• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

Today I'm happy because:

- I saw a spider, a couple of squirrels, and some neighborhood dogs out for their walks this afternoon.
- We painted the front porch. It's been needing it for so long and it was a good day to do it. It took all day with only a break to walk the dog and eat lunch, but it was worth it. It looks so much better and I'm pretty proud of the results.
- The weather was nice to be outdoors working. It was around 70F and overcast most of the day, but didn't rain until later tonight.
- We rewarded ourselves with some Reese's Overload ice cream from the local place after dinner.
- My plans for tomorrow are to do absolutely nothing and go nowhere. I'm pretty sure I'll be sore when I wake up.
- I completed my giveaway! I hope I was able to make some other people's days a little brighter. It made me happy to be able to give back!
Today Im happy,

-I got to go to work at the arcade today, and it was so boring. But agaon, I love working.

-Our claw machine glitched after some kids messed with it, and it was soo dead that I decided to go play it xD it usually only lets you go once

But I got some new friends. I love the froggy, but it makes me think of my toadies. 😓 But yeah, that was fun. That machine really needs repairing

-I got noticed by my manager for doing great at Xscape (The arcade)

-"Dumb Money" opened up, and Im super excited to see it!! Im planning on seeing it after work, because its a morning shift. Super excited. Theres also this Mandarian Fantasy I wanna see. It looks really cool.

-My game team surpassed the highest ranked team in the game ^^ That's a milestone!! Several members wven visited our server to congratulate us. It was really cool.

-I made nachoes before work, and they were so yummy.

-I got paid xD

Now im tired and heading to bed for my early shift ♡ its been a good few days.
What happened yesterday on 9/24/23:
- My aunt and uncle came over and brought some food since my mom is on vacation.
- Took some cute pictures of Luna the cat. Her cheeks looked so chubby and cute like that Pokémon Skwovet when she slept on the chair. KAWAII OVERLOAD!!
Luna sleeping 4.jpg
Luna sleeping 5.jpg

What happened today on 9/25/23:
- I went to a tea shop and had some mango tea with French fries that tasted yummy.
- Played AC: New Horizons and Eugene moved in after I convinced him to do so yesterday on an island tour. I'm glad that Eugene is on my island since he's one of my favorites and one of the coolest Smug villagers.
- Slept well and woke up feeling refreshed.
- Received an A on a Geography quiz.
- My sister came from uni and brought some groceries.
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Ive been really worried recently that Ive not been... I guess 'good enough' for my partner. I love him more than anything else but I just couldn't shake the feeling I was being a bad partner.
Came home from a long day outside to him stood at the door with a bunch of pink flowers he had picked up, and he even remembered to take the price off :') . Im so blessed and lucky in this life to have someone who loves me so purely and genuinely. Our 3 year anniversary is in a week :)
Had a ✨️bonus cat encounter✨️ today (technically any cat encounter is a bonus since I do not have one of my own and the street cats stopped coming around a long time ago BUT still).

I was applying to a zoo-like place and as I walk up to the gift shop there were two cats sitting out front just chilling. One looked back so I said hello, she(?) meowed and walked right over rubbing my legs so ofcourse I had to pet her. She followed me inside the shop then right back out. Before I left I gave her some more pets and scritches.
Today I'm happy about/for:

- Completing my immediate to-do list
- Getting Chick-fil-A for the first time (regular chicken sandwich, waffle fries, & diet lemonade. They were all delicious!
- Picking up Fae Farm for the Switch
- Listening to some throwback tunes
- Cooler weather
- Going to an aquarium
- Turning on & relaxing with my diffuser for the first time in a while. The scents from Saje are so refreshing/calming
- Settling in soon to finish my current book

