Are you good at making friends? (Real Life!)

Are you good at it?

  • Awesome!

    Votes: 17 7.1%
  • Not bad at all!

    Votes: 31 12.9%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 58 24.2%
  • Not good.

    Votes: 50 20.8%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 84 35.0%

  • Total voters
I used to be pretty outgoing when I was younger and had a lot of friends, but over the course of high school idk, something just changed. A lot of my friendships just ended naturally and petered out, but others ended more abruptly, and then throughout college I didn't really put myself out there for a variety of reasons, so I didn't make too many there, either. It's something I'm working on, and hopefully once it's safer to go outside I can join some clubs and get to know people!
unfortunately, no. i’m super socially awkward + anxious and so, unless the other person makes the first move, which is a rare occurrence, i don’t make friends all that often. and even if they do make the first move, i’m so awkward and afraid of saying the wrong thing that it rarely ever goes past the smalltalk phase aha.

that being said, over the past few years, i’ve been trying to hold back on making new friends a bit. part of it is because i’m scared as i’ve had some bad experiences but i’ve also been trying to get myself mentally straightened out before trying to form new relationships so i’ve just been sticking with who i already know and who i’m close with :’)
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I'm a huge introvert but also really motherly so I tend to pick up a lot of strays.
Not really. I kinda don't talk to people, slightly avoid it cause I don't like my stuttering-ish issue. I don't do small talk cause I'm usually not enough of a quick thinker to think of a proper reply back that doesn't make me look like an idiot, I'm not witty, speaking is not always easy and I'm generally awkward. I don't aim to make friends, I'm usually content being by myself unless I want to show someone somethin or talk about a good thing that happened/story/interest, but even for that there's strangers on the internet. Infact at my old job it took me months before I finally 'warmed up' to talking to the people there beyond very short conversations. Also I would get graded on how well I socialized with coworkers in that department so yeah. With one coworker there (who is my friend now and I still chat with even thou I don't work there anymore) I didn't really have a solid conversations with them until they said they were gettin a dog. My instant first reaction after hearing that was 'damn now I gotta talk to them cause I want to talk about their dog'. Like literally as soon as we had a shared interest I opened up to them.
Used to be good with making friends in elementary until 6th grade.
6th grade, I was terrible with making friends in real life.
Now, I'm still terrible at it, but I try to get along and make at least a few friends, but I still consider them as acquaintances.
I'm terrible. I'm too shy, have severe anxiety (both general and social) and asperger's, so it's hard for me to converse without losing my focus. :
no, im not good at making friends but i've been trying. Im told by numerous people that they perceive me as intimidating, too cool for you, or even a loner because i dont speak much or dont want to speak much to a person i just met. But im totally the opposite once i get comfortable around a person. im that goofball that gets annoying sometimes so ya.
I would say I struggle with actually engaging with people regularly, I tend to be a bit more introverted and like my down time at home by myself or with my fiance as I'm usually quite emotionally tired after work. when I go out and actually interact in social settings I'm usually pretty good at talking to people and getting along with them but the transition from there into actually organising other social activities with them is where I have a hard time because I don't like feeling like I'm bothering people
I am, once I realise what the other persons humour is then I like to think I can get along with anybody
No way! I made 99% of my best friends in middle school because we were always the butt of every joke and none of the guidance counselors thought it was worth their time or effort to stop the incessant bullying that was going on :( Events like this + more incidents of hurtful comments and ignorance make it really hard for me to open up to others (in case I get hurt again). I have a good group of around 6-8 people that I would call my best friends and I've not met a single new friend in a while.
Absolutely terrible! I never had friends all my life. I kinda assumed young that nobody would really like me (sad I know), but recently a few people forced me to be friends with them lol (darn extroverts), and I've never more grateful for them 🥺
I’m really bad at making new friends I have about 4-5 some of them don’t want to be friends with me because I’m not good with talking to people
I would have to gauge my ability to make friends in real life as falling somewhere between Neutral and Not Good. I've always been a fairly quiet, shy person and I don't think I'm particularly skilled at socializing. I don't really know how to make the first step and try to become someone's friend, most of the people who I've become friends with are people who took the initiative to get to know me. I'd like to learn and eventually gain the ability to approach people I want to try to befriend.

The reason I say I fall somewhere between Neutral and Not Good instead of Terrible is because I always strive to be nice and polite to people and it seems to give a good impression from what I've been told.

It's far easier on the Internet.
Nope, not at all. I’m autistic (still waiting on a diagnosis) and I’ve always found it difficult to make friends or connect with people. There’s a few people I chat to online, who I’d call friends, but thanks to my own mental health struggles, I constantly feel like I’m annoying or pestering them, and that they don’t want to talk. I have one friend I see in real life, though we’ve known each other for around 6 years now, it feels like we’re drifting apart, she only ever really messages me now when she needs money now, so which is a shame.

But yes, this is an open advert, if you wanna be friends, hi, I’m Helen, really socially awkward, and I find it hard to make the ‘first move’ as it were, so if you want to chat, send a message :D
nope. being shy, kinda anti-social, a slight agoraphobe, anxious, socially inept, and the fact that im autistic which means im horrible at social cues...on top of also being very hyper active and talkative...i dont have many a friend irl lmao. which im fine with as i like to be alone and prefer friends that i only ever see once in a blue moon
I don't know why but in certain circumstances I am very friendly with strangers. I think it has something to do with how much I have to lose if I mess things up. So like at a party where there is some social pressure for me to not make an idiot out of myself (say a work-related party) then I might be more nervous. But if I am traveling alone, and I meet a stranger (say at a bar or while visiting a tourist site) I might talk to them and befriend them and make them a temporary travel friend - or even a forever friend if it works out. I still have a friend from when I went to Argentina a decade ago and that was someone who worked at an internet cafe I was using (they didn't have wifi everywhere back then.) We struck up a conversation about music and became fast friends.
Terrible at making friends. Always have been. I'm autistic and I struggle to relate to people, especially verbally. I would love to have friends, because I'm lonely as hell.
I'm good at getting along with people but I usually don't talk or hang out with people during my leisure time so its not really a true friendship. I think if I put more effort I'd be better at making friends.
Not especially. I don't enjoy social scenes much and become anxious in small (e.g.: one other person) and large groups alike. Situations, where I'm able to make friends in real life apart from minimal co-worker and student interactions, are rare.

I'm not great at keeping up with them either as I easily become absorbed in other things and sometimes come off as passive. I had a couple of friends during my college years where we'd play board games and attend local game nights together though. They were easygoing and understood I needed my space.
I'm good at making friends!!! Ive just always been too busy with school and work to maintain friendships in the past or one of us moves away and its hard to stay in contact.

But typically it doesn't take me very long to befriend someone c: