I am done with Nintendo for this generation


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Apr 28, 2013
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I bought my Switch on Day 1. I played the hell out of it.

But now is time to move on after 5 years. I am selling my Switch, and will only look into buying a new Nintendo console when the next one is released (unless it's a waggle-waggle gimmick cluster**** like the Wii was).

The Switch is the greatest Nintendo console since the Super Nintendo. Hands down. But after 5 years, I am ready to move to the next Nintendo console.
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That’s fair. The Switch isn’t getting many new first party games anymore and it shows. I took a break from mine for a while for the same reason. I ultimately came back for visual novels and other games that are in my backlog.
Yeah, I get it. Played the hell out of my Switch as well and practically neglected my Wii and 3DS, lol. But nowadays my Switch Lite is collecting dust on my dresser while I play Tomodachi Life and Wii Sports Resort.
For me, as long as great games keep coming out, it doesn’t matter what console it’s on. I’m just enjoying my time on this console until the next one comes out.
I can understand since not many first party games come out as often but I do play on my Switch here and there depending on the game (Kirby and the Forgotten Land was the last Switch game I played).
Some indie games are good onthe Switch. I think unless someone has a personal interest in a game franchise the pickings are slim for interesting new games. I say Nintendo turns the page for a new chapter in Chao gardens.
Yeah, I definitely agree with you. Far from my favourite console but Splatoon 2, MK8D to an extent, and Pokémon games kept me playing. Wouldn't it be for Spla3n and upcoming Pokémon games I probably would have sold mine, too.
I don't know if I could sell any of my systems (sans Xbone, because that's just a glorified brick). They hold precious memories to me, and I love playing great games that are exclusive to said system(s) and/or the system(s) itself is old. Don't have a problem if anyone else decides to sell theirs; I just hope it's not a decision they'll regret later on.
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Nintendo still provides some first party games, but the games they are now producing are ''scrape the bottom of the barrel'' franchise. You know it's time to move on when Nintendo is relegated to producing new versions of Mario Soccer, Mario Golf, Mario Baseball, etc.
My issue is that first party Nintendo games are $90 CAD and imo very few are worth that price. They're either too short or too easy/aimed at kids, and I get it, Nintendo is a family company, but it's quite ridiculous to me. I'm not even a crazy great gamer or anything and even I question it.

A lot of games I buy nowadays aren't even Nintendo so I could abort and own a PS4 or a gaming PC. Lots of Switch ports of games are terrible or better on other consoles.

I've been digging into older games like Bully on PS2 and Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn on 3DS.
Nintendo still provides some first party games, but the games they are now producing are ''scrape the bottom of the barrel'' franchise. You know it's time to move on when Nintendo is relegated to producing new versions of Mario Soccer, Mario Golf, Mario Baseball, etc.

I mean, they release a new version of most of those games on pretty much every console. It doesn't mean they're scraping the bottom of the barrel, they're at this point expected releases that are as inevitable for each console as a new Mario Party, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Zelda, 3D Mario, Pokemon, etc. May as well say the Switch was struggling from the start since they released "yet another" Mario Tennis only 12 months later.

I have absolutely no interest in the sports titles but it would be disingenuous to say they're scraping the barrel because they're releasing new versions of things that don't interest me when the vast majority of Nintendo games are and always will be sequels to existing IP's.
Scraping the bottom of the barrel, is meant as second-rate franchise.

People will buy a Nintendo console to play a new Zelda, Animal Crossing, Mario, Mario Kart, Smash Bros., Splatoon or maybe even a Metroid or a Fire Emblem game.

Nobody ever buys a Nintendo console to play Box boy, Mario Tennis/Soccer/Baseball/Golf or Mario & Luigi game. Those are second-rate franchises. Normal 2D Kirby games could even fit in that lot. The new 3D Kirby game did wonders for that franchise.
My issue is that first party Nintendo games are $90 CAD and imo very few are worth that price.
I agree. I spent $60+ Canadian dollars on Switch Sports, played it for a bit with my brother, and never touched it since. I guess it's not a total waste, because my dad plays it sometimes and it's one of the few games my brother can play when his friends come over. But honestly, I prefer Wii Sports Resort over Switch Sports.
Aww thats sad but I hope you still had fun! I have never liked the switch and really truly have stated that SO many times. I still play my Wii U and 3DS just for the sheer fact they have more good games and are fun to me. I know its probably just because I have had my Wii U and 3DS since I was REALLY REALLY REALLY little and still play them but the Switch is just.... a boring console to me. The only games I still play on it are ACNH every once in a while and Splatoon 2 which I have been playing alot since I got it in 2018. I have enjoyed many games on the switch but I have also found many lack luster. Its not really a problem now as 90% of the games have been ported but I felt cheated for a while with my switch. I was so confused why they kept on taking the games from the Wii U and shoving them on switch. I know it means more people can play them but WHY DIDNT THEY ALSO RELEASE NEW ONES THAT WERE ACTUALLY GOOD??? Seriously though it was brutal for a while when everything was a port that I had already bought... Nintendo has just become overall a much scummier brand since the switch. They really are a "game COMPANY now rather than a, GAME company."
I think I'm in the same boat. I unplugged my dock earlier today to make room to plug in a fan. A few hours after doing this my NSO subscription auto-renewed for another 12 months and I was actually annoyed. It's inexpensive but I use my Switch so little these days that it feels like a waste.

