TBT 3.0 issues reporting, tracking, and FAQ thread

idk if it's just me but everyone's 5th column of collectibles is spaced differently than the rest? looks like there's 1px between 4th and 5th and 2px everywhere else
youre right... I didnt even notice that.
probably a dumb question, but can you view messages left on collectibles now? I know you used to be able to do it by hovering over the collectible, or from your shop tab on your profile...is that still a thing?
This.. may sound silly to ask, but, do you need to change settings or something for collectibles you own to be shown under pfp??

I think if you go to shop in the upper right corner, and then click inventory. From there clicking on settings next to each collectible, checking hidden, saving it, and then checking active on the same collectible and saving it again will make it appear for you. I had to do this for all of mine one by one to get them to appear. Not sure if there’s an easier way to do this, but I hope this helps. ^^
I think if you go to shop in the upper right corner, and then click inventory. From there clicking on settings next to each collectible, checking hidden, saving it, and then checking active on the same collectible and saving it again will make it appear for you. I had to do this for all of mine one by one to get them to appear. Not sure if there’s an easier way to do this, but I hope this helps. ^^
It did show up after doing the "checking hidden then checking active" just once! Thanks for your help!!
probably a dumb question, but can you view messages left on collectibles now? I know you used to be able to do it by hovering over the collectible, or from your shop tab on your profile...is that still a thing?
I was wondering this too, I'm unable to see anything about the collectibles unless I'm actually in inventory :(
I just thought about this, but on TBT 2.0 we had folders on our user profile where we could upload images. I used to store all my old avatar photos in two folders on my user page, but it seems like those folders are gone now?

Will they ever come back? If not, are they archived so I could potentially access them with the help of a staff member?
I have another question.

So before there was a search bar at the top of a subforum where you could search in the subforum. For example, I want to go into the New Neighbor Network subforum and search of a villager I want that someone might have. But there's no search bar anywhere??

In the "Filter" tab it doesn't ask to search with keywords, so that doesn't work.
I'm still wondering about these :////

Pls send help staff 😭
Hello, I don't know if this was posted, but I'm having a problem with the password of my account. Whenever I log in normally, it tells me my password is incorrect, takes me to the page to enter it in again, and it works. My password is automatically saved through Google. Not only that, but I had to reset the password once, and entered in my current one, so I know it works. Is something wrong?
I have another question.

So before there was a search bar at the top of a subforum where you could search in the subforum. For example, I want to go into the New Neighbor Network subforum and search of a villager I want that someone might have. But there's no search bar anywhere??

In the "Filter" tab it doesn't ask to search with keywords, so that doesn't work.
search button while viewing desired subforum > change "everywhere" to "this forum" > hit search
search button while viewing desired subforum > change "everywhere" to "this forum" > hit search
Ah I see, the search bar is at the top of the page below the banner rather than where it used to be. Thank you!
Not sure if it is only me, but I've noticed that sometimes I'm not getting a notification in the top bar for likes and quotes to my comments.
I’ve noticed for some reason that the forums are still loading slowly at times for me. Logging on to the site takes a bit, and if I click another tab or window off of the site and try to come back to where I left off, the site takes a bit to load again when going from page to page. It might be my internet, however, as my internet has been kind of spotty lately. Not complaining by the way. Just genuinely wondering if I’m the only one still experiencing this. Still able to navigate the site alright.
I’ve noticed for some reason that the forums are still loading slowly at times for me. Logging on to the site takes a bit, and if I click another tab or window off of the site and try to come back to where I left off, the site takes a bit to load again when going from page to page. It might be my internet, however, as my internet has been kind of spotty lately. Not complaining by the way. Just genuinely wondering if I’m the only one still experiencing this. Still able to navigate the site alright.

Same for me, and it's only been getting worse over the last couple days. Even editing a post can sometimes take upwards of 3 minutes before it will let me.
Okay I was just coming in here to say how laggy the forums have been for me. Glad I'm not the only one. It could take minutes for pages to load or my posts to post. Not sure if it's server issues or due to the larger amount of people on the forum on the same time.
I also am glad to hear I am not alone, the site keeps taking about 5 minutes per page or refresh. Sometimes it is faster but rarely. It is progressively getting longer and sometimes just giving me a loaded blue screen (not loading the site but saying its finished)
Not sure if it is only me, but I've noticed that sometimes I'm not getting a notification in the top bar for likes and quotes to my comments.
I don't think you get notified necessarily when you're actively on the same thread as your post when it happens, if this is what's happening
I also have problems with loading the forum, sometimes it takes up to 5 minutes to even open up a PM or being able to check out notifications.