“Assorted” Collector
That is the hard truth lesson about friendships, not just here, but also everywhere.To answer your initial question: the rule about harassment is meant to convey that we will not tolerate behaviour toward us that we would not tolerate to other users. Still, I think what Aquilla wrote is fantastic advice that doesn't just apply to staff. Not everyone is interested in being your friend, just like you most likely wouldn't want to be friends with everyone.
Thanks for the answer. So if you’re sending messages about stuff that the staff aren’t interested to the staff because they’re staff, it just won’t get a response. It’s only bad behavior towards staff like flaming, trolling, and offensive content that’s going to warrant infractions, just like if you did it to others. I remember that it’s okay to disagree with the staff on certain matters, but rude or harsh criticism towards that is not okay,