Pin the Tail on the Villager

Oh man I submitted my answer a few hours ago and felt pretty confident but just looked again and I’m pretty sure that was wrong, whoops. Think I know where he is now tho and will be curious to know if I’m correct now, even if I can’t actually change my guess…
I’m pretty much not going to guess here, every single time I look in the image, I couldn’t find Dobie one bit. And the hidden wolves weren’t who I was looking for.
I put in a slightly random guess after sitting here forever. I'm curious to see what the answer is later (hopefully tonight? : D )
I feel more confident with my answer compared to the previous round, so it'll be interesting to see where Dobie is. Jeremy out here be playing tricks with us all. 😆
I’m most likely gonna be wrong here, I had no idea where Dobie was. For all I know he was probably completely hidden behind the pillar structures.
I was 100% confident in the previous round but certainly not in that one. I tried some logic...but..
Round 3: Dobie Answer New
Round 3 has now concluded!

Round 3 Answer

Dobie was located at R9!


Clues: As you can see from the now structureless and lopsided gym building, Dobie was standing on a scale behind one of the columns. Once again, this round required more consideration than basic search-and-find. Instead, a clue was located in the list of numbers displayed on the gym's TV screens. Each treadmill and scale contained a number connecting it to one of the measurements on the screens. The treadmill screens displayed speed, while the scale screens displayed weight. We can see from the kettlebells in cell C16 that the gym is using pounds to measure weight, which helps clarify that the numbers should not be interpreted as kilograms. These numbers are the speeds and weights of the species using the equipment. Out of the obscured scales and treadmills, a wolf such as Dobie would only logically fit on scale #10 at 90 pounds.

Red herrings: A few of the wolves hiding behind other things. Lobo at U6 and Kyle at I15 were the most common incorrect answers. A hidden treadmill would have also been a possibility, but the speeds for the other villagers are all around their species' max speed. #3 is too slow, while #10 is too fast.

Let us know how long it took you to work out the speeds and weights of these villagers, or what tricked you instead!

Extra info: This one took me a lot longer to put together than I anticipated and I'm not sure if I really finished it either! It ended up being posted a little late and with fewer red herrings than I wanted, so perhaps that helped save a few of you from being tricked! Also, I made at least one mistake: Puddles' weight is off by a decimal place. The final round will be posted tomorrow. This next one may look a bit different than the others... I'm not sure if that's good or bad, so we'll have to see!
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Bruh, I guessed and still got it right…

I mean, I did look up today on how much Wolves weigh, which the males weigh on average of 90-100 pounds. And scale #10 happened to have the number 90 on it, so I assumed it was Dobie. Not to mention @-Blue- did give a point, he’s too old to exercise. So give me some credit for doing scientific logic.

Go me, 3 for 3!
Nice, I actually got the answer right for once! 🎊 Lobo almost tricked me there, but I knew something wasn't adding up.

Another thing I took note aside from the weight and speed is the render of the villagers. I noticed that the ones on the weight scales are standing straight towards us while the ones on the treadmills are not. As for Dobie, his render falls in the former as I noticed that there are some villager renders from New Leaf as well. He did make a return to that game, but as a part of the Welcome Amiibo update, so there wasn't a render of him running in motion as far as I know.

Take a drink every time I said the word "render" lol.
Nice, I actually got the answer right for once! 🎊 Lobo almost tricked me there, but I knew something wasn't adding up.

Another thing I took note aside from the weight and speed is the render of the villagers. I noticed that the ones on the weight scales are standing straight towards us while the ones on the treadmills are not. As for Dobie, his render falls in the former as I noticed that there are some villager renders from New Leaf as well. He did make a return to that game, but as a part of the Welcome Amiibo update, so there wasn't a render of him running in motion as far as I know.

Take a drink every time I said the word "render" lol.
Oooh, that’s really getting into some clever fine details I didn’t even think of!