The Anime Thread

^dude go watch the whole thing right now it's solid gold and most of them are on youtube.
^dude go watch the whole thing right now it's solid gold and most of them are on youtube.

I will watch all of it as soon as possible. Most likely when I need something funny to watch, xD. Thanks for the recommendation! :)
^In a similair vein I also love SAO abridged. I genuinely think it's actually better than the official version because it actually manages to fix some of the problems with the characters and plot. Plus it's freaking hysterical as well.

I don't think I can post any clips of that one here though lol...
Well, I just finished Gun Gale Online...
I wasn't expecting to, but I ended up liking it. I couldn't get into Sword Art, but I enjoyed this spin off.
Anybody got a good recommendation? As of my to-watch list, I'm to start Concrete Revelutio soon, but I'm always looking for more additions to the list.

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One of the few instances a dub has been better than a sub.

BOI, yes! XD
Well, I just finished Gun Gale Online...
I wasn't expecting to, but I ended up liking it. I couldn't get into Sword Art, but I enjoyed this spin off.
Anybody got a good recommendation? As of my to-watch list, I'm to start Concrete Revelutio soon, but I'm always looking for more additions to the list.

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BOI, yes! XD

I think Gun Gale was the best part of Sword Art. Anyways, what kind of things do you enjoy watching?
I watch a lot of random things, and that's pretty much my entire watch list; titles I've seen in places and jotted down. However, I cannot stand romance--i can handle romcoms, I can handle harems (except Highschool DxD), but i flat-out can't stand straight-up romances. They make me wanna hurl.

I have to be careful with more serious titles, because I get too attached to the characters and get so angry on their behalf that i end up screaming at their on-screen opponents, despite knowing it will have no effect (and i really have to stop doing that). I can handle gore (I loved Claymore and Mirai Nikki) , but not Attack on Titan--i draw the line at people getting eaten by larger creatures.

Other than all of that, pretty much anything goes!
My brother's been trying to get me to watch Jojo, but I'm saving longer ones for later to get shorter ones out of the way. Hence why I haven't watched Fairy Tail or finished Soul Eater yet.

Kill la Kill was wonderful! I wanna try out IF!

I haven't heard of Lucky Star before, but I think Gintama is somewhere on my list.
Watched up to episode 10 of JoJo?s Bizarre Adventures the other day.

JoJo?s Bizarre Adventures part 1 episodes 6-9:

Jonathan Joestar managed to defeat Blueford, but in order to defeat Tarukus he had to have Zeppeli?s help, who was destined to die here, and passed along his remaining life force and Hamon power to Jonathan Joestar. With great might and bravery, Jonathan defeated the towering Tarukus and saved the day. From there, Jonathan, Robert E. O. Speedwagon, the kid they were with, Zeppeli?s old master, and several other strong warriors assaulted Dio?s castle of zombies. After making it to Dio, it looked like Jonathan wouldn?t win, but he managed to use an improvised technique where he caught his hands in fire and Hamon energy in order to get by Dio?s freezing ability, and send Hamon straight into him, causing him to disintegrate and his head to fall off the mountain the castle was on.

However, his head was caught and saved by the zombie who had helped Dio up to this point. Meanwhile, Jonathan Joestar and Erina Pendleton, his childhood crush, got married. But alas, fate struck as aboard the ship was Dio?s head and the zombie who assists him. Dio and Jonathan had one final fight as zombies were taking over the ship, and because Jonathan made Dio?s assistant stop the boat?s engine from functioning, the entire boat along with Jonathan and Dio blew up as Erina Pendleton made it to safety in the coffin Dio had previously been in. She was rescued near the Canary Islands.

Now that part 1 Phantom Blood is finished, the story shifts to Joseph Joestar, the JoJo of New York and the story continues... definitely looking forward to binging the next episodes.
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in my honest opinion, i though the first season on SAO was the best and went downhill when they brought in the gun gala crap. they should have ended it after kirito saved asuna the second time.

I recently finished Black Lagoon, which i aboslutely love!!! i wish there was more than just the 1st season and the OVA (roberta's blood trail). i need more Revy in my life!!

then theres Attack on Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, High School of the Dead and Black Clover (which im not caught up on), all of which i love!
I even named by kitten Hinami XD my boyfriend and i bought Touka and Kaneki mask last year and went as them for halloween when we took his cousin trick or treating!

