Bell Tree Direct - 10.19.2014

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So by Oct 23 for the red candy+restock do they mean midnight or sometime during that day?
There's 4 directs, one for each candy.
I'm guessing they'll be less of each candy, each time making the last candy the rarest...

Also dark candy is back :O
Only Jubs Jeremy Pally and another mod have the dark candy. The one Pally has is from last year. So "technically" the dark candy isn't back. :p
Who is the mystery 3rd person to get the dark candy this restock? :p Jeremy Jubs and who???
The mystery behind it is that they aren't giftable lol Even if it was nobody would because it's so rare. People were offering 10k-60k for this thing when they thought it was giftable. o.0
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The mystery behind it is that they aren't giftable lol Even if it was nobody would because it's so rare. People were offering 10k-60k for this thing when they thought it was giftable. o.0

if they arent giftable, then wwhy does justin's say it wwas from jeremy HMM
All part of the mystery I guess. He's a admin he can make collectibles lol so I bet he could do that. :p
I'm not sure how but you do pass them on when you get it because it's cursed.
Whether it's through other means than 'gifting' I dunno...
I suppose we'll just have to wait and see about the mysterious black candy OoOoOoOoO!
(On a side note, it was once giftable for Halloween back before collectibles were a big deal. Back when we had to walk to school in the snow, uphill, both ways!)
I suppose we'll just have to wait and see about the mysterious black dark candy OoOoOoOoO!
(On a side note, it was once giftable for Halloween back before collectibles were a big deal. Back when we had to walk to school in the snow, uphill, both ways!)

kaiaa youre making yourself look old OH WAIT YOU ARE.
I suppose we'll just have to wait and see about the mysterious black candy OoOoOoOoO!
(On a side note, it was once giftable for Halloween back before collectibles were a big deal. Back when we had to walk to school in the snow, uphill, both ways!)
remeber last time you said something like this in the woods!?
justin is gone forever rest in fkcing PIECES
now tbt needs a new admin
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