no matter how much i stare, i cannot see the 'nose' as eyes. (i mean, i
can, but i have to force myself, if that makes sense.) i'm sure it's to do with something-something, deterring predators, sort of like how some butterflies have those sometimes terrifying fake eyes on their wings, but with this design it just... doesn't work? i'm pretty sure it's to do with the color, because they're the exact same yellow as the mouth
and the fake eyes. imo it would've made more sense to have the mouth and real eyes be a different color to the fake ones. (or have the fake eyes on the sides instead of facing forward, because that
kind of defeats the purpose of them. or swap the design of the fake eyes and real ones.) idk idk, it's a cute design otherwise, but i'm
definitely not gonna remember that those are fake eyes, that's for sure.
(also, i know snek said it reminds them of ditto, but it's giving me chansey vibes lmao. especially if you cover the fake eyes. like that is just green chansey