Canvas Crossing

I'm 10 mins into attempting the very first entry and I'm already ready to give up 😭
It took me an embarrassingly obscene amount of time and 50000 failed tries just to do a headshot I didn't completely hate for my Memories entry, I don't know why on earth I thought I'd be able to do 3 fullbodies, even if I super stylized or chibified them 💀

Still love the event concept, I am just terrified I won't complete it 😰
I already picked my targets, but alas, I hope to get some of the drawing done tomorrw, as I wanna try and work a lil each day so I am not working nonstop.
Now I gotta think about putting my name on it or not. I mean..both?
Had to look up the deadline cause I was worried it was going to be this Sunday. Thank you, it's not! Phew lol. I got done my first and am halfway through my second. If I can get them all done before the deadline, I want to try to get more done after I finish the other tasks like the memory and writing one. And maybe some other one I am forgetting.

I hope I can do your island reps justice or at least not upset you all lmao.

I hope to get some of the drawing done tomorrw, as I wanna try and work a lil each day so I am not working nonstop.
Oh god I feel that. Every time I feel like I have actual free time after long hours at work there's always something that happens that puts a wrench in those plans.

I'm 10 mins into attempting the very first entry and I'm already ready to give up 😭
It took me an embarrassingly obscene amount of time and 50000 failed tries just to do a headshot I didn't completely hate for my Memories entry, I don't know why on earth I thought I'd be able to do 3 fullbodies, even if I super stylized or chibified them 💀

Still love the event concept, I am just terrified I won't complete it 😰
Baby steps Rio! What takes me hours to do in a drawing I am sure so many here could complete in minutes or less. Just do what you can and if you do your best that's all that matters in the end.
It is not necessary to include your username on your drawings. Your drawing and the link to your reference are all that's required for this event.

Your subject matter is pretty specific, so we don't need further verification that it's you.

Also, I want to add that dizzy bone is going to be busy off and on, which is why I'm helping out. However, I have also been having a crazy work week, so I haven't gotten around to accepting any submissions yet. I will get started on that soon, but didn't want you all worrying in the meantime.
Thank you so much for explaining and all your help! ❤️
I’ve started one, just worried how good they have to be? Do we need accurate outfits as that is beyond me. Want to enjoy but would hate to spend days and have rejected 🙈💜
I'd wait for the mod's responses but this is from the OP!
Although you do not need to draw every detail of the outfit perfectly, it must have their character’s overall likeness.
I can only imagine it doesn't really.. have to be thaaaat detailed?! As long as it looks like the character and outfit..even remotely?/Or has the vibes? But I'm just an onlooker.. so I don't know what the mods are thinking..
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I definitely haven't been drawing every detail hahhaha
I haven’t even started yet, i dont know if I’ll be able to do all 3 😂

same. I have been working on the coloring one; didn’t think it’d take me this long. this is my first time coloring digital though so that doesn’t help 😅. I might put it aside for now and work on my three entries. i got a lot done but i feel like i still might not finish it.
I’ve started one, just worried how good they have to be? Do we need accurate outfits as that is beyond me. Want to enjoy but would hate to spend days and have rejected 🙈💜
Hi Roxxy! Don't worry, we understand that not everyone is an artist and even those who are may make stylistic choices that deviate slightly. As long as the main features are represented to make the character recognizable, your entry won't be rejected.
I got a notification saying my first entry was accepted, and the accepted reaction is there, but I don't think I got tickets for it? I didn't get the notifications saying what tickets I earned, they're not in my transactions, and based on the tracker I'd have 4 tickets more than I currently do if I had received the tickets
I got a notification saying my first entry was accepted, and the accepted reaction is there, but I don't think I got tickets for it? I didn't get the notifications saying what tickets I earned, they're not in my transactions, and based on the tracker I'd have 4 tickets more than I currently do if I had received the tickets

Thank you for bringing this to our attention! I'll make sure it gets looked into and once it's all sorted you'll get your tickets. 😊

Edit: I accepted about 15 entries last night, so the above goes for all who were affected.
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