to start an argument here but I don't really understand why people will move away from Christianity for being forced to go to church or having bad church experiences. Lots of kids were forced to go to church. When I was younger I hated going to church. They had us stand and sing so many of these songs I'd be counting down the side until it was over and I was just really bored with how they spread the word. It didn't affect me wanting to be a Christian because church isn't the defining factor of Christianity. Actually, way later in life we found this church that has a Christian rock band sing, a funny pastor who spreads the word in more modern context, and just an overall way better atmosphere. There are other options out there to choose from for church.
I'm not religious...I used to be when I was little because my parents were. Then I started to think about it and realized it just wasn't for me. Obviously my "friend" tried to convert me back and I wasn't to thrilled about that.
I'm not religious. It was never a part of my life and whether I believe in a God or not doesn't really concern me. I guess I'm neutral. I don't really care for that kind of stuff, I'd rather just live my life.
I don't follow any religion but I am spiritual.
Not to start an argument here but I don't really understand why people will move away from Christianity for being forced to go to church or having bad church experiences. Lots of kids were forced to go to church. When I was younger I hated going to church. They had us stand and sing so many of these songs I'd be counting down the side until it was over and I was just really bored with how they spread the word. It didn't affect me wanting to be a Christian because church isn't the defining factor of Christianity. Actually, way later in life we found this church that has a Christian rock band sing, a funny pastor who spreads the word in more modern context, and just an overall way better atmosphere. There are other options out there to choose from for church.

I don't think that's what the atheists/people who converted away were trying to say, but I could be wrong. I hated going to church when I was little and I still do, but that was never a reason for me becoming an atheist (I'm not an atheist anymore), I was just an atheist because I just felt that there was no god or anything like that.
Not to start an argument here but I don't really understand why people will move away from Christianity for being forced to go to church or having bad church experiences. Lots of kids were forced to go to church. When I was younger I hated going to church. They had us stand and sing so many of these songs I'd be counting down the side until it was over and I was just really bored with how they spread the word. It didn't affect me wanting to be a Christian because church isn't the defining factor of Christianity. Actually, way later in life we found this church that has a Christian rock band sing, a funny pastor who spreads the word in more modern context, and just an overall way better atmosphere. There are other options out there to choose from for church.

Let’s see, being forced into a southern baptist church my entire childhood & constantly listening to a stream of homophobic and racist remarks for almost two decades...being told I am going to hell because I’m gay...listening to people say that we should murder gay people... yeah, actually. I think that pretty much sums up why I hate church & Christianity. I know my experience with church isn’t normal, but it’s enough for me to know there is no god. Not a loving one, that’s for sure.

I just reread this and I'm not trying to be hostile. I just think it's a little weird to say people shouldn't discount a religion when they've had bad experiences with it. That's like if I said I hated seafood but was still encouraged to try more seafood because I haven't experienced everything. My prior experience with seafood will stand in that I do not like seafood.
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Let’s see, being forced into a southern baptist church my entire childhood & constantly listening to a stream of homophobic and racist remarks for almost two decades...being told I am going to hell because I’m gay...listening to people say that we should murder gay people... yeah, actually. I think that pretty much sums up why I hate church & Christianity. I know my experience with church isn’t normal, but it’s enough for me to know there is no god. Not a loving one, that’s for sure.

I don't understand why people think homosexuals are going to hell. What's so different about it from other sins? Saying gays are going to hell is like saying if you swear you're going to hell. If you're gay but you also murder a bunch of people, you're going to hell, if you're gay but you're a really good person, you're going to heaven. I've also saw a video on YouTube which was saying that the bible doesn't really say that homosexuals in general are going to hell or that it's a sin, but saying that it's a sin when you do it as a ritual, saying that because Israel at the time was surrounded by pagans who practiced homosexuality as a ritual, practicing it as a ritual was a sin because it was pagan. I think the video was called What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality.
Here's the video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=leIcLYj3I3U
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I'm an Arcadic Luciferian which is really just a fancy way of saying Scientific Satanist. I don't really believe in like... mystical stuff like miracles or magic powers, and a lot of the crap Anton Lavey wrote in the Satanic Bible rubbed me the wrong way (he dunks on asexuals for one thing), but the idea of Lucifer as a symbol of intellect and I guess like, hunger for knowledge, is interesting to me. I don't really practice and I don't usually tell people because I either wind up with really edgy pretentious "we're so much better than all those fools following Abrahamic religions!!" Satanists, or I get people literally asking me if I sacrifice animals or drink blood.
loosely..... ........ *whispers*
jk but yea i believe that one god made us n **** cause i like to think theres more love to it ahah