Why guess? They already confirmed it in the video... Don't speak Japanese? Use the captions. They say the train lets you leave and enter your town as well as go to your friend's towns.
@TheACJason, we already knew there was going to be a fountain. Don't you remember the concept art from last fall?
@TheACJason, they acted like robots because they are. Thats not AC;3D, but AC;3D street pass players.
It's either Timmy or Tommy, definitely. I just wonder what's going to happen with Nookington's, unless they run one floor each.
I hope they get rid of the "Less items, stay open later" thing from City Folk. I didn't like it. I want Nookington's all the time, while being able to stay up until 1 like Nook n Go! xD
What? I never said anything about the street pass players, but anyway.. Timmy or Tommy is Nook's nephews, not son's, but either one of them owns it. Also, I'm pretty psyched about the train, since I've never played GC. Sorry if I sound off. I'm tired.. T_T
Residential houses in the exhibition hall of the prayers who passed each other other ... ... between communication
Residential houses in the exhibition hall of the prayers who passed each other other ... ... between communication... You can tour homes players have created
I'm guessing solar panels do nothing but make your neighbors happy that you are a green mayor? Uhg, I'm hating the game already
I'm guessing solar panels do nothing but make your neighbors happy that you are a green mayor? Uhg, I'm hating the game already
I was so psyched, my head automatically turned toward my TV/Monitor Without even knowing it would start a second later. Then i got up close with a huge golden smile on my face and almost passed out from excitement! the quick clips of music sound so different & sooo guuud!
Also, http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg302/orangegoat911/hhhh.jpg this looks like a grapevine!
How about this though, hahah View attachment 902