Truth be told, reading reviews of the game and how it had such severe performance issues, lag, glitches, etc. it really began to turn me off from getting it. A lot of people talked about the negatives and showed only the negatives, but I really wanted to give the game a chance because it genuinely looked like fun, plus I skipped getting SwSh and really didn't want to miss out on another Generation, and after spending 3 whole days playing I can happily say I'm having a great time with the game.
I have yet to experience anything really game-breaking. It doesn't seem as bad as some people made it out to be, honestly. I do get the occasional camera clipping through the ground and the game sometimes chugs in certain areas, but nothing too extreme. The graphics really aren't that bad. Not super amazing but also not that terrible. Personally I think it looks really good. Graphics don't make or break a game for me. What's important is, "Am I having fun with the game?" and it's safe to say I definitely am! And if graphics just happen to be really good then that's just a bonus.
Like Pokémon Legends Arceus, ScarVio is very addicting and feels so liberating being able to run around and explore. Every corner I turn, I see tons of adorable Pokémon in the overworld, and I take the time to admire the textures on them. Furry Pokémon look furry, scaly Pokémon look scaly, and metallic Pokémon have such a nice luster. I'm so glad I didn't spoil myself of every new Gen 9 Pokémon otherwise the thrill of discovering them really wouldn't be the same. Some designs are nifty and cute, while others are pretty questionable imo but every Gen has Pokémon that I absolutely love and others I just don't click with.
I took some more screenshots of my adventure thus far and I always keep finding myself wanting to snap a pic of every little thing and play all day for hours on end. I'm not that deep into the game, either. I'm taking my time with it and fully immersing myself.
Here's my team so far!

love my reptiles! Jalapeno and Aguacate compliment each other very nicely, with the former being Modest nature and the latter being Adamant nature. And then there's my newest addition, Empanada! You can bet my heart burst in absolute happiness to learn the Applin family made it past the border and into Paldea! On my Pokedex notes I saw the silhouette of Appletun and made it my life's mission to find Applin and unlock the Sweet Apple to evolve her right away! So far, my team is looking like it's going to be 90% Galar Pokémon but I don't mind since I skipped SwSh, so that makes them new monsters in my book, and these are some of my favorites!
Always be sure to wash your fruit properly!
Looks like someone was pretty thirsty! This was Aguacate back when he was just baby but now he grown, but he's still a huge sweetheart!
My Empanada cooked to perfection!

Proudly walking toward a new horizon...
I love and appreciate little details like this omg

how can you not smile at this cuteness??
Okay so the picnic feature is the best ever

I only wish you could pet your monsters and feed them treats like you could in Pokémon Amie/Refresh. I could watch them play with the ball all day! And it's so adorable when they run around you in circles!
Also I love Crocalor so much! I really dig his design! He's so round and happy! I can totally see him vibing to some festive Mexican music, which brings me to the music of Paldea. So dynamic and Spanish-sounding! Not just Spain spanish but also different kinds of Spanish from around the world. So can you tell just how immersed I am in the world of Pokémon? lol!