Maybe being on a low income this past year, and therefore unable to afford new games at launch, is part of my problem but right now my PS5 and the general affordability of new PlayStation games (whether that be through PS+ or just waiting a couple months after release for physical PS4/5 games to come down in price - something Nintendo games typically don't do!) is working out better for me.
I sold mine due to lack of interest for games on Switch and the switch wasn't running Nin games well anyway..
Steam's library just fits me better. Then the Steam Deck became a thing, so I ordered it and waiting for it to come in. But I was willing to give up handhelds because of the direction Nin has been going with their products in general. Whether the joy cons, the switch performance for brand new Nin games, NOS issues, game content... Hopefully Nin will do better next time. I think ACNH+the shut down is where they made the most of their bucks at.
I also must comment on how even Nintendo's exclusives aren't really doing it for me anymore. The only ones I care about are Animal Crossing, Pokemon, and Kirby. Pokemon's been hot garbage for me lately so I've basically given up on that franchise (asides from spin offs). Animal Crossing is questionable right now. Kirby was kinda meh but I do really enjoy Kirby and the Forgotten Land. So really, there's not much of a reason for me to stick with Nintendo anymore. The Steam Summer Sale has really opened my eyes as a cheap gaming option. Yeah, you need to get a powerful enough PC, but it's still cheaper than hopping from console to console over the years. I still prefer console gaming and I love physical games but as it stands, PC gaming is the best for my wallet. Switch versions of games are so expensive and it's like... why? Its framerate is less, graphics not as good, and some will lag. I don't understand why anyone would buy the Switch version unless it's the only console they have. Yet Nintendo charges up the wall.

Like most people, I was fond of Nintendo as I grew up and I truly felt like they loved gaming. Nowadays, it just feels trashy. The joycons are cheaply made. My Gamecube controller still works great, meanwhile I've had to repair my joycon already. As an adult, I don't have much time to play either so it's not like I've just played my Switch too much and killed the controllers. As a kid, I played the Gamecube far more.
I haven’t cared as of late either. Mainly due to unfinished games (‘Free updates’ is a lie. New Horizons will forever be a painful memory for me.) and general lack of soul and personality, as well as announcements for games being exceedingly rare instead of there being a big event or news being spread evenly throughout the year. I’ve found the best solution is to just ignore it and play old games instead. They bring me joy instead of disappointment and anger, so there’s no reason to try the new.

I’ve also wanted to move on to different hobbies as I’ve realized gaming isn’t my thing, and I have a huge Nintendo-bias I can’t loosen my grip on. I’m not sure what hobbies I’ll take, but I’ll figure something out eventually.

(If anyone needs old Nintendo game recommendations, I can give some.)
I haven’t cared as of late either. Mainly due to unfinished games (‘Free updates’ is a lie. New Horizons will forever be a painful memory for me.) and general lack of soul and personality, as well as announcements for games being exceedingly rare instead of there being a big event or news being spread evenly throughout the year. I’ve found the best solution is to just ignore it and play old games instead. They bring me joy instead of disappointment and anger, so there’s no reason to try the new.

I’ve also wanted to move on to different hobbies as I’ve realized gaming isn’t my thing, and I have a huge Nintendo-bias I can’t loosen my grip on. I’m not sure what hobbies I’ll take, but I’ll figure something out eventually.

(If anyone needs old Nintendo game recommendations, I can give some.)
It's gotten to the point where if a new game comes out, I look at reviews before buying. That has saved me from so many disappointing games. It's just sad. Of course there were bad games back then too but I feel like there's just so many more half baked games these days and with their high price tag, it makes it all worse. It's as if you're searching for a needle in a haystack.