Giveaway {WINNERS ANNOUNCED!}🎉🎉Blink's 700 NMT Giveaway🎉🎉

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Island Rep: Chloe
Island Name: Nintenland
WWYD: Give them to my best friend to help him get Raymond! :) He’s done a lot for me and it’d make him so so happy!
Thanks for the giveaway girly ❤️
  • Island Rep: Amberlie
  • Island Name: Rouxelle
  • WWYD: Use it to buy furniture and statues to decorate my island with! Ive been playing AC ever since i was like 5 but NH was the first installment where ive actually been able to get all my dreamies (or at least i will whenever Julian finally moves out) and im so excited about it! i also feel like my islands finally getting to be really pretty! i have a lot of spots reserved to display statues and whatnot, and once i finally get them displayed, i feel like ill finally be happy with it!
Thank you so much for doing this giveaway! TBT needs more groovy souls like you! ♡
Island Rep: Hay
Island Name" MellowMoon
WWYD: Try to find my last dreamie, either tangy, Diana, Wendy, or Octavian. If I had a lot of extras I would keep some for buying in game items I still need (four stars still ughhh it takes forever to find good furniture!) but give most to my cousin who just started her island yesterday! With not being able to go out during quarantine, I cant scan in my amiibo villagers that she likes :c So Ive been giving her some of my NMT so she can try to find some on her own <3

Thanks for doing this! <3 c:
Ahh the giveaway ends on my birthday! 🎉 Super cool!

Island Rep: Ryan
Island Name: Piki
WWYD: I would use the tickets to get my girlfriend her dreamies! The COVID quarantine has been a bit hard on her anxiety lately, and I’d really just like to do something to Help make her island the perfect island getaway with all her favorites!

Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Edit: Woops! I accidentally put my fave villager as the rep instead of my actual character! Haha fixed it! (Though to be honest I think my buff boi Antonio would do a great job too haha)
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Island Rep: Cetus
Island Name: Ardor
WWYD: Even though I have secured the ever elusive Raymond, I still have a long ways to go before my dream village is complete. 700 NMT would be more than enough to make sure I can get everyone I want on Ardor with more to spare. With all the NMT I have to spare, I hope to use that to give back to the community which helped me all the cuties on my island!
  • Island Rep: Soness
  • Island Name: Inkwell
  • What would you do with your NMTs if you won?
    • I would attempt to find Cyd through Island hopping (he’s the only hard to get possible dreamie I have), and buy items for myself, my friends and the wonderful group of people I’ve met through TBT!
    • Any leftover NMTs will be used to cycle my open spots. The non-permanent villagers I invite will be given away once RNG decides they want to move out.
Thanks for hosting such a grand giveaway!
  • Island Rep: Lydia
  • Island Name: Stardust
  • What would you do with your NMTs if you won?
    • Find my dreamies Raymond and Judy through island hopping
    • Buy real art to complete my museum collection!
    • Buy fake art to decorate island with
    • Buy Gulliver items to decorate island with
Thanks so much for this giveaway <3
Island Rep: Charlie
Island Name: Rainbow 🌈
WWYD: I would use the NMTs to gather as much rainbow coloured furniture I could get to finish off my Rainbow Themed Island and finish finding my dreamies!
My husband also casually plays to help me fish and catch bugs, so I'd use them also to help him get some furniture and clothes that suit him (Even though hes the opposite of rainbow >•< )
Lastly, anything that is left over I would give to the players who need help most :)
Island rep: lily
Island name: corona
(Kingdom in tangled not the virus)
I would use the NMT to find my favorite villager bones and make my island a 5 star!!
Island Rep: Micah
Island Name: Jabberwock
What would you do with your NMTs if you won?: id likely use some to get more furniture for my island ( getting five stars is hard... ) and as i already have everyones favourite taxes cat, id continue my hunt for muffy or audie ! if i found her id give the rest to my friend so they can keep hunting for raymond !
- Island Rep. - Toadsy
- Island Name - Honeylager
- WWYD - So I am the type that likes to experience new villagers all the time on my island to hone in on who really are my dreamies. With that comes truly integrating them into my town once I finally get them. This requires changes of furniture, hybrids and essentially the whole area when that villager finally comes. And its my favorite part of ACNH. However all of this costs way more Nook Miles than I care to like lol. So I would use the NMT to feel safe in being able to hunt for all these villagers, whether its looking on Nook Islands or getting the villager from Nookazon. I have a very developed island which means terraforming can be quite a hassle when I decide to switch something up

This is a very sweet giveaway, thank you for hosting! Congratulations on getting all your dreamies!
This is a very sweet giveaway, thank you for hosting! Congratulations on getting all your dreamies!

