• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Are You Happy About Today?

Quite a few things today!

❤️ My dad is going to buy me and him the Teal Mask DLC later today! I can't wait to play it!

🧡 @/k o i made me some art of Amethyst, and I love it so much 😍, like I've said a billion times, I always love seeing other people draw my ocs!

💛 The Halloween event is getting closer! I'm not sure how much I'll be able to participate this time, but I hope i'll still be able to have a good time, and hopefully snag some collectibles I want!

💚 I watched this compilation of Poofesure raging at Mario Kart Wii, which made me laugh!

🩵 I found a shiny Goomy in LA yesterday! I also decided that I wanted to see what normal shiny Goodra looks like, so I decided to trade her into Violet today! Here she is, taking a nap after traveling from the distant past to the present time lol

Goodra is a pokemon that's honestly really grown on me since I replayed Pokemon Y and had a Goodra on my team. I do kinda wish it had a second type like its Hisuan form does, but I am still glad to have this shiny nonetheless!
I finally caught that mouse that was running around and eating stuff in my room while my cat, who is a real princess, looked bored and was lying in a drawer. I was like in Animal Crossing running after it with a net and a box and finally caught it! Don't worry I didn't harm it and the mouse is now free to run in the woods.

Today it's Thanksgiving in Canada, we usually don't celebrate that holiday, but this year we decide to do a little special. Nothing much but we had yummy food.
happy thanksgiving to my fellow canadians!! 🦃❤️ i hope you’ve all had a lovely, peaceful day full of delicious food and time spent with loved ones ❤️

☪︎ i’ve purchased a lot of beautiful art from etsy over the past few days!! all of the artists that i’ve bought from have been so accommodating, helpful, and kind, and there are honestly no words to describe just how magnificent and well-made the art is, and how great the quality of each piece is!! i’m so, so beyond excited to use them for future aesthetics— i have enough halloween art now to last me i think the rest of my life LOL, but ya’ll know i won’t be able to resist buying more hehe. art is so glorious!! ☺️🎨

ִ ࣪𖤐 i received an incredibly kind and thoughtful message and a few tbt from the lovely @Mr_Keroppi! 💚 the sunshine vibes that he radiates during every interaction i’ve had with him and everything he posts around the forums is so heartwarming to see— he’s a prime example of why the forums are my favourite place on the internet to be 🥰💚 thank you so much again for the message and bells, friend!

𐦍 i’m commissioning the talented @/k o i again for some of her adorable ych halloween art!!!! i’m so excited, i can’t wait to see how it turns out!!

i haven’t had much energy over the past few days, but i’m still playing and having fun with spooky‘s jumpscare mansion!! i’ve made it to room 557, got killed twice by specimen 7 on the way, finally got my hands on a weapon (an axe! bless), and almost got taken out by my favourite animal 😔 this game is stressing me out fr, but in a fun way!! i can’t wait to get chased by a demonic deer later


𖤓 i went out with my mom yesterday! i was able to pick up a few things that i wanted and needed before the long weekend, and we went to one of my favourite places on earth to pick up thanksgiving dessert! it was a challenge as usual to decide on what to get, but we eventually picked apple streusel with vanilla ice cream 🤤 it was also cold enough outside yesterday for me to go out in a hoodie and long pants, but of course i was still somehow too hot LOL

☪︎ i won 20 tbt from round 12 of @Mr.Fox’s “let’s go to the movies” contest! i don’t watch or remember many movies, so it’s always incredible to me when i actually manage to win something like this lol. putting a guess in is always fun; the bells are just an added bonus hehe!! ☺️💖

ִ ࣪𖤐 cuddled with my bonk the other day, and of course took some more silly photos of her as well 🖤

𐦍 i came up with some more lineup ideas that i absolutely love!! i have so many lineup ideas under my belt now that choosing which ones to display over the next few months is gonna be so hard 😩💖
It’s been lovely reading through and catching up on the posts on here 💙

- Yesterday I was able to take a break from studying, which was really nice after last week.
- One of my close friends came over! The house is basically empty right now, but I pulled cushions off of a couch we put out to get rid of and sat on the floor. We just chatted, ate snacks, and made top ten lists for different things! It was nice to see them ☺️
- After they left I chilled for a bit and went for a walk.
- I drew a signature for Halloween! Now I just need to figure out a lineup~
- In a similar strain, I commissioned the talented @/k o i for a spooky avi and I’m looking forwards to seeing how it turns out!
- Had some nice vegetables for dinner 😊
- Had some family friends come over today! We had a picnic, played some Just Dance, and chilled in the basement. It was great to see them, since they live so far away from us.

- One of my Famous Mushrooms turned, that was a nice surprise to stumble across this afternoon!

- tessa's Hunger Games giveaway starts tomorrow, I'm super hyped about that! Hopefully I don't die right off the bat...

