Giveaway {WINNERS ANNOUNCED!}🎉🎉Blink's 700 NMT Giveaway🎉🎉

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Island Rep: Darian
Island Name: Otter Cove
WWYD: I only need one more dreamie and my island will be complete! I’d use the tickets to obtain her and then the leftover would go to helping my sister complete her dreamies
  • Island Rep: bunny
  • Island Name: puroland
  • WWYD: i'd probably use it to get dreamies and decorate my town w flowers and furniture !!! and if i have any leftover i'd probably give it away/ to my friends
  • Island Rep: Ashe
  • Island Name: Laceport
  • What would you do with your NMTs if you won? If I won in any way I would use the nmt to hunt down furniture items and dreamies. This amount if nmt would be such a wonderfully fantastic thing to have. I only hope I am lucky enough to win! thank you so much for doing this!
Hey freiend i see you are doing a giveaway 👀 tysm for doing this 🥰
Island Rep: Kadori
Island Name: Sea Major
  • I would really like to finna find raymond. I decided that if I have all those NMT I'm gonna buckle down and keep on island hopping and hopefully the RNG gods will grace me. PLUS he's my last dreamie but I've got nothing to give for him other than noob items now, so i hope this can help me.
  • I'd also like to help the tbt community find their dreamies as well as my friends find theirs and the amount of NMT that is being given away I'm really excited to be apart of that. So i'll also dedicate alot of my time to make my town a cycling town. I've been recently trying to help the newcomers so I'll probably directing my focus toward them and also those who are just one dream villager away~
Tysm again for doing this! Good luck everyone! <3
Island Rep: Audie
Island Name: Ceresia
What would you do with your NMTs if you won? I would use to to continue hunting for my dreamies (current one on my list is Walt)
Island Rep: Ellanora
Island Name: Balemoar

2. Hunt for all the rings and flower crowns
3. Sell a few for IGB so I can host another party for my friends.

4. Do a giveaway if I had any left.
Island Rep: Jared
Island Name: Moondust
WWYD with your NMT if you won? Search for some other villagers that I want (Cherry) and the rest I would use to buy other items!
My Island Rep is Bea
My island name is AkyBea
WWYD: Try to find Raymond to invite to my island. Also, I would use it to buy cute furniture and matching clothes for my dreamies. With extras, I would maybe even consider hosting a giveaway to pay it forward to help others get their dreamies, furniture, and clothes too!!

thanks so much for hosting a lovely giveaway!
Island rep: Hodgie
Island name: Bob Burger. What I would do is give them to all my friends for free so we can all find our dreamies. Please and thank you if I win and if I don’t it’s no problem thanks for doing this.
Island Rep: Kelly
Island Name: Big Gyal
WWYD: I would most likely try to use the NMT's to buy birthday items to celebrate my friends birthday, split NMT's amongst my friends (sharing is caring :D), and go villager hunting! I have become obsessed with watching streams on Twitch and videos on Youtube where people go villager hunting, and I would love to use the NMT to go hunting on my own. Another idea is to host events such as fashion shows where people can win NMT but also have a fun time participating. It always makes me happy being able to do something for anyone, even if it's just a small thing.

Thank you for doing the giveaway, good luck to everyone!
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Island Rep: niku
Island name: bulgogi
WWYD: Save the NMTs and probably host a game on Twitch and use the NMTs as prizes :)
Island Rep- SourDeez
Island Name- SourLànd
WWYD- I would start hosting giveaways! Use the tickets to help me get some nice things on my island! Do my best to help others as this community is very nice and willing to help those in need. :)
Island Rep: Lauren
Island Name: Whisper
WWYD: Look for my dreamies :) and share the tickets with my family who have switches of their own
Island Rep: Roy
Island Name: A-World
WWYD: Get the remaining art I need for the museum.
Island Rep: Pipty
Island Name: Skadi Isle
WWYD: collect a bunch of materials/resources for giveaway
Island Rep: Cruwa
Island Name: Serenity
WWYD: I would mainly look for the last villager I'd like on my island, Sherb. If I were to find him early on (or through my campsite), I'd do a giveaway for the rest of the Nook Mile Tickets, as well as give away the villager that would be moving out, which is Audie. I know a lot of people like her so I got her while on my hunt for Sherb to give away while I hunt! I have 15 Nook Mile Tickets saved up for when Audie decides she wants to explore ... new horizons.
  • Island Rep: Beps
  • Island Name: Spookiiii
  • WWYD: help my friends! they don't go online since they're too shy and would love to split the tickets among themselves so they could try to get their dreamies. I don't really have a use for the tickets atm since I've already got all my dreamies! I would also try to introduce them to online communities since they feel they don't have much to offer (even tho I've told them they can just join for fun!!). I want them to experience the joy of cataloging with others and meeting new people. Hopefully, they'll get over their shyness without thinking they need a lot of tickets to feel 'big' and important to the community but I would love to help them regardless!
Island Rep: Jyt
Island Name: Shangri-La
WWYD: I would go on a hunt for Marshal my dreamie and possibly hunt Raymond. And if I have some left help my friends get their dreamie.
Hello! This is so generous and cool.

Island Rep: Pinky
Island Name: Pinky Land


If I were to win the coveted NMT
It would be such a dream for me.
I’d use them to finish up my barcade—
I’d also explore a cavalcade
of mystery islands— searching for Bob the cat and other friends.
Paying off my home loan, tying up loose ends.
I make my bells from fishing and don’t TT—
I hope you like my sappy poem, please pick me!

I’d really be grateful!
Your pal, Pinky.
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