i guess i just forgot that about kiba :O poor guy lol
i think you're valid for loving sasuke. i mean, sasuke is a great character with super interesting motivations, a tragic backstory, & a really grey moral compass. but he's also a selfish person who did terrible things.. gaara is similar to sasuke & i think he's a fantastic character who became a good person that deserves his good ending- he might have even been intended to show what could have happened for someone like sasuke if he used all of the outs he was given to get over his traumatic past. a writer can get attached to a character who's nuanced & they spend a lot of time writing for and make things happen for them that they don't really deserve- sasuke is not the first or last :|
i hate to give a series with as little actual plot as fairy tail any praise, but give mashima this: after jellal loses his mind & tries to kill erza and her friends & destroy the world basically, the rest of jellal's time on the show is spent with him trying to repent for what he did. i think jellal overdid it & punished himself too much... but sasuke doesn't get the punishment he deserves for killing several konoha ninja, putting several of his "friends" lives in danger, battling his eventual
wife to the death, and basically just being a huge jerk for almost all of his tenure in the show. he doesn't get a long redemption arc, he's not a zuko & not even a vegeta... so i don't think he deserves his happy ending(maybe not even a real happy ending for him as he doesn't even seem to really love sakura...)

maybe i'm mistaken & he does atone in some way that would feel like he deserves sakura- i still haven't actually watched all of shippuden only the first few episodes & several arcs disjointed (my friends really wanted me to see certain parts of the show) lol but from what i've seen, she deserves someone who does actually care about her
i don't think i hate sasuke as a character at all, i just don't think a villain deserves a heroine at the end of a story lol
& please dont take any of this the wrong way, i'm not trying to invalidate your love for sasuke as a character

i was just like explaining myself more

i definitely respect your opinion about the show- this is just all my opinion but i'm open to changing it since i still havent watched all of the show