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theres more to Attack on Titan then just people getting eaten...

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I've never been into much anime besides Sailor Moon and Madoka Magica (does vocaloid count?) but my boyfriend and I have been watching The Promised Neverland together since he's a fan of the genre(is anime a genre?? idk, feel free to correct me) and I actually really enjoy it. I'm going to watch Mob Psycho next because he's a fan of that and I plan on watching more anime in the future.

I totally recommend Deathnote! its only one season but its phenomenal! along with Attack on Titan, yes its a bit gory but it was one of the first animes i watched and man, i love it!!
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in my honest opinion, i though the first season on SAO was the best and went downhill when they brought in the gun gala crap. they should have ended it after kirito saved asuna the second time.

I recently finished Black Lagoon, which i aboslutely love!!! i wish there was more than just the 1st season and the OVA (roberta's blood trail). i need more Revy in my life!!

then theres Attack on Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, High School of the Dead and Black Clover (which im not caught up on), all of which i love!
I even named by kitten Hinami XD my boyfriend and i bought Touka and Kaneki mask last year and went as them for halloween when we took his cousin trick or treating!

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theres more to Attack on Titan then just people getting eaten...

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I totally recommend Deathnote! its only one season but its phenomenal! along with Attack on Titan, yes its a bit gory but it was one of the first animes i watched and man, i love it!!

I understand that AoT has a plot, I just can't get past the chowin' down bits. I can't handle that in anything, really, not just that particular show.
Funny, I'm fine with blood, guts, and gore, but once someone gets eaten, I'm done. Don't know why.
I will watch all of it as soon as possible. Most likely when I need something funny to watch, xD. Thanks for the recommendation! :)

It's definitely so good! I really wish more anime dubs were like this. I dont know what type of humour that would be considered but I'm digging it! I'm.on episode 10 so far.
I hated SAO through and through and Gan gale was just the most bearable part. SAO was my first animes and it really gave me bad impression of all animes. Im so glad I kept watching anime after SAO because at the time I thought all anime was the same.

After watching a couple meh shonen animes like Naruto and Bleach, I found a hidden gem one spring season of anime. SukaSuka, a beautiful story that has amazing music, art and characters. From then on I declared it to be my favorite of all time for nostalgic reasons and kept looking for more gems.
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I hated SAO through and through and Gan gale was just the most bearable part. SAO was my first animes and it really gave me bad impression of all animes. Im so glad I kept watching anime after SAO because at the time I thought all anime was the same.

After watching a couple meh shonen animes like Naruto and Bleach, I found a hidden gem one spring season of anime. SukaSuka, a beautiful story that has amazing music, art and characters. From then on I declared it to be my favorite of all time for nostalgic reasons and kept looking for more gems.

This was basically me, except the opposite. My first anime was technically watching a random episode of SAO on Toonami years ago, and because it was an emotional episode it made me cry. I didn’t watch anime again until I was an adult because I thought all anime was overly emotional like that, xD.

Anyway, I started JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures part 2 Battle Tendency last night:

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures part 2 episodes 10-13:

In the 20th century the grandson of Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, lives with his grandma, granny Erina. Joseph meets a wallet snatcher named Smokey, and takes him with him on his adventures. Meanwhile, far far away is Straizo, one of the warriors who helped Jonathan in the past, and he takes a new mask’s power for himself and turns on an old Robert E. O. Speedwagon and his excavation team, injuring Speedwagon and killing the rest. Straizo chases Joseph Joestar down in New York, but ultimately warns him of the “Pillar Men” and destroys himself with his Hamon energy. From there, Joseph travels on his bike to a secret base in Mexico, where Stroheim, a German general, is performing experiments on the Pillar Man they caught, Saintviento. Saintviento wakes up and begins absorbing and killing all the soldiers there. With the help of Stroheim, however, Joseph is able to defeat Saintviento by exposing him to the sun. However, Joseph learns about the existence of more Pillar Men, one in Europe in fact, thanks to Stroheim before Stroheim dies. Definitely looking forward to binging the next episodes.
Today I finished watching the final episode of Fairy Tail. I can't believe I made it to the end. It was a nice wrap up to the series and I'm glad I stuck it out. Juvin! :blush: