The Anime Thread

I recently watched the first episode of the new show "Somali and the forest spirit" and WOW it was gorgeous scenery and character design. I was nervous since it was one of those "adult male characters finds a small girl who calls him dad" anime but they established in the first episode pedophilia is disgusting so I'm all for it! has anyone else gotten into it yet?

what are some other psychological anime that you like? I?m a big fan of the genre and I loved SG so I?d love to know some of your other faves!

Oh oh oh!!! The promised Neverland is really good. I literally had to peel myself off of my couch after every episode to keep from watching it all at once. It's pretty suspenseful and leaves you dying to know what will happen next.

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It is right? I watched the first episode when it aired and it blew me away! I knew I was watching a masterpiece unfold :D

Speaking of masterpieces unfold... Has anyone seen "Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!"?! It's amazing!!!

This looks perfect I am going to watch it ASAP omg
I recently watched the first episode of the new show "Somali and the forest spirit" and WOW it was gorgeous scenery and character design. I was nervous since it was one of those "adult male characters finds a small girl who calls him dad" anime but they established in the first episode pedophilia is disgusting so I'm all for it! has anyone else gotten into it yet?

Yes, I have watched the first episode as well and I thought it was beautiful! It reminded me of a Miyazaki film. I'm looking forward to watching more of it.
I watched the first Somali episode too and I’m so glad to see people on here talking about it! It was so beautiful and the world seems really interesting, I’m really excited for more <3
I'm starting Noragami with my sister tonight!
I'm starting Noragami with my sister tonight!

bruh i love noragami. i need a season 3.

i watched the first episode of toilet bound hanako kun and i loved it, it was really cute and funny. also the art is amazing.
i also watched the first episode of plunderer and it was ehhh i guess? it either gonna be ok or just plain trash
^ I really liked Hanako-kun too! I watched a bunch of new season stuff today and it was probably the one that grabbed me most, though I also liked the first episode of the Madoka spin-off (it’ll never beat the original for me tho)
I binged 4 eps of Noragami and it's awesome! I love the world building they've done and Yato is so funny!
Finished Chaos;Head yesterday, I like the idea of the story but it was poorly excuted ngl. On to Choas;Child as we go head first into more delusions that will absolutely drive us to madness and chaos.
The new Love is War but with science?! ~ "Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It"
My Hero Academia S4E13/RWBY V7E10

New episodes of My Hero Academia and RWBY, episodes 76 and 89 respectively, dropped earlier today!
The other heroes fell in from the roof, including the League of Villains. Meanwhile, Overhaul took Eri upwards out of the roof and Midoriya followed her. Eri decided to be saved by the heroes and jumped into Midoriya?s arms. Overhaul chased after Midoriya, but latching onto Eri allowed Midoriya to unleash 100% One For All smash after 100% One For All smash in a series of infinite 100% smashes, laying the smack down on Overhaul as he continued to try and rebuild. The key to this was Eri?s quirk, which rewinds heroes and allowed Midoriya to unleash as much power as possible without feeling the effects of pain or possible death. After one last smash into the ground Overhaul was defeated. A seriously injured Sir Nighteye looked in disbelief as the future that he saw before him was different from the one he saw using his quirk, the one where Midoriya dies and Overhaul gets away. Midoriya triumphed over Overhaul by saving Eri and combining his quirk with hers. Definitely looking forward to the coming episodes! Go beyond... PLUS ULTRA!!
With the Grimm flooding the streets and chaos ensuing, Ruby and the others went to deal with them. Meanwhile, General Ironwood and Robyn Hill revealed the truth about Salem to the people of Atlas and Mantle, and they rallied together along with the huntsman and Atlas forces to repel the Grimm. Robyn, Qrow, and Clover found Tyrian Callows trying to take down Robyn and began fighting him. As this was happening, General Ironwood found Arthur Watts at Amity Arena and the two engaged in a furious duel. Definitely looking forward to the coming episodes!
Also watched the first five episodes of JoJo?s Bizarre Adventures Diamond is Unbreakable:

Josuke Higashikata goes to school when one day, Jotaro Kujo finds him and finds out about his Stand, Shining Diamond, which is similar to Star Platinum in that it can punch and break things, but also repair and heal them as well. Jotaro goes to school with Koichi. Josuke is targeted by Angelo and his Stand, Aqua Necklace, which can go inside of things and explode them. Josuke fights back against Angelo with the help of Jotaro, and they find out someone in the city of Morioh has been turning people into Stand users using the bow and arrow Enyaba had. Angelo is turned into the Angelo stone landmark by Josuke?s Stand, Shining Diamond. One day Josuke and Koichi are walking home from school when they notice the deserted house that no one lives in. Koichi gets his head stuck in the gate, and is shot with an arrow from above. Josuke battles Okuyasu and his Stand, The Hand, and incapacitates him. Josuke then follows Keicho Nijimura, who drags Koichi away, and battles him and his Stand, Worse Company, inside the house. As it looks like Josuke is about to be defeated, he turns the table by sending two of Keicho?s missiles back at him. Josuke heals Koichi during this time and Koichi develops an unknown Stand. The two of them go further upstairs and find out about the Nijimura brother?s father, who was turned into an immortal, ugly monster when DIO died back in Stardust Crusaders. Because of this, Keicho has been turning people into Stand users or killing them in order to try and find someone with a Stand that can cure his father. Josuke almost gets through to him, but just then the Stand Red Hot Chili Pepper takes Keicho away and kills him. Josuke, Koichi, Okuyasu, and Jotaro agree to fight together to defeat the Stand users that lurk in the city. Definitely looking forward to binging the next episodes!

