Nintendo Direct February 13th 2PM PST

After all it seems like king zell's information was correct again.

And I'm so hyped!!! Can't wait for the Direct!
I'm not expecting Animal Crossing to be shown. Honestly, I think I'd wet myself if they showed it. I'm expecting it to be mostly Fire Emblem (meh), which I think was confirmed and Smash DLC (more meh). We'll se Metroid Prime Trilogy according to rumors (yay). It's also very possible that Final Fantasy VII (7) gets a surprise release after the direct. Gameplay of it was already shown in a recent commercial.
I think there won?t be any new AC info tomorrow, but rather they?ll wait until E3 to reveal anything.
I’m ready for the next Nintendo Direct. It’s actually cool that it’s going to be on my birthday too.
I'm trying not to get my hopes up for AC news because I think they'll focus on Fire Emblem, but I can't help myself haha. I hope we get at least a launch window, but I doubt there will be any gameplay footage. I'm still excited for the direct though. Luckily it starts about an hour before I leave for my night class so I should be able to watch it live.
I'm trying not to get my hopes up for AC news because I think they'll focus on Fire Emblem, but I can't help myself haha. I hope we get at least a launch window, but I doubt there will be any gameplay footage. I'm still excited for the direct though. Luckily it starts about an hour before I leave for my night class so I should be able to watch it live.

To be fair they said the same thing about Mario Tennis Aces for the March 8th direct last year and it only showed 6 minutes worth of content. :eek: So I don't think you shouldn't really fret much about it being centered around Fire Emblem much.

Still excited either way for the new direct! :) Kinda hoping for a 3D World port.
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Besides the obvious, I am really hoping for a confirmation of the Metroid Prime Trilogy HD and a shadow drop for Final Fantasy VII.

Tomorrow is gonna be exciting!
I think they must know that there are A LOT of people waiting. They could expect some rants on social media if they don’t say anything about Animal Crossing. Plus it has been quite some time since the announcement. So I think and hope there will be some gameplay shown and a release time window.
I REALLY hope it comes out in the spring because I know it was mentioned that it would be released soon after its announcement and a full year IS NOT SOON
I feel like there's a good chance of Animal Crossing Switch stuff showing up at least a little bit in this. I don't normally watch Directs live, but I'll probably watch this one thanks to that.
How come some people think its not going to be shown?

Fear of disappointed..

My expectations:

Tomorrow they will give us SOME information and a release window, and I think they will save the real gameplay and features for E3.. with a september release.

It they are going to release before september, they must show us more tomorrow. They know the fanbase is waiting.
How come some people think its not going to be shown?

Animal Crossing being one of Nintendo's most popular games, it's quite possible they may save it for later so they can have more time and make a bigger deal over it. Currently nothing is certain. I think there's a very good chance we could at least see a name and probably some gameplay (most of the remaining development time will probably be put into dialogue, items and refining things), but the whole thing may be held off if they're not feeling confident enough to slap an exact release date on it (though they could still narrow it down to what season, I guess).
Oh man. I get what you both mean. I’m trying not to get my hopes up but its so hard cause i’m so excited for it. Well at least i can just play new leaf i guess if it comes out really late. Though i would love for it to come out soon like June.
I'm trying not to get my hopes up but it's not working. I just hope it's not completely disappointing.
I'm a little worried about Animal Crossing not being shown. At this point it just seems so likely that there'll be a trailer or something but I thought the exact same thing at E3 2017, then January 2018, then E3 2018. Too many times have I gotten my hopes up for no announcement!

I really hope Nintendo's been listening to everyone begging for some AC info. I'll be so disappointed if it doesn't appear tomorrow even though it's not to be expected or anything. I'm praying for a trailer and hopefully a release date.
I’m really expecting some news on AC switch tomorrow. It’s already February and AC is supposed to be released this year.. so I don’t think it’d be smart for Nintendo to put off any news/updates any longer than they already have. I’ll be pretty bummed if we don’t get anything.