Ever Had a Villager that Annoys You?

Hippeux. Please just move out already. Also Rooney, because he put his house right in front of my Town Hall.
Colton! D:< He took forever to move out. I only don't hate him entirely because the entire time I spent trying to TT him out he'd tell me which villagers where planning on moving that day.
*I'm a newbie here.*
My most annoying villager is Ruby, mainly because she's just literally annoying. Even if I try being mean to her or not talking to her, she still likes me. :mad: She just talks too much, always invites me to her house, asks me for favors. She's so clingy and needy! xD
Oh man, Moose. I remember when I finally got rid of him I decided to remake my town. I was so happy and then I saw Moose. It was like he followed me!
Pancetti and Keaton.
Every time i talked to Pancetti she would always yell and be rude about it (Her dialogue would be all caps) and that just annoyed me. I think it was just her personality but still it was annoying. She did stop though.
As for Keaton, he randomly moved in as my 10th villager from Streetpass and landed on my path near the train station -.-
Luckily, April Fool was around the corner so I got his picture and he left after a week.

In general I think random villager plotting is the most annoying thing that can happen in the game
Del. He wouldn't move away, he always sells me fake art, he always wants to buy my items for too cheap, he always gives me crap gifts, just get the heck outta here
Bertha, in my old town.
She moved, but she was actually a cute hippo. She always pesters me but i never do the favors she asks of lol.
Moose and... Greta.

I hated Greta.. she was always super rude to me.

i hate him so much as soon as he moved into my old town i died a little on the inside. he's ugly and smug villagers are so flirty (i hate their personality so much). i must have been really unlucky because he flirted almost all the time.
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At first it was walker, but I loved him after talking with him so much that I didn't want him to move anymore.
Scoot, cause he is an eyesore and he annoys me with his dialogue and his perpetual not-moving state and Elise because absolutely everything about elise.
I love Cobb, but he asks me for stuff constantly, so that's kind of annoying.
I hate Charlise. Not a cute one and always pings me for my rare items I may be holding. Accidentally got him from my sister after visiting nooooo!
I thought Scoot was okay at first, but now he just bothers me. Deli (my personal spy) keeps letting me know that Scoot is sick ... too bad Scoot.
Ever since Paula moved in she's been more and more annoying. She asked me to change her catchphrase only to copy another villager's greeting not too soon after. Then she kept saying "broski" all the time D: It's cute when a jock says it, but totally not for her.

Also, she is a little rude sometimes. Like when you talk to her and don't want to give her a perfect fruit she can not really deal with it. Ugh I wish she would move out soon but as of now she has been sticking to my town like glue. >: Oh and her weird character design is peeving, too. Bear with a headband... no way!
broccolo always coming over/not moving out >>'

diva always pinging me for useless stuff lmao

when zell decided to stay, that annoyed me despite me liking him as a villager