Pokémon Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet General Discussion

Apparently people wanted more so they got it!

Serebii says it will contain info on a new Paldean gym leader. I'm thinking it might be a female gym leader this time. Maybe she's the gym leader of the farming town on the left path of Mesagoza? Its an early town do I'd figure they reveal at least the low level gym leaders.
Apparently people wanted more so they got it!
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Serebii says it will contain info on a new Paldean gym leader. I'm thinking it might be a female gym leader this time. Maybe she's the gym leader of the farming town on the left path of Mesagoza? Its an early town do I'd figure they reveal at least the low level gym leaders.
OMG, I said about a week ago I wanted to see a new Gym Leader, and specifically a female one. I’m with you on that. And judging by the silhouette on the Serebii Twitter post, it looks like the new leader will be female. I’m so excited about this. And the fact that it appears that we will get a Presents is amazing; we need more information about these games after all. I’m just super excited about this, we will get so much new info and I want to be bedazzled, flabbergasted, and satisfied by what we will get. I want some new Pokémon/Pokémon forms too and maybe if we get starter evolutions I might be more convinced on what I want. Reveal us amazement within Paldea, that’ll be all. I might even be sold on anything new tomorrow.
I am filled with just positive emotions and optimism from this announcement alone. Please shown us what you need to, and we’ll be stunned for sure.
OMG, I said about a week ago I wanted to see a new Gym Leader, and specifically a female one. I’m with you on that. And judging by the silhouette on the Serebii Twitter post, it looks like the new leader will be female. I’m so excited about this. And the fact that it appears that we will get a Presents is amazing; we need more information about these games after all. I’m just super excited about this, we will get so much new info and I want to be bedazzled, flabbergasted, and satisfied by what we will get. I want some new Pokémon/Pokémon forms too and maybe if we get starter evolutions I might be more convinced on what I want. Reveal us amazement within Paldea, that’ll be all. I might even be sold on anything new tomorrow.
I am filled with just positive emotions and optimism from this announcement alone. Please shown us what you need to, and we’ll be stunned for sure.
Speaking of the silhouette

I didn't see it before I wrote the last post. She appears to have Magnemites in her hair so she may be an Electric type gym leader. Maybe the gym leader of the modern looking city on the right side of the map. We haven't had a female Electric gym leader since Elesa in Gen 5 (Unova confirmed lol) so it will be nice to see another one.
This is old information, but I’m happy that my main trio of Eeveelutions are returning. I may have someone breed them for me because I wanted to use them on my team for the journey. (Yeah, I know they are National dex, but we can still get them traded to us.)

Speaking of the silhouette
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I didn't see it before I wrote the last post. She appears to have Magnemites in her hair so she may be an Electric type gym leader. Maybe the gym leader of the modern looking city on the right side of the map. We haven't had a female Electric gym leader since Elesa in Gen 5 (Unova confirmed lol) so it will be nice to see another one.
Cool! Something I also want to mention is that a female Electric or Steel specialist will be brilliant! We’ve only had one of each type and I think we need more balance with genders (this is a reason as to why my fan project has both a female Steel specialist and a female Electric specialist).
I'm betting the new gym leader is going to be a streamer.

There's a little tv graphic on the top left of the image with a very visible play button in the middle of it... plus I see some spherical camera things too. Electric as a typing would make sense too since streaming is so tech heavy.
I'm betting the new gym leader is going to be a streamer.

There's a little tv graphic on the top left of the image with a very visible play button in the middle of it... plus I see some spherical camera things too. Electric as a typing would make sense too since streaming is so tech heavy.
You make a good point, though that could just be a YouTube reminder. But if she really is a streamer, then not only will I possible be in love with an e-girl, but she may also possibly ruin my life.
P.S. See what I did there?
I'm betting the new gym leader is going to be a streamer.

There's a little tv graphic on the top left of the image with a very visible play button in the middle of it... plus I see some spherical camera things too. Electric as a typing would make sense too since streaming is so tech heavy.
I agree that she might be a streamer. I'm guessing that the trailer will show her doing a livestream, revealing new mons while she is doing it. Kind of like the Grafaiai trailer only she will be in front of the camera. I still feel like I'll be disappointed though because what I really want is an actual trailer detailing more gameplaying info. The marketing for these games has been really weird.

I also wish that they would just officially reveal the mons in the last two trailers (engine mon, mouse couple, parrot, salt mushroom). We know about them so why can't they just reveal them?