- I was super mad about my spring band trip being cancelled, but I just found out that I would've missed my dress rehearsal and possibly one of the performances for the show I'm in, so that worked out! I would rather die than miss a show. If you're a fellow actor I'm sure you can relate.
For those living in Canada, I hope you've had a great Thanksgiving Day!
  • I helped my mother make lasagna! It took quite a while to get everything done, but it was well worth it as it tasted soooooo good! 😋
  • I played Tears of the Kingdom and was able to shave off a couple more side quests and shrines.
  • I went on a car stroll with my mother and sister for a couple of hours and drove down a few roads I haven't been to before. Not a lot of cars were out and about, so it was pretty relaxing!
  • This is a weird one, but with the days getting colder, hot showers feel that much better. 😌
I got to play some more Stardew Valley today!! I have a barn and two cows now (Sunshine and Rainbow), I've been upgrading my tools some, and I got my first Stardrop at the Stardew Valley Fair!!
I did some sketching! I wanted to get some practice in before I start on my first entry for the Pokémon TCG Illustration Contest, and I experimented around a little bit too.
My family and I watched some Youtube over dinner and caught up with Grian's latest episode of Hermitcraft!
Also had time to complete the Dollhouse in Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion!! I attempted Endless Mode for the first time afterwards too, which did not end well for me ahahaha
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends! I hope you had a lovely holiday! 🧡

Today I'm happy because:

- My eye has been bothering me, but last night I put a warm compress on it and then went to bed a bit early. It's starting to feel better.
- I didn't have anything urgent to take care of at work, which was good because our systems were down half the day.
- I did get a decent amount of emails cleared out of my inbox.
- It was my niece's birthday! She loved the birthday presents I sent her!
I hope everyone's had a wonderful weekend and their week is off to a great start. My stress level is literally non-existent with my new job, it's actually insane.

I talked earlier with my favorite person before her class and she admitted to missing me. I’m not used to her openly expressing her feelings, rather suppressing or denying them so it was nice to hear. She was also very affectionate today which is out of character for her, but apparently I'm different. ♡
I strongly dislike winter and everything about it, but I'm personally looking forward to the white grass on the forum background. It'll look so clean!
The non-binary pin that I ordered was shipped out today. I can't wait to see it in person. The pin looks beautiful from what I've seen online.
My shift for tomorrow got changed from starting at 8am, which I was dreading, to 1pm instead! It's still a little earlier than I would like, but it is infinitely preferable to the originally planned shift. As a night owl whose shifts have started no earlier than 3pm for the past 2+ years (most of which had been 4pm starts), even today's 11am start was not fun, and 8am would've worn me out in no time! Plus, it leaves a large enough gap between two shifts for me to actually have some time to myself between them! I also talked to the new manager that's in charge of scheduling about getting my late shifts back, and they said they wouldn't have any problems with that. It might be too late to get them for this upcoming schedule, but hopefully I'll start getting those shifts again on the schedules that follow.

It may not seem like much, but to me it means a lot!
Today's happies:

- I was able to relax a little this morning and play some acnh! I always miss out on cherry blossom season, so I'm happy I'm getting to see it this year!
- The weather was lovely today, sunny but with a nice breeze so it wasn't too warm.☀️ I had to walk to my mum's place, and it was really nice.
- Managed to get a couple lectures done!
- I think I've picked out a lineup, however I'm going to look for an extra ghostly preserves to make one I prefer a bit more! I always feel so bad trying to come up with prices though 😭 with most collectibles I never know whether I'm undercharging or overcharging.
- Excited for the halloween event!! I'm gonna try my best to participate, despite it going literally for the whole of my exam period.
- Was able to have some panettone today! My dad likes to count how many we eat each year and do "reviews" of the different brands. Haven't had any since last year though, so it was really nice!
- Ended the evening doing a call with my partner, just chatting together. It was really nice. 💚
Someone in a discord server I'm a part of posted this ultra cute picture of Buizel they found, and I haven't been able to stop myself from going back to it over and over again. It's no exaggeration to say that it is probably the cutest picture I have ever seen. Every time I look at it it's like my troubles just melt away, if only for that moment. I liked it so much that I made it my phone background so every time I turn the screen on I can see it. I just love how the little lock icon on my phone's lock screen looks like it is balancing on the Buizel's nose! I didn't set it up like that, it just happened by sheer chance!

Art is by 燃 on Twitter ("Mo," translates from Japanese as "burning" or "fired up" from what I could find online).

And here it is as my phone screen!

I know this is probably a weird thing to feel so happy about, but I just can't seem to help myself.
I'm happy that the NHL regular season kicked off today! The Bolts started off their season with a 5-3 win, which is great! Definitely some things they can improve on, but I feel like there's reason to be hopeful this season!

I'm also elated that I've been able to talk a lot with somebody over the past few days! I'm really happy with how our friendship is progressing and am excited to see how it continues to grow! 😇
This. Absoluetely, this. I wasn't expecting this. She's been even more sweet since I transferred jobs. I know she misses me but she also wants me to be happy.
I'm ecstatic that the Kings home opener is tomorrow. I'm not too confident since the Avalanche are one of the better teams, but I've learned anything can happen in hockey.
I found a phone wallpaper I'm really vibing with. Mob Psycho is a literal masterpiece. I found this picture this morning and it is perfection. I have sets of wallpapers that I swap out, but I can see myself using this particular one a lot. It's paired with a similar Mob Psycho home screen and they fit together well.
While not too many things have happened, there are still some stuff worth mentioning. :)
  • I got a decent quality of sleep last night which meant I had quite a bit of energy and being in a good mood.
  • Feel free to skip this point. On my way to work, I spotted a Mitsubishi 3000GT (Or known as the GTO in Japan) which has been roughly two years since I've last saw one! It's pleasantly surprising because it was early in the morning. In quite a bit of traffic of all times too.
  • Work went fine even though things started to pick up a bit near the end of my shift. It's been just over three months since I've started working and I'm happy that my improvement in speed when it comes to completing some tasks is becoming more noticeable. 😄
  • I ate some lasagna leftovers that my mother and I made from yesterday.
  • Played a bit of Gran Turismo 7 and tackled an online time trial to achieve silver. Not sure if I'll be able to get gold, but we'll see! Aside from that, I basically went on a cruise with a couple of cars hehe. 🚗