OHHHHHHHHH BOY, here we go. I've got a ton of them.
- when people hide things from me thinking they're doing me a favor (you can't hide forever....... like..)
- although I don't drive, I detest when people turn on their blinker/directional literally AS THEY ARE TAKING THE TURN!?!?!? WHAT WAS THE POINT OF USING IT THEN? ok... i..
- when I'll politely tell my brother to stop talking because I'm not listening but the second I tell him that he just picks up right where he left off (like bruh do you not.. well okay you cant help it i get it, i'll let it slide. once.)
- when I tell someone 'no' to a question like 'want to watch (show)?' or 'will you watch this tiktok video?' and they literally go 'WHY?!?!?!?! WHYYYY?!?!?!' until i say yes. please take no as a valid answer bc i might dropkick you if u dont..
- I get incredibly frustrated when people do not know the difference between 'their, there, + they're' OR 'too + to' OR 'effect + affect' or.. ok the list goes on but I'm so picky with grammar and even spelling ... I did not win the spelling bee in the 5th grade to be done dirty like this,,
- *cleans glasses* ... two minutes later my dog will jump on me and their nose will smudge my lenses<3 hate that.
- when my stepbrother turns my light on and off constantly for literally no good reason. i'll be in the middle of writing something down and he'll just turn my light off<3 pls turn it back on! he'll turn it back on and i'll go 'thank you!' and he turns it off right after. then turns it back on. then back off. then back on. then back off. and then i just get up and turn it on myself. my light switch is located outside of my bedroom so like.. it isnt a lamp lol
- when my mom's bf gets mad at my older brother for having a meltdown and bc he called him a name.. 'DONT CALL NAMES!! *proceeds to call my brother a name as well*' why r u mad then if ur doing the exact same thing?!?!?!!?!?!?!???????????????????????????????? what? what? what? waht? wafesrdfsdfcsjdf!?
Probably a lot more that I can't think of but yea this is the majority of them, I'd say.