Turtle butt

Sea turtle saying hello
New Neighborly Games sessions were posted! I'm looking forward to the SSBU session on Thursday! Also saw this right before I had to leave for my appointment, so it was a nice pick-me-up. ^^
Speaking of my appointment, everything's still all good; it was another long wait in the waiting room so I'm glad I at least brought some reading material this time! I've started on volume 100 of One Piece now. I also treated myself to a small amount of merch shopping afterwards, and one of the two orders I made has already shipped! ;v;
I reached Creator as an Alchemist and Angler in Fantasy Life, so I've now achieved Creator rank in all the Lives!!
My family and I watched GoodTimesWithScar's latest Hermitcraft episode over dinner!
My secret mini-project is coming along well! I got to work on it a little more today—hopefully not too much longer now before it's all done!
And I played Jack Jeanne again for the first time in a while! 🤍
Today I'm happy because:

- I got to bed at a decent time last night and slept in this morning.
- I was a bit stiff and sore, but not hurting too bad after painting all day yesterday.
- I didn't have to work. I spent the day playing games and watching TV.
- I worked on some more trivia questions for the game we're hosting this weekend.
- I checked out the front porch again in the daylight and it looks pretty good.
- I had a chocolate milkshake for dessert this evening.
- I have a massage therapy appointment tomorrow.
I start training for my new position tonight at work. My new position consists of interviewing employee candidates, choosing ones to pass on to the hiring manager to be hired, and doing orientation for new employees. I'll still be a cashier but my default/main job is as talent captain and 12 hours a week will be spent solely on that. Rest of my hours will be spent cashiering whenever I want to. A little nervous but super excited and proud of myself! Also I accumulated one hour of paid sick time so far since starting working there, not much yet but still cool!!

I ordered a physical alarm clock , it arrives today. I'm happy about that because it will give me peace of mind knowing I have backup if I sleep through my phone alarms. I'm also super excited because I get paid Friday so when I'm at work again Saturday evening when I clock off I'm gonna buy some clothes there with my employee discount. I also ordered some clothes from Hot Topic , 4 shirts and one sweatshirt. All from various favorite fandoms of mine :)

I lost 10lbs in the past couple months!

Things are going well, so I'm very happy :)
First day back at university today (I just went to a talk about MA degrees today though), I feel like I'm getting back into the swing of things, and ready to work hard this year! 😤

I'm feeling more sure about and excited for my future now that I've figured out what I want to do for the next few years, and a plan to achieve it.

Had some tea and cake when I got home, then had a bath and a nap. My brother also came over so it was nice to see him again
- I've been away from school the last couple days, so my friends, being the amazing humans that they are, spent the entire lunch period on FaceTime with me.

- My fever broke! Still a bit sluggish though, but I should be back to normal by the weekend.

- I didn't get a good sleep at all last night (woke up every couple hours, sweating, in pain, dehydrated, all that fun stuff) but I got in some good-quality naps today to make up for that.

- Planning to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with my mom tonight!

Edit: I was just informed that said friends missed 10-ish minutes of sixth period because they lost track of time while on the call lolz
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Work was pretty rough and it was a really long day, but my evening has been pleasant enough.

I baked a blueberry pie I had froze and made from the blueberries from my bushes. It actually held up well and tasted great.

I played some games that I've just had sitting around and haven't touched in a while. It was fun getting back into them. One of the games I've got back into also had a huge update. The game's called Grounded. It reminds me of Honey I shrunk the kids. It's a survival based game where you're a very tiny person in a backyard full of all sorts of bugs and dangers that can kill you. And you must use the resources around to cloth, feed, and protect yourself. I enjoy games like that from time to time.

It's always good to see all the good things that you all post. Whether they're big or small. Hope you all are having as pleasant of a weekday as you can have.
Today I'm happy because:

- I slept really well last night and got to sleep in. My dog didn't even wake me up this morning for his breakfast.
- I played some more Kena: Bridge of Spirits and found a pretty lotus pond with some cute frogs around it.
- I had a good massage therapy session. I really needed it for my neck this week.
- I watched the latest episode of Jujutsu Kaisen so I'm all caught up with that again.
- I had a veggie and cheese filled baked potato with some broccoli cheese soup for dinner.
- I had mint moose tracks ice cream for dessert.
- I still have four days before I have to go back to work.