Pro-life or Pro-choice

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If someone is bringing life into the world, that baby should be genuinely wanted. Not just birthed because people think a woman needs to be punished for being "irresponsible" with her own body or whatever lol.
I'm personally 100% pro-life. Legally speaking I am supportive of very early abortion, just to be pragmatic and since I can understand why someone would opt for that. I am 100% against any taxpayer funding of abortion, and I do think the barriers for abortion should be strong.

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being pro-life =/= hand outs and welfare.

I believe you have a right to life, but I don't necessarily believe you should be supported your entire life by the government and taxpayer money.
I think it's a human right for a person to decide what is happening to their body, whether they want to create cells to build a new life or not. But anything really, no one should have their body policed. If we allow such a human rights violation, we open the door for more. This is like the government saying you can't get treatment for your disease because the disease is good, even if there's a chance it could kill you and even though it'll make you lose a limb forever. "Today them, tomorrow us", wanting to punish people for whatever reason with new laws is just not going to end well for anyone. The law will change forever, allowing it to police bodies was a giant mistake that we'll pay the price for eventually. It's not just about misogny and entrapping women.

If you hate abortion, support sex education and adoption rights of the birthing mother. Many laws are in place for them to remember the worst night of their life for as long as they survive the memory.
I am pro-choice. There’s too many children in the foster system without good homes for the government to be forcing women to keep their babies. If a woman knows she isnt ready or healthy enough to raise a child, she shouldn’t be forced to damage her body because of it.
I had an abortion and I have never regretted it. I know I would have not been ready to raise a child, or financially stable enough at the time. I probably would have dropped out of college and never graduated. That happened to a girl in my class who chose to keep the baby. She dropped out and never graduated. I was able to successfully graduate and get a very good paying job. I’m in a better place now.
Having to keep it would have made things way harder on me, and adoption would have torn me up more inside. I don’t regret my decision at all. I’m happy to give a healthy life to a child when I’m ready and more financiallly stable.

I don’t agree with the way that religion is trying to put itself in the state laws. There supposed to be a separation of church and state. Most people who are pro-life are Christians and it’s their religion guiding them.
I’m Native American and our people are spiritual, but even we had medicines to conduct abortions when necessary. I think Christianity’s infiltration on the government is too extreme, and is what is pushing more anti-abortion legislation.
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Pro-choice, if you personally would not want to abort a baby that's fine but everyone deserves to make the choice for themselves. No child-bearer should have to suffer through an unwanted or life-risking pregnancy, and no child should be born into the world unwanted.
Definitely pro-life. I used to be on the extreme end, but as I learned more about the issue, I became more lenient about it. Now I?m not about keeping it illegal except in serious cases. My involvement in the issue is that I oppose making abortion ?unregulated, on demand, and free?. I support a nationwide ban on post birth abortions (which are already legal in Virginia), partial birth abortions, and sex selective abortions. Overturning Roe v Wade may be a bad idea, but passing radical abortion laws to make it ?unregulated, on demand, and free? is not a good way to handle it as it should at least have some restrictions.

Also, if it?s none of the government?s business to decide what women do with their bodies, they should also stay out of involvement completely. That means, no taxpayer funded abortions, Planned Parenthood funding, or birth control mandates (like what Hobby Lobby fought against). Taxpayer funded abortions are what I am against most when it comes to abortion. They are morally wrong, a violation of the first amendment, and tyrannical. If you don?t want religion in government, shouldn?t you also not have laws that interfere with it (unless if they?re for something harmful)?
There is just so much that I can speak about on this subject. To me, it’s not a matter of pro choice or pro life. Women are required as much body autonomy as men. Because whether you are a man a woman or something in between, you are a person. You should be in control of your life. Abortion isn’t something that people go out to get and think nothing of. Pregnant people know what it means to end a pregnancy, it’s an extremely hard decision to make. Stop harassing them over it.
i guess a bit of both? but id much rather let a woman have the right to a clinic no matter what

to elaborate on this i think it's morally wrong to have an abortion when the baby(?) is over 20 weeks (a lot of countries have a limit close to that though) but i wouldn't force rules upon her because it's her body. life to me is very important (not that i would call myself pro-life, just life and living in general) but it will never overrule choice. delusional men are dictating what a woman has to do with her body and are somehow winning in some parts of the world.
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I'm pro-choice but probably wouldn't personally have an abortion except in extreme circumstances.

