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Who's into houseplants?


Guava Purveyor
Sep 11, 2014
Chocolate Coins
San Goiaba
Orange (Fruit)
Hi everybody! :) I was wondering who else here has a houseplant hobby. I really only started at the end of last year and since lockdown, I've been collecting plants for my houseplant collection. I think in total I have about 50! I even invested in some grow lights for the winter months and started a plant journal detailing their progress.

So far, my favorites are:
  • Tradescantias (really easy to grow and a lot of them come in purple!)
  • Coleuses (also easy to grow and propagate and super colorful!)
  • Pelargoniums (they bloom constantly and the scented ones smell so good!)
  • Golden pothos (it's amazing how much they grow in such little light)
  • Oxalis (I love his little purple leaves! It's my little baby. 😭)
Taking care of my houseplants has been such a stress reliever in these uncertain times. If I give them enough light, water, and attention they grow and that makes me happy. :)

So what are your favorite houseplants? How many do you have? Do you have any interesting stories about yours? What plant(s) are you most proud of?
Me!!! My dad is a super garden enthusiast so some of my plants are offspring of his.

I have a little table next to my window with the following:

- ZZ Plant (<- doing extremely well!!! proud mom to this bby)
- Pilea peperomioides (<- rare find! the parent plant produced 2 pups that are now thriving, but the parent died :( )
- African violet (<- NEW!! A bby from my dad's parent plant)
- Geranium (<- NEW!! Another bby from my dad's parent plant. this one flowered once :) )

I've had the most consistent success with my ZZ Plant.
I've had the most consistent success with my ZZ Plant.

ZZ Plants have the reputation of being survivors of the plant world, along with pothos and snake plants, so I'm not surprised! Low-light plants are the best choice as houseplants, but I do envy people who have a lot of natural light in their house!
I love houseplants! I agree that caring for them is a great way to relieve stress. I try to only get plants that aren't toxic to cats, so my choices are limited. Though I've been gifted a few that are toxic, like the golden pothos, so I have to keep it out of her reach. Here's what is currently taking over my dining room/kitchen area:

A goldfish plant, my favorite--but I kind of suck at caring for it. It isn't seeming to flourish as well as it should.
A False-Christmas cactus...I should start forcing this one to bloom, but it seems like such a commitment!
A golden pothos, which as you mentioned, is a great plant for beginners like me. Mine is getting so big that I actually propagated it for the first time yesterday! Fingers crossed that the nodes grow roots.
A rabbit-foot fern. I really like the furry roots on this guy!
A Japanese ghost fern.
A Boston fern.
An orchid. These are a little harder to care for, but it sure does pay off!
A compact dragon tree.
A parlour palm. I'm hoping this one grows into a very tall plant!
An African violet. This is one of my favorites! It's easy to care for and so beautiful.
A chive plant.
Fairy lights. This is a pepper plant!
Little Jewel...a little cactus that lives on my window sill.
Silver Inch plant.
I wish, but the way my house is set up I wouldn't be able to take poper care of them
I have a few plants sprinkled about. They add a much-needed natural/soothing element to my otherwise depressing living space. I want to have a mini herb garden and a couple of small bonsai trees eventually, but I've settled on low maintenance to start. I'm still new to caring for plants, but I love my growing plant family.

One of my favorites is schlumbergera, or the 'Christmas Cactus,' which blooms in November/December. Its flowers are super pretty. I've had this for YEARS (I want to say 10). It was a gift from my mom, so I'm happy it's still with me today. :) I also have an aloe and snake plant, and orchids that I love. I throw an ice cube in every once in a while. Lasts forever!
Plants! I have a few indoors but most of mine are outside. Indoors I now have a pothos, mini pink, succulent, flamingo flower and two different Amaryliss? I forgot how its spelled, it's a flowering plant. One is plain red (or will be, neither have bloomed yet) and the other is Starburst or somethin like that.

I used to have a Raven ZZ plant that grew very slowly. Turns out even thou it says it's an indoor plant, it needs sunlight, artificial light isn't good enough. Like 2 days after I put it outside 2 braches grew much more leaves. Another 2 days passed and those leaves turned black (which the plant is supposed too it's not dying lol).

My mini pink has done so well indoors and loves tap water. I used to give it hose water like all my other outdoor plants but one day I gave it tap and it really seems to like it. The pothos I used to have indoors has also done well with artificial light. I hope I can find more low maintenance indoor plants (and not plants that SAY they're good for indoors but actually aren't *cough ZZ Raven cough*) so I can add to my collection. It's so nice lookin back at old pictures seeing how much a plant has grown since then.

