Canvas Crossing

And we're good now! I re-accepted everything from last night and can see it in the transaction log. Thanks to Jeremy for the quick fix!

I suggest anyone who received an acceptance for Canvas Crossing already, please check your tickets and make sure you have the amount expected. It should only be a few of you at this point.

I'll be accepting more later tonight.
I finished three of them so far! I just finished my food task when I got home and now I want to focus on the writing and memory task, but after that I want to keep drawing more reps if I have the time. It's fun and such a cute idea!
I finished this event today, & am very pleased with how they turned out. I did all 3, & even with my lack of artistic skill, I really enjoyed this task! Hope something like this comes back again in future events. Just need to upload them to turn them in. 🙂
Why are hats so hard to draw :/ thats whats making me stuck haha
I am pretty much doing well with the drawings, so definitely will get things done by the deadline :D
Ahahaa when I was looking through the thread to see all the reps I was like 'everyone is wearing the birthday hat/shades! I don't wanna keep drawing that' lmao
Ahahaa when I was looking through the thread to see all the reps I was like 'everyone is wearing the birthday hat/shades! I don't wanna keep drawing that' lmao

Lol i like drawing those. They aren't as hard as drawing ears! No joke. I have a hard time with the ears, and they're just little lumps next to the head! So far I've drawn characters with birthday shades, the birthday hat, but no ears, just circles for hands, and awkward feet. 😂
Bit of a late question but how strict is the full body rule? I have one sketch where half of the character is showing but the other half is obscured (which I didn't intend to do on purpose, it's just due to the thing that they are clinging on to)
Why are hats so hard to draw :/ thats whats making me stuck haha
I am pretty much doing well with the drawings, so definitely will get things done by the deadline :D
Hats really are hard to draw. I’m trying on my first one but I’m having a hard time with the hair color it looks so off no matter what color I try .