I live in Canada and like the way it's managed here compared to the US. There are no abortion laws, so it's regulated by medical governance instead of legal. In the province I live in it can be done before 24 weeks which is the cutoff for newborn resuscitation. It makes way more sense to me that the standards are determined by doctors and based on medical reasons rather than politicians for seemingly arbitrary reasons.
I'm pro-choice but probably wouldn't personally have an abortion except in extreme circumstances.

I live in Canada and like the way it's managed here compared to the US. There are no abortion laws, so it's regulated by medical governance instead of legal. In the province I live in it can be done before 24 weeks which is the cutoff for newborn resuscitation. It makes way more sense to me that the standards are determined by doctors and based on medical reasons rather than politicians for seemingly arbitrary reasons.

To most people here int he US who are pro-choice they would agree with you that doctors and medical reasons should govern the procedure instead of government itself. But even our medical is really screwed up here so we would need a complete overhaul of several systems to fix these problems.

That being said I am pro-choice. While I do not believe in abortion as an arbitrary form of birth control, maybe if we made birth control more readily available it wouldn't be as much of an issue. I am not sure if I could have one myself, sans extenuating circumstances, but I am also very much in favor of body autonomy, and it isn't my place to say for what reasons a woman has one. I do not believe in late term abortions unless there are medical reasons, but those are also rare and usually are due to medical reasons. But the fact of the matter remains, it is not the government's or anyone else's business to tell us what we can and cannot do with our bodies. All they're doing with their current laws are ending safe abortions.
I'm totally pro-life (but I think abortion should be legal in the first weeks if it was by sexual assault or any health issues with the mother), and I have many arguments against abortion.

First, those who are in favor because it'd be cruel to let a baby live a poor and miserable life, it's just wrong. It would be like justifying mass infanticide around the world just so they would not live miserable lives. Wether the baby will grow up poor or not is none of your business, you can't just deny its right to live. It's extremely wrong to decide someone's right to live based on economic background, like just letting rich people reproduce.

Those who are in favor because of fetal defects, it'd be just like in the ancient times when babies born with defects were killed. It's just like harvesting children based on superficialities like appearance. Again, you cannot deny them the right to live, because it's their right, none of your business again. The idea of harvesting children is just as wrong and comparable to many of the naz1 ideologies, like attempting to reach a pure race of certain people and killing all the weak or sick people in the world.

Those who are in favor because it's the woman's right to choose over its own body, let me remind you that wether or not you think that a fetus is alive or not, it still feels pain, has a heartbeat. Isn't it enough to classify it as life, and thus a different individual for you? Most of its body parts have grown by the 12 weeks. It does not have the same genetic material as you, so it isn't a part of you. It's an individual life you should take care of. It's not your decision what should happen to the baby as it's not your body.

Let me remind you some few things people have probably forgotten over the time:

They say it's none of a man's business to decide about women's body. First off, some genetic material from the father is in that baby, so it's not completely the woman's baby, so it should not be only her decision to do an abortion or not (hypothetically speaking that abortion is ethical). Also, let me remind you that abortion laws were, or at least in many western countries, promulgated by rich and privileged white men. If you say it's none of a man's business, then abortion laws around the world must be repealed because it was men who promulgated them.

At the end, (just like in the abolition of slavery in the US) people who make laws often don't care about people's rights, but just business. Slavery wasn't abolished because they thought it was unethical, but because it was not profitable anymore. At the end, abortion clinics are still businesses who want money and power. In abortion centers, the amount of money they charge you is based on how big the baby was at the moment of the abortion. Does it sound like they at least minimally care about "women's rights"? If they cared, they would invest more in controlled pregnancy methods/surgery, sexual education for everyone, etc. rather than just telling you to abort, thus earning more money. They would at least talk to you about the risks, pros and cons, and procedures of an abortion, which they just don't.
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