Giveaway {WINNERS ANNOUNCED!}🎉🎉Blink's 700 NMT Giveaway🎉🎉

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Island rep : Ellie
Island name : toadville
wwyd : I’d get the rest of my dreamies,give some away to friends and sell some
Island Rep: Perry
Island Name: Feeyrin
WWYD: I probably go island hopping for my dreamies as soon as someone moves and buy some of the Celeste DIY's and hard-to-get items lol

Really, really generous of you. GL to everyone!
Island Rep: Jen
Island Name: Sunset Bay
What would you do with your NMTs if you won?:
- I would start looking for Raymond for my sister. I’m not sure why she likes him so much, but I do know that she has been island hopping for over 3 months to trying to get him!
- I would also try and spend a bit to try and perfect my sis's island since our cousin keeps plowing over her hybrids.
- Lastly, I would try and give tickets to my friend since he is getting the game soon! I want him to be able to pick his villagers instead of just waiting for the plots to be filled (because I know he's cheap and won't spend and NMT on himself).

Thanks for doing this! I’m sure this is going to help out a ton of island hoppers trying to find their dreamie. Good luck to everyone!
Island Rep: Vadim
Island Name: Alinos
WWYD: I'd spend all of them to try to get my favorite Villager Hopper! He was my favorite in NL by far and I really want him on my island again!
  • Island Rep: Zachary
  • Island Name: Bunny Blue
  • What would you do with your NMTs if you won?: I'd put them in a shredder and laugh I would do a giveaway with them and ask participants what they would do with their NMTs if they won
  • Island Rep: Zuck
  • Island Name: Ram Ranch
  • WWYD: When I first got the game and was thinking back to my old animal crossing towns, I remembered a few villagers who left the biggest impression on me. One of them was Katt and I need her in my's been too long without her sassyness in my life.
✨ Island Rep: Catalina
✨ Island Name: Moondrop
✨ What would you do with your NMTs if you won? Honestly, I would props spend them on trying to find tarantula/scorpion island. I’ve never been lucky enough to visit one of them, but I’m not giving up hope. I just want to check it off of my ACNH bucket list lol. While island hopping, I’m also hoping to see some of my favourite villagers and inviting them to my island. Once I’m happy with my islanders, I also wanna help my best friend get all penguin villagers cause they’re hella cute and make her very happy.

thank you so much for hosting this giveaway 💛
  • Island Rep: Shelby
  • Island Name: La Tortuga
  • What would you do with your NMTs if you won? I would use them to get my remaining dreamies and help my friends get theirs :)
Island Rep: Caroll
Island Name: Caroland
What would you do with your NMTs if you won?
First I'll dreamie hunt for Chrissy and Francine, I have them in my acnl town and I just loved the two together <3 I'll also dremie hunt for the new horizons villagers, I really like their designs!
Then I'll share with my friends, not many play animal crossing, however with quarantine and no contact, animal crossing has been a way for me to connect with them <3 it's been really fun!
I've always knew that I'd buy a switch for animal crossing, because it's my favorite game ever (in the end I bought earlier for Super Mario Odyssey :), however I'd never thought that these dire times would happen right at the release of the game. I'm really blessed and thankful for it though, it's been keeping my mind sane ^^
Good luck everyone!~
Island Rep: Anni
Island Name: Stellaire
What would you do with your NMTs if you won?: I often have a difficult time with getting Nook Mile Tickets and I only reserve them for specific trips like making tarantula islands (or now Scorpion) or trying to get a villager to move in after somebody asks to move out and I have let them move out and give away my villager. So far, I only have 3 out of 10 and I'm determined to complete my dreamies list. Not only that but I also would use these tickets in order to help me get the items especially furniture that I need for my island and for things I would need for different sections that I plan to make in regards to my island. I may not have a specific theme except for Zen garden theme section and a coffee shop but the other ones, I'm still formulating yet I also know what I want as far as items go. If not my own island, these tickets will be done in a giveaway since I definitely wouldn't mind giving them away if I happen to have everything I needed in order to help other players who need especially need it.
Island Rep: Shawn
Island Name: Kakariko
WWYD: I would use them to search for my last 2 dreamies, Sherb and Raymond :) I would use the remainder to decorate my island and start working towards a 5 star island
Island Rep: Jules
Island Name: Woodfall
WWYD: Get Diana and build the village of my dreams!
Island Rep: Raeanne
Island Name: Tanelorn
What would you do with your NMTs if you won?
My mom and grandma play and I'd use them to help them get villagers and materials from islands and maybe surprise them with some fun art or furnishings from here. We can't hang out due to quarantine so it's all we got!
glow bump! ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧

hoping everyone can have a chance before this gets buried c:
gonna update the participant-spoilers later cause I am tired and I must do chores...
Good luck all! I do enjoy reading your WWYDs 💗
My Island Rep is Phoebe
My island name is Sfienrow
WWYD: I'd try to get my dreamies and help my friends get theirs!
Island Rep: Eon
Island Name: Metropolis
What would you do with your NMTs if you won: I'd continue the hunt for Lucky. I'm currently at around 1,060 tickets used or so. I still haven't seen him or Judy or Raymond, which are basically the only 3 I'm taking now. If I find them early on in the hunt, I'd be looking for Poppy to wife up Marshal with. :)

Also Blink, you're awesome!
island rep: claire
island name: everland
wwyd: i'd love to go island hopping for dreamies! this is so kind of you c: tysm for holding this!
Island Rep: Mika
Island Name: Moondrop
WWYD: I would help my friends get their dreamies (because I have all of mine!! : D) as well as buy wishlist items and other things for myself and to gift to my friends and villagers :> thanks for doing this!!
Island Rep: Tyler (co-rep Sylvana the squirrel :D)
Island Name: Kelp Cove
What would you do with your NMTs if you won? I would put away half for me to search for villagers and use the other half to aid the development of my island by buying furniture! ❤
  • Island Rep: Lily
  • Island Name: Alva
  • WWYD: Winning this giveaway would mean I could continue to travel to Nook Islands to search for villagers I’d love to have on my island, as well as allow me to help my friends who need to do the same!
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