Captain Jigglypuff
Leader of the Jigglypuff Army
Anyone else need to evolve Finizen? I would like to form a Union Circle with fellow trainers so we can each help each other out to get Palafin. And maybe do a few Raids together.
non-linear is a problem because if you do all the titans and nothing else, you'll be egregiously over-leveled for the first gyms and team star bosses, which is why i think level-scaling should've been a no-brainer for a non-linear storyline. i'm over-leveled as it is, and all i've done is explore and go back and forth between the three storylines to try and keep bosses/leaders/titans on par with my starter's level, but i leveled up so much from exploring alone that the first team star boss is going to get whacked rip.Not sure about climbing, but I unlocked swimming by beating the Open Sky Titan. Yes, it makes things a bit easier to get around, but I had to work on leveling up to beat it, so I don't see the non-linear part being a problem. Going from one titan to the next, I would have had my tail handed to me. Same with gyms. Haven't started on the star bosses yet, because I know I don't have anything ready for them.
Absolutely. I'm under the impression that they tackled the development for this game as if it were solely a handheld title. I prefer to play docked usually, but I think this is one of those games I'm going to primarily play handheld.i literally don't understand how this game can exist on the same platform as xenoblade and botw, it looks like a game on the 3ds or something.
I'm trying to stick with this approach as well. I've only looked at evolutions for the starters so far. I've no idea how my team is going to look at this rate and that's okay.I've successfully avoided majority of spoilers and am trying not to search the new Pokemon unless I encounter them in the wild (though I do search for their evos once I get them so I know if they're going on my team).
The lack of a battle tower is another reason why I'm really considering seeing if I can return what I bought. I'm expecting the patch for some of these glitches to be huge.I was reading through the comments of an article about Scarlet and Violet, and one of them caught my interest. The person said that although the performance issues were unacceptable, that he was having the time of his life and that if it weren't for the bugs and glitches that it could easily be the best Pokemon game in years. I've heard other people share similar sentiments, but so far I've never heard anybody explain why. I'm curious if anybody else here who's playing feels the same way, and if so, could you explain what it is that makes you feel that way? Certain aspects of the game seem like they could be fun, but just from an outside perspective, I can't really say that I would expect the game to make me feel like it would be a contender for the best Pokemon game in years. Due to Dexit, I feel like I probably won't be able to truly say that about any modern game in the franchise, but I know others aren't bothered by that as much as I am.
The lack of a battle tower is another reason why I'm really considering seeing if I can return what I bought.
I was reading through the comments of an article about Scarlet and Violet, and one of them caught my interest. The person said that although the performance issues were unacceptable, that he was having the time of his life and that if it weren't for the bugs and glitches that it could easily be the best Pokemon game in years. I've heard other people share similar sentiments, but so far I've never heard anybody explain why. I'm curious if anybody else here who's playing feels the same way, and if so, could you explain what it is that makes you feel that way? Certain aspects of the game seem like they could be fun, but just from an outside perspective, I can't really say that I would expect the game to make me feel like it would be a contender for the best Pokemon game in years. Due to Dexit, I feel like I probably won't be able to truly say that about any modern game in the franchise, but I know others aren't bothered by that as much as I am.
Honestly, your opinion of the game is going to differ greatly depending on what you value in Pokemon. Battle-wise and PVE, SV is terribly easy compared to previous generations. Graphics-wise, obviously not the best either. But experience wise, it's definitely up there. You can see wild Pokemon roam around, you can walk and interact with your Pokemon, and you're essentially crafting your own adventure anywhere you want instead of being roadblocked by an old man who hasn't had his coffee. I've grown old and weary of Pokemon battles (which I know is its core mechanic), but I got the game because of the open-world aspect. I agree it's still very flawed because many areas feels empty, but the nostalgia somehow keeps me playing. If you told 9-year-old me that I could one day play a game where Pokemon were 3D and were roaming around, I'd freak the hell out, too. Essentially, the Pokemon feel more alive to me now. And I'm having fun exploring and seeing new Pokemon.I've heard other people share similar sentiments, but so far I've never heard anybody explain why. I'm curious if anybody else here who's playing feels the same way, and if so, could you explain what it is that makes you feel that way? Certain aspects of the game seem like they could be fun, but just from an outside perspective, I can't really say that I would expect the game to make me feel like it would be a contender for the best Pokemon game in years
Honestly, your opinion of the game is going to differ greatly depending on what you value in Pokemon. Battle-wise and PVE, SV is terribly easy compared to previous generations. Graphics-wise, obviously not the best either. But experience wise, it's definitely up there. You can see wild Pokemon roam around, you can walk and interact with your Pokemon, and you're essentially crafting your own adventure anywhere you want instead of being roadblocked by an old man who hasn't had his coffee. I've grown old and weary of Pokemon battles (which I know is its core mechanic), but I got the game because of the open-world aspect. I agree it's still very flawed because many areas feels empty, but the nostalgia somehow keeps me playing. If you told 9-year-old me that I could one day play a game where Pokemon were 3D and were roaming around, I'd freak the hell out, too. Essentially, the Pokemon feel more alive to me now. And I'm having fun exploring and seeing new Pokemon.