Also def gonna check out some of these plants others have mentioned, I wish I had more nurseries near me, the hardware stores and the one nursery has some unique plants but not all meet my requirements.
I love tillandsia! 💚

Which are also called airplants. They're great. The only plants I have. The best thing about them? They don't need soil to grow. Just good sunlight, water and air. I live in a small apartment and I find them so easy to take care of simply because they don't need soil. I've been growing tillandsia for 4 years. Here are a few old pictures of my plants. (They're from my currently inactive instagram account where I post pictures of my different hobbies, um, colliding. In this case, airplants+miniatures+photography. :LOL: )

Tillandsia also grow more slowly than other plants, so if you don't have much space at home, they're perfect. That being said, some species of airplants reproduce easily. (See bottom left picture. Babies!) You start with a couple of airplants but you may end up with a dozen after a year. I give to friends to trim my collection. I have over 60 right now but it's manageable because they're small plants and they all fit at a bay window. I'm totally addicted though. I don't rule out expanding my collection.

My plants make me happy. 🌱😀
I'm in LOVE with houseplants. I think one day I'll have enough houseplants to make myself happy, but today is not that day. I don't have as many as I would like, but I'm getting more soon because I feel like my room needs more life. I have an air plant in my room, 3 succulents that have grown alarmingly fast in the kitchen as well as 2 others in the kitchen. I have 2 hanging plants and one terrarium in my room next to my window! I want a potted plant like a pothos, money tree, peperomia, plants like that. I also have a love for succulents and plants like the string of pearls, so I'll end up impulse buying a bunch of plants after Christmas! Airplants are my favorite, they are a bit finicky but that just might be the type I bought. 🌿
I love plants and would have them indoors like crazy if it didn't make my mold allergies worse and the fact that I have cats. Also, I have a brown thumb. I have tried many times to keep plants, including carnivorous species but with no luck. I do have 5 outdoor plants, one of which is a group of tiny cacti. I forget the names of the others, but they're doing okay so far. I try to not do much with them and they do pretty well with the recommendations for the species. I'd love to have plumbagos (spelling?), hanging wisteria, climbing ivy, and maybe some mosses and wildflowers. I used to have roses and had an orange rose, a purple rose, a pink rose, a red rose, a white rose, a yellow rose, and a dark colored rose. It was a lot like animal crossing. lol (I have pictures of the orange and purple ones somewhere I think!)
I love houseplants and I wish I could have more of them but I suck at taking care of plants (I once had a tomato plant when I was little but it died from being overwatered...) and I have two cats. But so far I just have hardy plants! I have two peperomias (one called Tiger and the other called Salad) and two small cactuses.
Im into plants but im not as hardcore as i was last time anymore. I would count as a collector last time. a crazy one. I followed every plantubers i can find on youtube and my favourite one was Summer rayne oaks. I even bought her book. I was very into the rare species like the anthurium waroquenum and those variegated fragile plants like monsteras. My collection was vast but a lot of them died due to me not caring about them anymore. I dont know why but i just stopped caring and stopped watering them and they just died. I wasn;t particularly sad. I just moved on. i still have some of the plants. They kinda survived my negligence. one of them is my variegated alocaisa. my collection is greatly reduced now and tbh i find it easier to breathe with my current number of plants. I still love plants and forever will and am content with my current plants. Maybe ill expand my collection again. If that ever happen it probably won't be anytime soon.
I’ve always wanted to get into plants! I’m just very afraid of killing them. Been thinking about starting off with some succulents... I’m a very sensitive person, and I know I’d be really sad when the plants died anyway, even if they live for a long time.
I really really really want to get into house plants but im always super anxious any time I try to go to a store to buy any 🥺 like I want to ask questions and know how to care for them all but I get too scared.

I'll go eventually i just need to work up the courage 😂
I’ve always wanted to get into plants! I’m just very afraid of killing them. Been thinking about starting off with some succulents... I’m a very sensitive person, and I know I’d be really sad when the plants died anyway, even if they live for a long time.
After killing a few plants, what really helped me is the app Planta. You can put in information, like how much sunlight the plant gets etc and it notifies you when you can water it again. ^^
Usually have one sorta big pot of flowers once every year in summer. They would smell nice and very colorful
We have a lot of houseplants that I take care of. Most of them are orchids though, lol.

I do take care of a bunch of outdoor plants as well and would say I have a pretty green thumb. 😛
I don't care much about flowers but I do love green leafy plants. I don't know, there's something very pleasing about seeing plants grow over time, and I get even happier when they get very big compared to when I got them. I would take pictures of my plants right now but the sun just set and artificial light doesn't do them justice... Maybe another day. :LOL:

I wouldn't say I'm extremely good at it, but I can keep stuff alive. I definitely need to try an app like @Plume recommended, unfortunately Planta seems to be iOS exclusive but it could still be very helpful to have something to remind me of the plants! That's a great idea. :D
I wanted some desert plants like cacti but I'm kinda afraid my animals would get hurt lol

But I really should buy some more houseplants in general though. ._.
I tried but forget to water them >.< So I have had cactus plants until my dogs thought they were tasty. (They were ok, they just peeled the needles back and ate the rest). My grandma has always been really into houseplants. I hope to get one this summer for the house and try again. Something that hopefully my dogs won't bother and big enough to where I notice it exists lol.