Bell Tree Direct - 2.7.24 - Twenty Years of TBT

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All the staff members are in a brawl over who gets to say this and I'm currently dodging a wicked Jeremy uppercut while I tell all of you that

This is not a team event.
So maybe it could be related to something else, like the Creature Feature or White Elephant Creations, but rather something different.
All the staff members are in a brawl over who gets to say this and I'm currently dodging a wicked Jeremy uppercut while I tell all of you that

This is not a team event.
what a plot twist
thank god ‘cause i don’t think i could handle not contributing to team peach
Best plot twist ever, right up there with “I am your father.”

I actually was going to post about how funny it would be if this event was never a team event. And it did end up happening.
I didn’t think it would be a team based event, as those types of events are usually a month long. This is about half a month long.

Still curious on how it would actually turn out to be.
as oblivia said, it's not a team event
i just really like fruits

im sorry or youre welcome i dont know which to say
Doesn't change the fact that I was put into a green category 😔 I'm green team forever somehow. Pls show me some mercy I'm on my knees rng gods. (Green/Pear lovers don't come for me)
Pears are my favorite fruit and green is my favorite color, so whatever this is, I'm quite content, even though peaches were my town fruit in NL, my first Animal Crossing game, so it would have been interesting to have things come full circle.
I just put New Leaf away at the beginning of February after getting a villager to move out, but this makes me consider booting it up again. Excited to see the events (tomorrow morning for me, probably).
Well, since we aren't on a team, then I can admit I wish I got an apple. Apples have always been my town fruit. I wouldn't dare stay in a town with an orange. Disgraceful.
All the staff members are in a brawl over who gets to say this and I'm currently dodging a wicked Jeremy uppercut while I tell all of you that

This is not a team event.
oh, i definitely should've remembered this wasn't a team event before ordering those "Team Peach" shirts for everybody 😭
So are the tags random, or do you pick different fruits for individual members? I’ve been thinking that I got apples because of my weird apple obsession.

I would still rather be apples anyway.
I don't think this is a team event. It wouldn't make sense to give everyone a fruit type before they had a chance to opt in or not. That would really screw up the teams if someone doesn't want to participate.
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