Of course, this is just my opinion, I still agree there are so, so many flaws and that this game can be better. But I also can't deny that I'm still having fun. :]
Everyone is encountering shinys and i am working my pokedex and i have encountered like 0 shinys hahaha, you all are so luckyI just figured out that your pass shows you how many "shinies you battled".
How did I battle 4??? More importantly how did I not see 2 of them. I don't remember ever seeing those shiny sparkles anywhere except for the two shinies I did catch in the wild.
There are always exclusive pokemon of each version: Scarlet has some and Violet others. That's why they release two versions.Everyone is encountering shinys and i am working my pokedex and i have encountered like 0 shinys hahaha, you all are so lucky!
Post automatically merged:
I am striving to complete my pokedexAnd i was wondering if there are specific pokemons that i wont be able to register on my pokedex unless i trade with someone with the other game.
Thaaanks in advance!
Everyone is encountering shinys and i am working my pokedex and i have encountered like 0 shinys hahaha, you all are so lucky!
Compared to Sw/Sh, I think it's an improvement. I much prefer racing along in an open world, seeing Pokemon in the open. In fact, that's the main draw for me. Storywise, it feels much better too, but I'd argue Sw/Sh had one of the most boring stories and all I really remember is a rival I beat easily, and a champion who never knew where he was going if it wasn't for Charizard. In ScarVi, Arven's story in particular was great, and I genuinely felt something. Still saw the big plot twist with Team Star's boss almost immediately, though.I was reading through the comments of an article about Scarlet and Violet, and one of them caught my interest. The person said that although the performance issues were unacceptable, that he was having the time of his life and that if it weren't for the bugs and glitches that it could easily be the best Pokemon game in years. I've heard other people share similar sentiments, but so far I've never heard anybody explain why. I'm curious if anybody else here who's playing feels the same way, and if so, could you explain what it is that makes you feel that way? Certain aspects of the game seem like they could be fun, but just from an outside perspective, I can't really say that I would expect the game to make me feel like it would be a contender for the best Pokemon game in years. Due to Dexit, I feel like I probably won't be able to truly say that about any modern game in the franchise, but I know others aren't bothered by that as much as I am.
I'm not hugely driven by battles and 'gotta win everything' that past games have prioritized. I enjoy battles, but it isn't my main interest. The open world aspect means I can do what I want, when I want. That is very cool and makes things a lot more realistic, IMO. Being able to interact with and collect the pokemon I want and still be able to put together teams that will do well in competition makes for something fun. Despite the flaws, it still is a net positive, to me.I was reading through the comments of an article about Scarlet and Violet, and one of them caught my interest. The person said that although the performance issues were unacceptable, that he was having the time of his life and that if it weren't for the bugs and glitches that it could easily be the best Pokemon game in years. I've heard other people share similar sentiments, but so far I've never heard anybody explain why. I'm curious if anybody else here who's playing feels the same way, and if so, could you explain what it is that makes you feel that way? Certain aspects of the game seem like they could be fun, but just from an outside perspective, I can't really say that I would expect the game to make me feel like it would be a contender for the best Pokemon game in years. Due to Dexit, I feel like I probably won't be able to truly say that about any modern game in the franchise, but I know others aren't bothered by that as much as I am.