I'm hoping for a new Eeveelution! Double hoping for a ghost type one.
Hope only leads to disappointment. This is modern GF. They care more about marketing Eevee than making more Eeveelutions.
I agree that she might be a streamer. I'm guessing that the trailer will show her doing a livestream, revealing new mons while she is doing it. Kind of like the Grafaiai trailer only she will be in front of the camera. I still feel like I'll be disappointed though because what I really want is an actual trailer detailing more gameplaying info. The marketing for these games has been really weird.

I also wish that they would just officially reveal the mons in the last two trailers (engine mon, mouse couple, parrot, salt mushroom). We know about them so why can't they just reveal them?

Hope only leads to disappointment. This is modern GF. They care more about marketing Eevee than making more Eeveelutions.
Eh you're right. I'm honestly expecting these games to be rushed garbage heaps so if they are the slightest bit good I'll be shocked lol. Modern GF is terrible.
Eh you're right. I'm honestly expecting these games to be rushed garbage heaps so if they are the slightest bit good I'll be shocked lol. Modern GF is terrible.
And to add to that, it’s best if a new game takes its time, too. After all, Mario’s creator once said that a delayed game is eventually going to be something actually good, while a rushed game would forever be bad.
YouTuber Emperor Cubone emphasizes this more in depth in his “Things You DON’T Actually Want In Pokémon” upload from two years ago.
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And to add to that, it’s best if a new game takes its time, too. After all, Mario’s creator once said that a delayed game is eventually going to a something actually good, while a rushed game would forever be bad.
YouTuber Emperor Cubone emphasizes this more in depth in this “Things You DON’T Actually Want In Pokémon” upload from two years ago.
Absolutely. I wish they'd take their time instead of pumping out a game a year. It would really help their games' quality.
Absolutely. I wish they'd take their time instead of pumping out a game a year. It would really help their games' quality.
Well, I just hope they give us small content or almost nothing tied to a new main series release either next year or the year after.
Remember the year in between Emerald and Diamond and Pearl? Or the year between ORAS and Sun and Moon. I’d like for this to return.
But hey, I’m looking forward to tomorrow and don’t have that many hopes.
I'll eat my words and say "hope only leads to disappointment"

What a disappointing trailer...
All we know is that Iono is an Electric type gym leader...thats it.

Troll move by the TPC
Yeah that was lame lol and her voice was absolutely grating.
I think this trailer would've been fine if it hadn't been hyped by the pokemon company. These sorts of trailers are best left as just something they upload out of the blue. I personally don't think this even qualifies as a trailer as much as just a piece of promotional material.

That aside the idea of making a streamer gym leader do a fake stream was a cute idea and I can appreciate the creative decision to do that. Just... not the right execution.

I'm guessing her partner is a pawmi evolution.
I'm guessing Iono's partner is either a new mon or Pawmi's evo. She could even have a non-Electric type have an Electric Tera just to fool us.

Yeah that was lame lol and her voice was absolutely grating.
Everything was cringe. They could have done better if they didnt go for the "quirky" route. The quirkiness just ended up being annoying cringe.

That aside the idea of making a streamer gym leader do a fake stream was a cute idea and I can appreciate the creative decision to do that. Just... not the right execution.
Sounds like the whole ScarVio marketing to me.
So, I understand the disappointment, but at least I got a dream come true. And maybe we’ll get a reveal of the partner Pokémon tomorrow? I might just be overthinking things. At least true bittersweetness is being expressed, showing the drawbacks of releasing big games too soon. What I’m happy about, however, are the creative concepts to marketing (even if it is faulty). And remember the dream come true. The Electric specialist gender balance is being reached with now a second Electro-chick.
Let's recap Eletric-type specialists:

♂️ Lt. Surge of Vermillion City, Wattson of Mauville City, Volkner of Sunyshore City, Clemont of Lumiose City (most forgettable of the group imo) Sophocles the Trial Captain of Ula'ula Island

♀️ Elesa of Nimbasa City (best Gen 5 girl no questions asked) and now we have Iono

Iono fits the streamer/influencer trope just fine: straight cringe. And her partner Pokémon?

......GOROCHU 👹⚡ and don't tell me ya'll never heard about this godly beast lol
well i feel obliged to post here to say i love iono, pink and blue is my fav color combo and i love her energy.
still... it wasnt really a trailer and i can only agree to what people said before me, it would be fine if they just dropped this instead of announcing it. crossing my fingers that we get a her partner pokemon revealed tomorrow and they dont wait until next week or something
also i have to say im a little sad that a lot of people put their frustration about the trailer into hating iono for no reason