how are you feeling right now?

I have mixed feelings. 43 of my biggest baby snails are rehomed. 🥲
Like it's so good they went to a place to be pets and not food and now I don't have to worry about my tank crashing, but they were so neat. They ended up splitting them between two tanks. They were all moving around wanting out of the acclamation bag. They were impressed with the size of the biggest baby, which is still smaller than her father.
I have a bunch of small ones that need to grow more, so I'm not snailless but still.. I miss those goofy gentle giant babys. I still have their dad, Gethin and will keep him his whole life of course.
On the bright side I got some plants 🔁.
One of them is a tiger lotus bulb that is pre-sprouted and has a few leaves. I hope it lives. It is red.
Bitter sweet. I hope whoever goes home with my snails loves them and enjoys them as much as I did. 🥲🐌
I’m feeling okay overall. I’m annoyed that I woke up about a half hour or so ago and I have no energy to even play a game 😅. I’m feeling better (for now) than I was when I went to bed though. Last night my mood was going downhill real bad. I’m hoping today my mood stays stable and okay at the very least.
my social battery is gone!!!!! we had our bai sun today.... it's the day of my paternal grandma's passing so we go to the cemetery to pay our respects then have a family gathering at the eldest kid's place (which would be my dad) so we had to host everyone. i love seeing everyone but i'm almost so drained after
plus i've been cramping all day today but had to act like everything was a-ok Q-Q
I’m feeling pretty good. I’m a little anxious about something else, but I’m sure I was fine 😅. I’m feeling sleepy again lol.
I’m a little tired because my dumbass anxiety brain wouldn’t shut up last night about things that aren’t important. Not that this is new.
Edit: Just fell really bad outside, got scratched up badly and broke my new glasses. Now I’m staying home, but I feel really bad. My phone’s screen protector got damaged too but my phone is fine. I didn’t like how my dad picked up my phone and tried to get in it. Like weird thing to be concerned about. He was concerned but didn’t need to look at my phone.
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I’m hungry and crabby and need to take my medicine. I’m waiting for my mom to come home from my sister’s since I have no energy to deal with my dad. Interacting with him is hard and being around being he doesn’t treat his anxiety or allergies or get hearing aids, so he’s always loud, coughing and sneezing and lashing out at me and my mom. Also he is getting ruder and ruder over the years.