how accessible is your island?

Aside from places that are purposely not supposed to accessed, such as an island with decorations, my island is completely accessible :D
I have cliffs and bridges everywhere to make easy travel tho there is some areas where you can use a ladder for shortcut.
If you terraform a little bit further, you can add an incline. Your island is probably already filled so it'd take a lot of moving around to take a little section away. I saw someone on twitter do that. They also trapped themselves on the secret beach because Lloyd/the barrier blocked them in. This was before the diving update.

I did the same thing lol
It's fairly accessible. You can travel to almost all areas by sticking to the large roads along the coastline. Some areas may have a longer route/detour than others because of the way I terraformed cliffs to keep the sections distinct from one another. Technically those areas aren't meant to be easily accessible anyways. The only part of my island you need to access with a ladder is a "fake rooftop" I made that has a view to overlook. The rest of my cliff formations aren't intended to be accessed by visitors, although I do climb some of them to take photos of certain angles.
Very accessible, my town is very plain but very neat. There is only one tiny spot above a small waterfall that would need a ladder but there’s no reason to go on top of that as it’s not connected to or blocking anything.
Only inaccessible location that is of any value is my lighthouse, otherwise, you can get everywhere without the ladder or vaulting pole.
My island has a grand total of 3 bridges. Two areas require ladders. (My islanders will, from time to time, appear in these places like magic. :LOL: )

I carry my pole and ladder with me. I just really like going wherever I want to go in whatever direction I choose instead of having to take a pre-determined, hemmed-in path all the time. :giggle:
I try to keep things as accessible as possible - just a ladder for the secret beach. I think I have 4 bridges and 4 inclines, and that seems to be about enough for my island - a large chunk of it is pretty flat, which I like because it makes it easier to run around and gives me a clear line of sight for photos and stuff. the only catch is that it's CHOCK FULL of flowers, so although the map looks a little sparse and empty, it's actually mostly made up of snaking paths amid excessively organised flower gardens lol.

hopefully I start feeling like it's "done" enough soon, I really wanna upload a dream address!
My island is 100% accessible, most of my stuff on my island is made for me, others, and my villagers to interact with and enjoy. As much as terraforming and island decorating is about aesthetics, I like to have it where you can move around freely and where my villagers can actually sit around and enjoy the stuff that I've added to the island.
My island is pretty much all accesible, except for one area above nook’s and ables. Its a comfy lounge area i designed so you’d have to use a ladder to access. its a pain for people who dont like using the ladders but its something i decided i was gonna have right when terraforming was revealed. plus its funny to see if my villagers ever spawn up there lol
As for many, the only part of my island that requires a ladder is the secret beach. Adding a ramp would ruin the cliff top river above, so it’s staying secret.
My island is fully accessible aside from some cliffs that are purely decorative. I do carry the ladder and pole for shortcuts though as I don't have many bridges or inclines.
You can easily go everywhere on my island without any ladder or vaulting pole... except for Redd's secret beach. I didn't know the secret beach would later play a bigger role in the game, so I terraformed my island without thinking about it at all. However, I don't regret it as I think the secret beach is, well, more secret this way.
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mine's completely accessible - I still carry a ladder with me, but that's only really for if I'm too lazy to go the longer route and actually use my inclines. the closest I have to an 'inaccessible' area is the path to the secret beach, where you have to hop across some little 'islands' in the river
So far my island is 98% accessible. I don't think I can call my island city-inspired if I needed ladders and poles to traverse the area. No one city person going about their day needs a ladder or pole vault for their daily life (unless their work entails them to like climb buildings or houses LOL). That being said, the last 2% "normally inaccessible area" would be the city skyline (which I've purposely made to be inaccessible anyway, it's for viewing purposes only) and the school rooftop where you'd need a ladder to climb up. The school rooftop is just a tiny portion by the south of the island where you can view the ocean in full, but it's just a viewing area and doesn't stop you from traversing any other location.
while using the vaulting pole or the ladder is still more convenient at times, i’d say that the majority of my island is completely accessible, excluding the secret beach. :’)
I only have one spot that is a purely decorative cliff. That needs a ladder to get on top of it if anything spawns on it that I want. Everything else you can get to without a pole or a ladder.
Very. You need to keep dreamers in mind. They won't have vaulting poles or ladders. But more importantly, an accessible town means +2 inventory space.