Giveaway {WINNERS ANNOUNCED!}🎉🎉Blink's 700 NMT Giveaway🎉🎉

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Island rep: Natalie
Island name: Cinnabar
WWYD: I'd use them to try to get Raymond who is my final dreamie! I've been grinding nook miles and have saved up 120 tickets so far and still have a while to go.

Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Island Rep: lilybells
Island Name: snacccland
WWYD: I would help my friends who don't trade online get their dreamies and fulfill their wishlists. And if we had leftovers, we would go island hopping to our heart's content!
  • Island Rep: Capri
  • Island Name: Frescas
  • WWYD: Get DIYS and furnitures I want for my town and probably get my dream villagers too!!
Island Rep: Kavy
Island Name: Esfera
WWYD: I would buy DIYs and furniture that would help me create a horror themed island.
Island rep: Coco
Island name: Coco’s
WWYD: I would look for my bby PIETRO because he’s such a qt :(

Ty for doing this btw 🥳
Island Rep: Emily
Island Name: Seoul
What would you do with your NMTs if you won? i would love to use it to by furniture/other items to finish my island, which i've been pouring my heart and soul into for the last month or so!

thanks so much for doing this btw! <3
Island Rep: Noah
Island Name: Usagi
WWYD: I would use the tickets to trade for as many items as possible. I'm trying to fill my catalog & collect lots of DIY's. I would probably also use some to get the villager Coco.
Island Rep: Lute
Island Name: Silixu
What would you do with your NMTs if you won?: Hunt for Kiki, Julian, and my sister's dreamies, plus get some good sets I need from here, nookazon and other places, depending on how much I'd have left after.

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Island Rep: Summer
Island Name: Breeze
WWYD: I'm still on a hunt for my last dreamie. Yes, you see it right in my sig, it's Raymond. I'm keeping my aspirations pretty low about getting him, though, and while I hope to be able to be lucky enough to find him on an island, I wouldn't be able to island hop 400/200/100 times (time wise or mentally - my attention span is nyoom LOL) I'd want to share my NMT with my two other close friends that I play with so they can find their dreamies, and other villagers to round out their towns. I'm lucky enough to have had the amiibo card for one of my dreamies, and even more grateful to have been able to get the other from a lovely person on the forums, so I'd love to be able to pay back and pass the dreamie love around. Other than that? I'm gonna be basic and say I'd be using a few NMT to buy the final touches of furniture for my Celeste room. A girl's gotta have hopes for a cat and galaxy room, huh 😂
Island rep : Karmahri
Island name : Bandle
wwyd : I would use some to hunt for Ankha, my queen! I'd use the rest for furniture cataloging, buying materials, or art commissions!
Island Rep: Konomi
Island Name: Dango
WWYD: If I were given Nook Mile tickets, I would try to get my girlfriend and little brother their dreamies first!! Then I would use the miles to try to trade for any wedding and festive items as Animal Crossing has been a great way for my girlfriend and I to bond (we are in an LDR). I'd also love to use the tickets to buy items to help decorate my Dango University idea that I plan on completing soon!

Thank you for doing this!! Best of luck to everyone!!
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Island Rep: Selphia
Island Name: Yoshia
WWYD: Find my dreamies! I only have 2 right now. I prefer mystery islands over trading (although I have traded) - it just feels so much more rewarding finding a villager that way! I would also probably use some NMTs to trade. I finally got my 5 star island and now I feel like I want to work on my house!

Thank you so much for the giveaway!!
Island Rep: Barry
Island Name: Creampuff
WWYD: I have most of my dreamies so I'll probably cycle a villager out and replace them with someone new. I will also buy some DIYs and my wishlist furniture.
Wow this is so generous of you! I've never had more than 40 NMTs at a time - I should probably be more consistent with doing my daily tasks haha

Island Rep: Doe
Island Name: Nara
WWYD: Use half to commission art from the lovely artists of BTF, and the other half to tip the people who host people for celeste etc. in the airport sub-forum out of the kindness of their hearts
Elysium, a beautiful island off the coast of some other bigger place we can't remember because Tom Nook likely drugged me.

We are the home to several water falls. With 10 amazing residents ranging from sarcastic to having an identity crisis we have something for everybody.

Please join our island resident Morgan in his dream of opening up his future cataloguing area, your nook mile tickets will be used to realize this dream to eventually help the residents of bell tree to have access to larger options of customization with many great and high demand items in one location.

Will you choose to be Elysiums benefactor and might we say future subject of hero worship? Well okay we won't worship you we reserve that for harvs couch, we all know what he's up to and we approve of his shamelessness, but that doesn't mean you won't get an honorable mention haha.

We hope Elysium will see you soon.
This is incredibly nice of you. I hope good things happen to you today.

Island Rep: Ralie
Island Name: Enchanted
WWYD: I'd give a portion to my boyfriend and my sister. Then I'd help out others get their dreamies or I'd include it in the giveaway I plan on hosting once the villager I have in mind (it's a secret) decides it's time to move.
Island Rep: Kate
Island Name: Windfall
What would you do with your NMTs if you won? use them to find my dream villagers!! thank you so much for the giveaway!!
Island Rep: Monique the cat
Island Name: Meowtown
What would you do with your NMTs if you won? I'd absolutely love to use some extra NMTs to pour into my "Make Meowtown beautiful" fund! Making an island perfect takes tons of time, bells, and tickets! If I win, I may also buy another cat villager or two that I don't already have. Thank you so much for the chance to win; you're very kind and generous! <3
Wow this is so sweet of you!! Good luck to everyone entering!

Island Rep: Evan
Island Name: Summertown
WWYD: I would love to be able to look for my friends’ & my dream villagers with them! I personally love taking my time on the mystery island tours because you can really reap so much from them, especially all the while being able to search for certain villagers! NMTs also seem to be super helpful to have on hand through trading so that would also be one of my uses!! :)
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