Aw why thank you! I needed Dotty the most (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ) she’s so beloved my brother and I since ACCF. ❤️

In other news:
I’ve updated the thread and moved some things around cause I didn’t want to confuse some people about how much the winnings were! Also included names so I don’t forget who posted once already!
Island rep: Darcy
Island name: DC Island
WWYD: Id help other people within the forum get their dreamies, probably give my brother a stack of them as he is new to the game and might go on a mystery tour with a few (much rather help other people out than myself) 😌
Island rep: Bree
Island Name: Luna Isle
WWYD: I'd use the miles to help my friend out in searching for her dreamies and decorate her island. I'd also use the miles to help decorate my island to finally achieve a 5 star island rating for the first time in my AC history :).Any left overs i'd give it back to the community.

What a wonderful idea, thank you!
Island Rep: Jess
Island Name: Cambry
WWYD: I'd finish buying everything on my wishlist so that I have no more excuses to put off finishing my house + some areas of my island! I'd also do some island hopping to find my dreamies + help my sister and friend find theirs :) and probably also give away a ton of villagers on here! tysm for doing this!
Island Rep: Luke
Island Name: Map’s End
WWYD: I’m still looking for my last dreamie, Joey! I’ve been to countless islands trying to find him but haven’t been so lucky unfortunately. And if I DO find him quickly with the NMT, I’ll disperse the rest among my friends so they can try to get their dreamie-filled Island too!
you’re literally such a kind soul omg🥺 you really be doing the most for this community <3 congrats on getting all your dreamies, too! you definitely deserve them c:

Island Rep: xara
Island Name: axolotl
WWYD: hoo boy what wouldn’t i do. i’d definitely use them for island hopping (once somebody actually decides to leave,,,) because i’m addicted and even though it can be frustrating, i honestly find island hopping for dreamies to be fun - 6 more to go! i’d also use some for trading since they’re a popular currency and there are still a few items and diys that i need ;u;
Island Rep. Noura
Island Name: Elfhame
WWYD: My island is in dire need of restructuring so the NMT would make the 5 star island process much easier! In addition, I really want to be able to help my disheartened friend find her dreamies, stitches and dom! I'd hunt for them, and cheer her up! With any remaining NMT, I'd like to find one of my dreamies-Judy! (also happens to be on the more popular side, and therefore, difficult to trade for unless you have 500+ NMT ;v;), so this would help tremendously in more ways than one~

This giveaway is awesome, tyvm💕 c: best of luck to everyone ~
Thank you so much for hosting this!! It's so sweet of you and always makes me smile to see such kindness in the community ♥️

  • Island Rep: Alias
  • Island Name: Taverin
  • What would you do with your NMTs if you won?: HONESTLY... Just help my friends find their dreamies. I'm pretty happy with my island now, so now I just want to help my friends who have dreamies but struggle with the ACNH villager market. I remember how happy I was to get Marshal, and it took me a long time to find someone who wouldn't outbid me! I like to keep an eye on the Bell Tree Forums too, so if I run into campsite villagers or mystery island villagers that people on here want, I try and reach out to them. So basically I'd be using the NMT to give away to yet more people x'D Gotta share the love! <3
What a super nice thing to do!

  • Island Rep: Kumabachi
  • Island Name: Alola
  • WWYD: I'd use them to make my island more of a "home" for me since I am still searching for my dreamies ans some furniture. I'm also planning to get my beloved one his own Switch and game so he can build his own island (right now he's my +1 on my island). I would so love to surprise him by presenting him tickets so he can build up everything from scratch just the way he loves it right away!
    Our beloved pet decided it's time to leave us in RL, and we wanted to bring her back in NH as a villager.
    Also I always try to decorate the space around a villagers home according to his character and the way I think they would do it, and even though I love the slow pace of the game it can be really hard from time to time to collect everything without trading.
    And I love spending my nights on NM Islands to relax and spice up my day.
Thanks so much for this chance! :)
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