Up next on JoJo, Koichi Hirose (Reverb)! Break down break down... break down break down... yeah!​
Just watched episode 1 of New Game! It's definitely not how normal work works, they're all so crazy haha. But that said, when they all were offering to take Aoba to lunch on her first day, it reminded me of when my coworkers took me out for lunch on my first day. First days at a new job are always hard so it was so nice to have such great coworkers!

Edit: Watched another two eps of New Game! It's definitely not as moe slice of life as I was expecting which is a nice surprise! The girls actually have brains LOL. It's enjoyable. I had a bad day today and it really cheered me up.
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I just started watching Hunter X Hunter because I kept hearing that it's one of the best animes ever made. I'm 13 episodes in, right now, and I'm not sure if my thoughts would be better suited for the unpopular opinions thread or here, but so far, I'm not liking it. It feels so generic, like I've already seen these character cookie cutters in a hundred other anime--and it doesn't help that I finished Naruto before watching Hunter X. There's so many similarities between the two (I realize Hunter came first) that its hard not to notice. The Hunter exams are basically the Chunin exams, Kurapika is basically Sasuke right down to having sought after special eyes, Leorio is the comedy relief character and Gon is just your average shonen character. So far, nothing outstanding. I keep reading that it eventually gets good, but I'm not so sure given the premises. Maybe the manga is better?
I just started watching Hunter X Hunter because I kept hearing that it's one of the best animes ever made. I'm 13 episodes in, right now, and I'm not sure if my thoughts would be better suited for the unpopular opinions thread or here, but so far, I'm not liking it. It feels so generic, like I've already seen these character cookie cutters in a hundred other anime--and it doesn't help that I finished Naruto before watching Hunter X. There's so many similarities between the two (I realize Hunter came first) that its hard not to notice. The Hunter exams are basically the Chunin exams, Kurapika is basically Sasuke right down to having sought after special eyes, Leorio is the comedy relief character and Gon is just your average shonen character. So far, nothing outstanding. I keep reading that it eventually gets good, but I'm not so sure given the premises. Maybe the manga is better?

It's more or less the other way around, Naruto/other animes take from HXH. The show definitely takes some time to get interested in and I've heard some people say all they needed was a different perspective. It's probably best to watch before getting involved in other shonen because it really does require its own mindset. Going into it with another shonen mindset can make it harder to get into. I know I didn't really like it much at first but after a while, I grew really fond of it. I binged watch the entire thing within a week because It was just that cool!

Please don't compare Kurapika to Sasuke, it's insulting to Kurapika. :eek: The relationship between Gon and Killiua is one of the best examples of great character development. This is proven many times throughout the entire series. Also, Leorio more than comedic relief, he's a very important part of the show! Both Kurapika and Leorio are two of my favorite characters out of all of the anime I've seen.
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It's more or less the other way around, Naruto/other animes take from HXH.

it's probably best to watch before getting involved in other shonen because it really does require its own mindset. Going into it with another shonen mindset can make it harder to get into.
That's likely my case. I'm being unfair because I'm comparing it to other anime I've watched, despite Hunter X Hunter predating them. It's hard for me not to, since I'm just now watching Hunter X, but I'm going to keep on binging (whenever possible)--trying to push out other anime from my mind and not make any unfair comparisons.

I know I didn't really like it much at first but after a while, I grew really fond of it. I binged watch the entire thing within a week because It was just that cool!
Hope that'll be my case. :lemon:

Please don't compare Kurapika to Sasuke, it's insulting to Kurapika. :eek:
Well, you got me there. :D

The relationship between Gon and Killiua is one of the best examples of great character development. This is proven many times throughout the entire series. Also, Leorio more than comedic relief, he's a very important part of the show! Both Kurapika and Leorio are two of my favorite characters out of all of the anime I've seen.
Neither character is bad, it's just that I've seen it before (again likely an unfair judgement because I'm watching Hunter X after watching a few others). So far, my favorite character would be Gon, since he has great characteristics like the willingness to sacrifice himself for his teammates and friends.
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Hunter x Hunter is a good show. My review of it is posted earlier in this thread. I wouldn’t put it down just because you’ve already seen other Shonen anime.

Also, it’s worth noting in addition to what Zura said, the first two or so arcs can be REALLY boring if you’ve already seen other Shonen anime, but the Phantom Troupe, Greed Island, and especially Chimera Ant arcs are all very, VERY good and a key reason why this anime is way up there in terms of ratings.

I would keep watching if I were you, because it does get better as people say.
I really want to start HxH but the amount of episodes is SO overwhelming

I would take solace in the fact that it’s not nearly as long as shows like One Piece or Naruto Shippuden to be honest. Also, you’re able to set your own pace and only watch a couple episodes at a time if you want to. I would definitely recommend starting it. :)
Has anyone seen asteroid in love? It's basically a bunch of cute lesbian moe girls geeking out over the stars and rocks and I am all for it. I am always for semi educational anime like dr. Stone but this one is specifically cute lesbians which makes me happy bc I too am a non straight space nerd o uo;;
Has anyone seen asteroid in love? It's basically a bunch of cute lesbian moe girls geeking out over the stars and rocks and I am all for it. I am always for semi educational anime like dr. Stone but this one is specifically cute lesbians which makes me happy bc I too am a non straight space nerd o uo;;
I was cute but definitely not me or my brother's kind of show. Though, it definitely looks like a real good show :blush:
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