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Nintendo Direct: E3 2018

I have a good feeling AC title will be announced tomorrow. Is an AC SE Switch too much to ask? Because I would very much like to buy one especially because I missed out on the New Leaf SE 3ds years ago. Overall. I think E3 showcased some amazing titles . Let's see if Nintendo can go out on a bang! :blush:
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I think an animal crossing is a bit too early at this stage
I'd prefer a new earthbound

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Not necessarily a new mother but perhaps a remaster of the first 3, including the third some parts of the world never got
I'm curious why you're even attacking me for this post. I'm clearly unhappy that N64 VC isn't coming to the Switch, and I feel like the N64 Mini is just kind of a slap to the face.

For example, I'd love to have Paper Mario N64 (something I don't hate, surprise! =P) on my Switch... But alas, it seems like that's too much to ask for, and I find that to be very sad considering that VC has been a mainstay on every system since the Wii.

I had no intention on attacking you but like I said, you're being quite fierce. As if everything that happens is some kind of disaster. If that's truly how you feel then that's fine but personally I can't get myself so worked up about things like this.

Anyway apparently some person on Twitter knows more about Nintendo's upcoming presentation. They said that Smash looks cool but aside from that there won't be much. Hopefully they're just talking about Nintendo's physical presence on the showfloor as I'm assuming the Direct could have some great games with no playable demos available at the booth just yet.

I think an animal crossing is a bit too early at this stage
I'd prefer a new earthbound

It's been over 5 years.

6 years in November
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I'm not sure if I'd buy an N64 Mini or not. It really depends on what's on it. I'm an old as far as these forums goes, so I'm already covered for my biggest nostalgia eras (got the SNES Mini, did not get a NES Mini but hoping to when it comes out again later this month).

I am definitely interested in a Switch AC though. It would probably convince me to buy a Switch finally. I also wouldn't mind a Switch version of Super Mario Maker with added Super Mario Bros 2 USA/Doki Doki Panic stuff in it. Oh, and they need to add slopes too. Obviously.
I've found an N64 and every game I wanted for it very easily and pretty cheap. It's one of those systems that is hard to break, including the game carts and controlers, so they're still around. You accidentally dropped it on the floor a few times? All you have to do is blow on the game slot to get it working again. I really don't see a need to re-release with limited games. I wouldn't mind seeing some of the N64 game titles remastered for other consoles instead.
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I bought the NES and SNES minis, but I still have my N64 console, which works just fine, so probably won't get one of them.

I haven't bought a Switch yet, as there haven't been enough games that interest me to justify it, but if they come out with AC and some Layton games, that might be enough to sway me.
I think an animal crossing is a bit too early at this stage
I'd prefer a new earthbound

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Not necessarily a new mother but perhaps a remaster of the first 3, including the third some parts of the world never got

They already said they're done with the Mother series, even something remastered isn't on the horizon. Earthbound and Mother 1 for the VC was enough. Instead of making a new Mother game, they need to localize Mother 3 before anything, considering still nobody outside of Japan has it localized.

I'm placing my money on AC, but I'm ready to be disappointed. Already disappointed with Pokemon this year, so I'm hoping maybe the new core Pokemon game and AC will be announced at next years E3.
I'm placing my money on AC, but I'm ready to be disappointed. Already disappointed with Pokemon this year, so I'm hoping maybe the new core Pokemon game and AC will be announced at next years E3.

If Animal Crossing doesn't show up I'm going to be super disappointed (Ill probably just go into utter despair mode, at that point lol). It is not anywhere near "too early", for those claiming that. New Leaf was released in late 2012 in JP. That will have been six years ago this holiday season. Plus, since then, Nintendo has really picked up on advertising the franchise with the spin-offs, and being one of the few franchises they have translated over to the mobile platform so far. It's a franchise that they care about seeing go forward, that's one thing for certain.

As for the core Pokemon RPG for next year, I'd expect to see it around February. I believe both X/Y and Sun/Moon were announced around that timeframe.
Here’s hoping for AC Switch! I am personally skeptical but still, no harm in hoping.
Well folks,

we're down to the last hour before either sheer joy and love for life or utter disappointment and feelings of despair and loathing.

I'm hoping for great news about Yoshi, some news about Animal Crossing, and maybe a mention of Mario Maker for the switch but I'm just sitting here cautiously optimistic.

Hope you all prayed to our over lord Tom Nook last night!!

Here's to hoping though!
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"Animal Crossing will be announced at next years e3."

Right because that is what we have been saying for the past 3 or 4 e3's. I bet if it goes unannounced, you all will be saying the same thing next year. Just show the leaf logo at the very least.
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Remember to keep your expectations in check and please don't get angry if you don't see your favorite franchise or focuses heavily on Super Smash Bros.

That train went a long time ago. Only Nintendo can saves us now.
AC Switch won't be announced. They are spending way too much time on Smash.

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What garbage
Nothing that appealed to me whatsoever
Guess I've got fallout to look forward to
Basically the whole direct dedicated to a game we already knew was coming??? Definitely lackluster.
Wow, that was disappointing. It is exactly what I thought it'd be, though. Felt like thirty minutes of Smash cinematics. I will say, he really had me going with the 'and now, news on a title I know fans have been waiting for for a long time...

Octopath Traveler!'