Pokémon Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet General Discussion

I really like the hats; they look unique in my eyes and seem creative in some way.
I like them too. Its just I've seen many comments that say they dont like them. I'm personally wondering what the Rock tera looks like considering that the Normal tera hat is a large gem.

What we have so far...
Normal: Gem
Grass: Flower
Fire: Candelabra
Water: Fountain
Flying: Balloons
Ghost: Gen 1 GHOST sprite
I like them too. Its just I've seen many comments that say they dont like them. I'm personally wondering what the Rock tera looks like considering that the Normal tera hat is a large gem.

What we have so far...
Normal: Gem
Grass: Flower
Fire: Candelabra
Water: Fountain
Flying: Balloons
Ghost: Gen 1 GHOST sprite
PragMagik did a video on what he imagines the other Tera hats would look like. I recommend it to you when you have the time.
So...there might be a Pokemon trailer tomorrow morning at 8 EST featuring Ghost type Pokemon!

Not sure if its going to reveal a new Ghost type or not...but I really hoping its something spooky! (and not Ceruledge lol)
OMG its so cute!

Name isn't revealed yet on the site
I'm definitely using this in my playthrough!
OMG its so cute!
View attachment 464836

Name isn't revealed yet on the site
I'm definitely using this in my playthrough!
Ghost puppy I love you!!! 😭 Looks like it might be related to the Litwick line somehow?

It's times like this I'm glad Pokémon aren't real because I would totally get my life force drained playing with the ghost dogs—
Greavard took the place of Wigglet being my favorite Pokémon revealed. A fluffy ghost dog is too cute to pass up. I will search to the ends of the region to make sure I find one and put it on my team.
I think Grevard is supposed to be an Old English sheepdog.
Anyways, I think it’s lovable and definitely a lesser sinister Ghost-type.
I put St. Bernard because I thought that's where it got the "ard" part of its name from. Apparently I was wrong, it actually gets its name from grave + briard. Briards are a type of sheepdog from France (Greavard in Kalos when?) Greavard's name is also a wordplay of "graveyard"
There's unfortunately a lot of "leaks" that are obviously fake going around. Don't expect the datamine of the games to happen until a week before the release. If the datamine does happen before then I will honestly be surprised.
I'm highkey mad that we still don't know what the starter evos look like, hopefully someone can release pics in the next few weeks so I can actually decide which starter I wanna go with lol
I'm highkey mad that we still don't know what the starter evos look like, hopefully someone can release pics in the next few weeks so I can actually decide which starter I wanna go with lol
Same. The starters are all cute, but I've seen too many evolutions that end up looking awful.
I'm highkey mad that we still don't know what the starter evos look like, hopefully someone can release pics in the next few weeks so I can actually decide which starter I wanna go with lol
Its always perplexing to me why TPC decides not to reveal the final evos (at least even the mid-evos!) of the starters. The starters are one of the selling points in every gen. Gen7 was very hyped up to begin with, but it was also because the final evos were leaked beforehand. Even though I'm very confident in the starter I finally chose, (Quaxly gang all the way!) I know there are many that are still unsure about getting the games if the final evos look...disappointing.